222 research outputs found

    Een asymmetrische snel progressieve tonsillaire tumor bij een kind van zes jaar

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    Het Burkitt-lymfoom is een slecht gedifferentieerd, zeldzaam en agressief type van het non-hodgkinlymfoom. In dit artikel beschrijven wij een casus van een meisje van zes jaar, die zich presenteerde in het Sophia Kinderziekenhuis van het Erasmus MC (Erasmus MC – Sophia) met een snel progressieve, inspiratoire stridor en een bedreigde luchtweg op basis van een forse asymmetrische suspecte zwelling van de tonsil rechts. Met een beenmergaspiraat werd de diagnose Burkitt-lymfoom bevestigd en behandeling met chemotherapie ingezet. Hierop slonk de tumor binnen enkele dagen aanzienlijk, zodat operatief ingrijpen om de luchtweg veilig te stellen, niet meer nodig was

    Improved method for assessing iron stores in the bone marrow

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    Background: Bone marrow iron microscopy has been the "gold standard'' method of assessing iron deficiency. However, the commonly used method of grading marrow iron remains highly subjective. Aim: To improve the bone marrow grading method by developing a detailed protocol that assesses iron in fragments, in macrophages around fragments and in erythroblasts. Methods: A descriptive study of marrow aspirates of 303 children (aged 6-60 months) with severe anaemia and 22 controls (children undergoing elective surgery) was conducted at hospitals in southern Malawi (2002-04). Results: Using an intensive marrow iron grading method, 22% and 39% of cases and controls had deficient iron stores, and 40% and 46% had functional iron deficiency, respectively. Further evaluation of the iron status classification by the intensive method showed that functional iron deficiency was associated with significantly increased C-reactive protein concentrations (126.7 (85.6) mg/l), and iron stores deficiency with significantly increased soluble transferrin receptor concentrations (21.7 (12.5) mg/ml). Conclusions: Iron assessment can be greatly improved by a more intense marrow examination. This provides a useful iron status classification which is of particular importance in areas where there is a high rate of inflammatory conditions

    Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery in Patients With Clinically Resectable Lung Tumors

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    To investigate the feasibility of thoracoscopic resection, a pilot study was performed in patients with clinically resectable lung tumors. In 40 patients, Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) was performed because of suspicion of malignancy. There were 29 men and 11 women with a median age of 54.8 years (range 18 to 78). Preoperative indications were suspected lung cancer and tumor in 27 patients, assessment of tumor resectability in 7 patients, and probability of metastatic tumors in 6 patients. The final diagnoses in the 27 patients with suspected lung cancer were 12 primary lung cancers, 6 lung metastases, and 9 benign lesions. The success rates for VATS (no conversion to thoracotomy) were 1 of 12 (8.3%) for resectable stage I lung cancer, 8 of 12 (66.7%) for metastatic tumors, and 9 of 9 (100%) for benign tumors. With VATS, 6 of 7 patients (85.7%), possible stage III non-small cell lung cancer, an explorative thoracotomy with was avoided, significantly reducing morbidity. The reasons for conversion to thoracotomy were 1) oncological (N2 lymph node dissection and prevention of tumor spillage) and 2) technical (inability to locate the nodule, central localization, no anatomical fissure, or poor lung function requiring full lung ventilation). The ultimate diagnoses were 19 lung cancers, 12 metastatic lung tumors, and 9 benign lung tumors. Our data show the limitations of VATS for malignant tumors in general use. These findings, together with the fact that experience in performing thoracoscopic procedures demonstrates a learning curve, may limit the use of thoracoscopic resection as a routine surgical procedure, especially when strict oncological rules are respected

    Procesevaluatie Plan van Aanpak De Venen: bottom-up de randvoorwaarden voor de toekomst bepalen

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    Dit rapport geeft de uitkomsten weer van de gehouden procesevaluatie in De Venen naar aanleiding van het Plan van Aanpak De Venen. Dit plan heeft als doel het tot stand brengen van een samenhangend gebied voor natuur- en recreatieontwikkeling, waarbij in de blijvende landbouwgebieden wordt gestreefd naar handhaving en verdere versterking van een duurzame landbouw, en het bereiken van een water- en milieukwaliteit behorend bij de aanwezige of te realiseren functies. De gehouden procesevaluatie had als doel om aan de hand van de Leercyclus van Kolb reflectie op het verleden als vertrekpunt te nemen voor acties in de toekomst. Op basis van een drietal bijeenkomsten zijn conclusies en aanbevelingen geformuleerd. De geformuleerde aanbevelingen hebben betrekking op de inhoudelijke versterking van de uitvoering en de werkprocessen in termen van coördinatie en beheersstructuur

    Bouwstenen voor de Kennisagenda Natuurlijk! Ondernemen

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    Kern van de Rijksnatuurvisie 2014 is een omslag in denken: van natuur beschermen tégen de samenleving naar natuur versterken mét de samenleving: natuur en economie profiteren van elkaar. De visie geeft een beeld van de rol die het Rijk, de provincies, andere overheden, de Europese Unie, maatschappelijke organisaties, bedrijven en burgers in de toekomst van het natuurbeleid spelen. De Rijksnatuurvisie 2014 is een belangrijk kader waarbinnen het team Natuurlijk! Ondernemen opereert. Dit project heeft tot doel om bouwstenen aan te dragen voor een kennisagenda voor het team van Economische Zaken

    Will early detection of non-axillary sentinel nodes affect treatment decisions?

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    Axillary lymph node involvement is the best prognostic factor for breast cancer survival. Staging breast cancers by axillary dissection remains standard management and is part of the UK national guidelines for breast cancer treatment. In the presence of involved axillary lymph nodes best treatment has been shown to be axillary clearance (Fentiman and Mansell, 1991), but clearly for women whose nodes are uninvolved avoidance of morbidity is optimal and this will be achieved by minimal dissection of the axilla. Thus, for node-negative women the introduction of the sentinel node biopsy technique may revolutionise the approach to the axilla. These will be women with mammographic screen detected small well and moderately differentiated tumours (Hadjiloucas and Bundred, 2000). The impact of sentinel node biopsy in women who have symptomatic large tumours is unproven, and around half of these women will require a second procedure to clear their axilla or radiotherapy as treatment. Even for those women found to have involved sentinel lymph nodes the ability to use early systemic chemotherapy followed by axillary clearance or radiotherapy may provide long-term survival gains. Sentinel node biopsy should not, however, become routine practice until randomised controlled trials have proven its benefit and safety in reducing morbidity. Several randomised controlled trials (including ALMANAC) are currently underway

    Establishing an antimicrobial stewardship program in Sierra Leone: a report of the experience of a low-income country in West Africa

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    Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a growing global health challenge that threatens to undo gains in human and animal health. Prevention and control of AMR requires functional antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) program, which is complex and often difficult to implement in low- and middle-income countries. We aimed to describe the processes of establishing and implementing an AMS program at Connaught Hospital in Sierra Leone. The project involved the setting up of an AMS program, capacity building and performing a global point prevalence survey (GPPS) at Sierra Leone's national referral hospital. Connaught Hospital established a multidisciplinary AMS subcommittee in 2021 to provide AMS services such as awareness campaigns, education and training and review of guidelines. We performed a GPPS on 175 patients, of whom more than half (98, 56.0%) were prescribed an antibiotic: 63 (69.2%) in the surgical wards and 53 (51.2%) in the medical wards. Ceftriaxone (60, 34.3%) and metronidazole (53, 30.3%) were the most common antibiotics prescribed to patients. In conclusion, it is feasible to establish and implement an AMS program in low-income countries, where most hospitalized patients were prescribed an antibiotic

    Intracranial hypotension secondary to spinal arachnoid cyst rupture presenting with acute severe headache: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Headache is a common presenting complaint and has a wide differential diagnosis. Clinicians need to be alert to clues that may suggest an underlying secondary aetiology. We describe a novel case of headache secondary to intracranial hypotension which was precipitated by the rupture of a spinal arachnoid cyst.</p> <p>Case report</p> <p>A 51-year-old Indian female presented with sudden onset severe headache suggestive of a subarachnoid haemorrage. Investigations including a computed tomography brain scan, cerebrospinal fluid examination and a magnetic resonance angiogram were normal. The headache persisted and magnetic resonance imaging revealed bilateral thin subdural collections, a spinal subarachnoid cyst and a right-sided pleural effusion. This was consistent with a diagnosis of headache secondary to intracranial hypotension resulting from spinal arachnoid cyst rupture.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Spinal arachnoid cyst rupture is a rare cause of spontaneous intracranial hypotension. Spontaneous intracranial hypotension is a common yet under-diagnosed heterogeneous condition. It should feature significantly in the differential diagnosis of patients with new-onset daily persistent headache.</p