7,355 research outputs found

    Time-resolved spectroscopy at surfaces and adsorbate dynamics: insights from a model-system approach

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    We introduce a model description of femtosecond laser induced desorption at surfaces. The substrate part of the system is taken into account as a (possibly semi-infinite) linear chain. Here, being especially interested in the early stages of dissociation, we consider a finite-size implementation of the model (i.e., a finite substrate), for which an exact numerical solution is possible. By time-evolving the many-body wave function, and also using results from a time-dependent density functional theory description for electron-nuclear systems, we analyze the competition between several surface-response mechanisms and electronic correlations in the transient and longer time dynamics under the influence of dipole-coupled fields. Our model allows us to explore how coherent multiple-pulse protocols can impact desorption in a variety of prototypical experiments.Comment: replaces a shorter versio

    Two-loop Sunset Integrals at Finite Volume

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    We show how to compute the two-loop sunset integrals at finite volume, for non-degenerate masses and non-zero momentum. We present results for all integrals that appear in the Chiral Perturbation Therory (χ\chiPT) calculation of the pseudoscalar meson masses and decay constants at NNLO, including the case of Partially Quenched χ\chiPT. We also provide numerical implementations of the finite-volume sunset integrals, and review the results for one-loop integrals at finite volume.Comment: 45 page

    Density Functional Theory of the Hubbard-Holstein Model

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    We present a density functional theory (DFT) for lattice models with local electron-electron (e-e) and electron-phonon (e-ph) interactions. Exchange-correlation potentials are derived via dynamical mean field theory for the infinite-dimensional Bethe lattice, and analytically for an isolated Hubbard-Holstein site. These potentials exhibit discontinuities as a function of the density, which depend on the relative strength of the e-e and e-ph interactions. By comparing to exact benchmarks, we show that the DFT formalism gives a good description of the linear conductance and real-time dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, supplemental material provided as pd

    Elämänhallintaa tukeva vertaisryhmä muistisairaiden omaishoitajille : yhdessä kehitetty toteutussuunnitelma

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää omaishoitajien odotukset ja toiveet vertaisryhmälle sekä heitä omassa arjessaan voimaannuttavia seikkoja. Tavoitteena oli kehittää toteutussuunnitelma voimaannuttavalle omaishoitajien vertaisryhmälle, joka aloittaa toimintansa Taavin muistipalvelukeskuksessa. Espoon muistipalvelukeskukset tarjoavat hoiva-asumista muistisairaille ja palveluja kotona asumisen tueksi. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin yhteistyössä Espoon kaupungin pitkäaikaishoidon kanssa. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin yhteiskehittelyä, johon valittiin voimavaralähtöinen näkökulma. Yhteiskehittelyllä mahdollistettiin omaishoitajien osallisuus jo vertaisryhmän suunnitteluvaiheessa. Tapaamisia järjestettiin kaksi ja niihin osallistui kuusi omaishoitajaa sekä yksi Taavin muistipalvelukeskuksen työntekijä. Tapaamisissa tuotettu aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Tulosten mukaan omaishoitajien voimavarana on yhteinen elämä puolisoidensa kanssa, jota he haluavat jatkaa puolison sairastumisesta huolimatta. Arkea ja jaksamista tukevat harrastukset, vapaa-aika, vertaisuus sekä tiedollinen tuki. Elämänhallintaa ja voimaantumista voidaan tulosten mukaan tukea vertaisryhmässä. Tämä onnistuu tukemalla omaishoitajien omia voimavaroja sekä arjessa jaksamista vertaisuuden ja tiedollisen tuen avulla. Osallistumisen mahdollistuminen on edellytys vertaisryhmästä saatavalle tuelle. Tulosten perusteella voi todeta, että omaishoitajat eivät suinkaan koe saavansa tarvitsemaansa tietoa ja tukea riittävästi, vaikka tähän elämäntilanteeseen liittyvä tiedon tarve on tulosten mukaan suuri. Eräs ratkaisu tähän on omaishoitajille alkuvaiheessa suunnattu koulutus, joka pitää sisällään tietoa niin sairauteen kuin tukimuotoihin liittyvistä seikoista. Tällöin vertaisryhmässä voitaisiin keskittyä suuresti kaivattuun keskusteluun ja kokemusten jakamiseen. Opinnäytetyö käsittelee jo kunnallisen omaishoidon palvelujen piirissä olevia omaishoitajia, mutta voidaan arvioida, että tiedon ja tuen tarve koskettaa eritoten heitä, jotka jäävät näiden palvelujen ulkopuolelle.The purpose of this thesis was to clarify expectations and wishes that caregivers have for a peer group and also to clarify empowering elements in their everyday life. The target was to develop a scheme for an empowering peer group for caregivers initiating in Taavi Memory Service Centre. The Memory Service Centre offers care housing for people with memory disorders and services to support living at home. This thesis was carried out in cooperation with long-term care in the city of Espoo. This thesis was carried out as a qualitative research. Data for this study were collected in two sessions using co-creation. A resource-centered approach in co-creation enabled the participation of caregivers in early planning of the peer group. In total, six caregivers and one Taavi Memory Service Centre employee participated in these sessions. The data was analyzed by using a data-oriented content analysis. The results showed that sharing lives with their spouses is a resource for caregivers and they are willing to continue their lives together despite memory disease. Hobbies, leisure, peer and cognitive support are the elements which support coping in everyday life. Promoting sense of coherence and empowerment is possible in the peer group. This can be done by supporting caregivers’ own empowering elements and managing their everyday life by peer and cognitive support. However, this requires an opportunity of attendance at the peer group. The results lead to the conclusion that caregivers do not experience getting enough such information and support they need, even though the demand for information related to their life situation is great. One solution solving the lack of information and support is training for caregivers in the early-stage of disease, including information on memory disorder and support. This enables focusing on the long-awaited conversations and sharing experiences in the peer group. This thesis examines the needs of those caregivers who are already getting caregiver’s allowance and services, but it can be assumed that especially those caregivers, who are not getting the allowance, are in need for support

    A learning project organization

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    Background Today many organizations convert from being a traditional functional organization to becoming more temporary project-based organizations in order to respond to the changing environment. As a result, project-based organizations have difficulties to learn from within the project and between projects which force project members to “reinvent the wheel” over and over again. If organizations do not reflect and transfer past experiences from past projects, the quality of project learning and the transfer of learning to the surrounding organization will be poor and, as a result, reduce the quality of the project processes and reduce the value for the customers. Research question At Elekta they gather lessons from their projects. While lessons are collected and filed in a database, Elekta is still in need of support to learn from them and feed them into new projects. How can Elekta learn from past experiences in order to become a learning project organization? Delimitations Elekta requested an implementation plan to be created for their product creation process. The plan explains how the feedback model will be best implemented and within which product creation activities. Thus, an actual implementation of the process was not conducted within this project. Purpose The purpose of this thesis was to develop a feedback model which should help Elekta to learn from past experiences and apply these experiences in future projects. Moreover, the feedback model has to be integrated in Elekta’s product creation process. Thus, an implementation plan was created. creation activities. Thus, an actual implementation of the process was not conducted within this project. Methodology This master thesis project has been conducted using an explorative and descriptive strategy, where the explorative approach has been used in the first part of the thesis in order to develop the theoretical framework. The second part, which consists of empirical field work, was approached using a descriptive strategy where we describe in detail the current state at Elekta and at four other organizations. Our chosen research method is the case study method where the qualitative data was gathered from in-depth interviews and from internal documentation provided by Elekta. Along the way we have used a deductive approach, which means we first stated our research problem and then investigated secondary sources in order to form our theoretical framework. Conclusions With the theoretical framework and the empirical data from the interviews in our backpack, we propose a new lesson design template, a feedback model that takes the new lesson template into consideration, and a plan for the model’s implementation including future actions which should guide Elekta towards becoming more matured as a learning organization. The lesson design template we propose makes it easier for Elekta to gather lessons in such way that they can be applied and transferred to future projects which is an essential element in the lessons learned process. The next proposed element in the conclusion is the feedback model that will utilize lesson knowledge during process execution (e.g. planning, monitoring) to support decision-making. The feedback model uses a pull approach which means the user can search for lessons that are desirable at the time, using a knowledge repository like Elekta´s current lessons learned database. The suggested implementation plan proposes several features on how and when Elekta should review project activities and how the feedback model is best implemented in Elekta´s product creation process. Finally, a list of suggested future actions prioritized by importance shows, in a simple and lucid way, what measures that need to be taken as Elekta prepares for its first steps towards becoming a learning project organization

    Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and its agricultural benefits

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    Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) are obligate symbionts to 85% of all land-living plants. They provide P and other nutrients in exchange for carbohydrates produced in the photosynthesis. They have proven to alleviate biotic and abiotic stress and to increase soil structure and biodiversity. They also increase the quality and quantity of crop yield. These perks has sparked an interest in the agricultural field for commercially produced AMF inoculum. However, usage of these products has led to mixed results. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate twelve factors ,sorted into four main areas, and how they impact AMF efficiency from the perspective of yield increase. The areas were “inoculation composition”, “soil management”, “soil conditions and climate” and “crop qualities” (i.e. species and cultivar). A literature review was conducted using 22 articles. The articles were found on the Web of Science when searching for “yield” “field” “mycorrhiza” and handpicked based on themes related to the four areas. Generally, the factors from the areas “inoculum composition” and “soil conditions and climate” were found to be most influential. Nutrition availability and factors closely related to this (i.e soil pH, fertilization and climate) had the most impact on inoculation efficiency. The effectiveness increased with the N:P ratio under low-moderate nutrient availability. The conclusion was that inoculated AMF has a lot of potential to serve as a way to streamline P uptake and reduce the doses of P fertilizers needed for satisfactory yields
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