1,022 research outputs found

    A systematic approach to multiphysics extensions of finite-element-based micromagnetic simulations: Nmag

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    Extensions of the basic micromagnetic model that include effects such as spin-current interaction, diffusion of thermal energy or anisotropic magnetoresistance are often studied by performing simulations that use case-specific ad-hoc extensions of widely used software packages such as OOMMF or Magpar. We present the novel software framework 'Nmag' that handles specifications of micromagnetic systems at a sufficiently abstract level to enable users with little programming experience to automatically translate a description of a large class of dynamical multifield equations plus a description of the system's geometry into a working simulation. Conceptually, this is a step towards a higher-level abstract notation for classical multifield mutliphysics simulations, similar to the change from assembly language to a higher level human-and-machine-readable formula notation for mathematical terms (FORTRAN) half a century ago. We demonstrate the capability of this approach through two examples, showing 1) a reduced dimensionality model coupling two copies of the micromagnetic sector and 2) the computation of a spatial current density distribution for anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR). For cross-wise validation purposes, we also show how Nmag compares to the OOMMF and Magpar packages on a selected micromagnetic toy system. We furthermore, briefly discuss the limiations of our framework and related conceptual questions

    Geometrical multilayers: coercivity in magnetic 3-D nanostructures

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    Electrodeposition of magnetic metals through self-assembly templates from polystyrene spheres is used for fabrication of magnetic nanostructures with 3-D architectures. These arrays demonstrate unusual properties including an oscillatory dependence of the coercive field on film thickness. Numerical simulations reveal that the ratio between the array period and the hole diameter in anti-dot array is a crucial parameter giving rise to qualitatively distinct magnetization reversal regimes

    Analysis of magnetoresistance in arrays of connected nano-rings

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    We study the anisotropic magnetoresistance (AME) of a 2D periodic square array of connected permalloy rings with periodicity of 1m combining experimental and computational techniques. The computational models consists of two parts: 1) the computation of the magnetization and 2) the computation of the current density. For 1), we use standard micromagnetic methods. For 2), we start from a potential difference applied across the sample, compute the resulting electric potential , and subsequently the corresponding current density based on a uniform conductiviy. We take into account the backreaction of the magnetoresistive effects onto the current density by self-consistently computing the current density and conductivity until they converge. We compare the experimentally measured AMR insight into the characteristics of the AMR data. Finally, we demonstrate the importance of taking into account the spatial variation of the current density when computing the AMR

    A soja e a saúde humana.

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    Soja na prevenção do câncer; Soja na prevenção das doenças cardiovasculares; Soja na prevenção da tensão pré-menstrual e do climatério (menopausa); Soja na prevenção da osteoporose.bitstream/item/57809/1/Documentos-178.pd

    Effect of Feed Restriction on the Behaviour and Welfare of Broiler Chickens

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    Under intensive rearing conditions, the welfare of broiler chickens may be at risk depending on genotype and sex, due to their different growth rates. The practice of quantitative feed restriction may also impact on welfare. This study aimed to evaluate behaviour and corticosterone content in plasma and faeces at different ages using 896 one-day-old chicks housed in 32 pens, allocated to 8 groups, i.e., 2 genotypes (standard vs. high breast yield) 7 2 sex 7 2 feeding plans (ad libitum vs. restricted, AL vs. FR). The feeding system affected the percentage of standing (9.84% vs. 11.7% in AL vs. FR; p 64 0.001), feeding (7.51% vs. 8.17%; p 64 0.01) and sitting/lying (67.0% vs. 64.1%; p 64 0.001), and the faeces corticosterone content (12.2 vs. 13.6 ng/g in AL vs. FR; p 64 0.10). Sex affected the percentage of pecking other chickens, standing and comfort behaviours. Changes in behaviour were recorded between high and standard breast yield genotypes with faeces corticosterone which tended to be higher in the former (p 64 0.10). Significant interactions between the main factors and age were observed. Major changes in behaviour were due to feed restriction, which stimulated activity during restriction

    primary cutaneous cd30 anaplastic large cell lymphoma in a heart transplant patient case report and literature review

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    Solid organ transplant recipients are at risk of develop ing a wide range of viral-associated malignancies, in cluding skin tumours and lymphoproliferative disorders. The risk of a post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder is 28–49 times the risk of a lymphoproliferative disorder in the normal population. Most cases are of B-cell phenotype and are associated with Epstein-Barr virus infection. Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders presenting clinically in the skin are rare and usually of B-cell phenotype. Only rare cases of cutaneous T-cell post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder have been reported previously, mostly mycosis fungoides type. We describe here a rare primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma CD30+ arising in a heart transplant patient who had a nodule on the right leg, several years after heart transplantation. The morphology and immunohistochemical findings were consistent with a CD30+ anaplastic large cell lymphoma with a T-cell phenotype. Excisional biopsy and radiotherapy of the affected area were performed. In this patient, the presence of a solitary lesion and th

    Comunidade de pequenos mamíferos de paisagens nativas e pastagens cultivadas no Pantanal da Nhecolândia.

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    O Pantanal possui uma grande diversidade de habitats, compondo uma paisagem complexa que tem sido conservada pela pecuária tradicional. Mais recentemente, a implantação de pastagem cultivada, visando ao aumento da produtividade e intensificando o sistema de produção vem alterando a paisagem pantaneira. Os resultados dessa alteração é a simplificação da composição e da complexidade da paisagem, colocando em risco a biodiversidade regional. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar alterações na comunidade de pequenos mamíferos em diferentes fitofisionomias, inclusive área alterada, em duas Fazendas no Pantanal da Nhecolândia. The Pantanal presents a great habitat diversity composing a complex landscape which has been conserved by the traditional cattle ranching. Recently, the cultivation of pastures aiming the increase of the productivity and intensification of the production system has been altering the landscape in the Pantanal. The results of this alteration é the simplification of the landscape composition and complexity, placing at risk the regional biodiversity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the changes in the small mammal communities at different phytophysiognomies, including modified areas, in two ranches at the Nhecolândia region of the Pantanal

    Role of magnetic dopants in the phase diagram of Sm1111 pnictides: The Mn case

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    The deliberate insertion of magnetic Mn dopants in the Fe sites of the optimally-doped SmFeAsO0.88-F0.12 iron-based superconductor can modify in a controlled way its electronic properties. The resulting phase diagram was investigated across a wide range of manganese contents (x) by means of muon-spin spectroscopy (muSR), both in zero- and in transverse fields, respectively, to probe the magnetic and the superconducting order. The pure superconducting phase (at x < 0.03) is replaced by a crossover region at intermediate Mn values (0.03 =< x < 0.08), where superconductivity coexists with static magnetic order. After completely suppressing superconductivity for x = 0.08, a further increase in Mn content reinforces the natural tendency towards antiferromagnetic correlations among the magnetic Mn ions. The sharp drop of Tc and the induced magnetic order in the presence of magnetic disorder/dopants, such as Mn, are both consistent with a recent theoretical model of unconventional superconductors [M. Gastiasoro et al., ArXiv 1606.09495], which includes correlation-enhanced RKKY-couplings between the impurity moments.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures. Accepted on Physical Review