88 research outputs found

    Can implicit or explicit time processing impact numerical representation? Evidence from a dual task paradigm

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    Whether the human brain processes various types of magnitude, such as numbers and time, through a shared representation or whether there are different representations for each type of magnitude is still debated. Here, we investigated two aspects of number-time interaction: the effects of implicit and explicit processing of time on numbers and the bi-directional interaction between time and number processing. Thirty-two participants were randomly assigned into two experimental groups that performed, respectively, a Single task (number comparison, with implicit time processing) and a Dual task (number comparison as a primary task, with explicit time processing as a secondary task). Results showed that participants, only in the Dual task, were faster and more accurate when processing large numbers paired with long rather than short durations, whereas the opposite pattern was not evident for small numbers. Moreover, participants were more accurate when judging long durations after having processed large rather than small numbers, whereas the opposite pattern emerged for short durations. We propose that number processing influences time processing more than vice versa, suggesting that numbers and time might be at least partially independently represented. This finding can pave the way for investigating the hierarchical representation of space, numbers, and time

    Alterations of lipid metabolism in chronic nephropathies: mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment.

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    Nephropathic subjects show an increased tendency to develop cardiovascular diseases, mainly as the consequence of several risk factors including increased oxidative stress, inflammation, physical inactivity, anemia, vascular calcification, and endothelial dysfunction. The alterations in lipid metabolism represent a relatively lesser important cause of genesis and progression of atherosclerosis. Unfortunately, in these patients the atherogenic potential of dyslipidemia may depend more on apolipoproteins than on lipid abnormalities, and may not always be recognized by measurement of plasma lipids alone. The aim of this review was therefore to analyze the main lipid alterations that can occur in nephropathic patients, as well as their causes and their effects on the cardiovascular system. The clinical evidence and recommendations for the use of lipid-regulating drugs in patients with chronic kidney disease, nephrotic syndrome, in patients undergoing hemo- and peritoneal dialysis and in transplanted patients was also reviewed. Moreover, we analyzed the link between dyslipidemia and kidney disease onset and progression and the role of statins in preventing it

    Espressione scritta per lo sviluppo della creatività e della capacità critica in Università

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    The discovery of writing has freed the thought from the context and has made it capable of interpreting the linguistic messages starting only from the word and their logical connections, more systematic categorizations and more precise codifications. Writing promotes the acquisition of cognitive schemes, promotes planning skills and the organization of one’s ideas and it improves formal expressive abilities. The essays were corrected using Calonghi and Boncori’s“Guide to Correction of Themes” (2006). The correction of the essays revealed the most frequent difficulties encountered by the Sicilian students involved in the research. Detailed data was collected on the cognitive processes to be activated and on the errors to avoid in order to define the path and the actions efficiently. The subsequent training program allowed the 236 students involved to enhance their writing skills, creativity and critical skills. The experiment was carried out with an almost experimental single-group plan, combining quantitativeand qualitative methods. The didactic effectiveness of the experiment was measured through 17 criteria concerning the evaluation of written compositions. Data analysis reveals that after three months, there has been an overall improvement in the students which can also positively affect the training intervention.La scoperta della scrittura ha svincolato il pensiero dal contesto e lo ha reso capace di interpretare i messaggi linguistici a partire solamente dalla parola e dalle loro connessioni logiche, ragionamento logico che permette argomentazioni più ampie, categorizzazioni più sistematiche, codificazioni sempre più precise. L’attività di scrittura favorisce l’acquisizione di schemi cognitivi utili alla strutturazione logica del pensiero, promuove abilità di pianificazione e diorganizzazione delle proprie idee in modo rigoroso, contribuisce allo sviluppo di capacità espressive formali. I saggi sono stati corretti usando “la Guida per la correzione dei temi” di Calonghi e Boncori (2006). Dalla correzione dei temi sono emerse le difficoltà più frequenti che incontrano gli studenti del campione siciliano. È stato possibile raccogliere dati e informazioni più dettagliate sui processi cognitivi da attivare e sugli errori da evitare per poter definire in modo più analitico il percorso, le attività e le azioni di recupero da realizzate. Il successivo intervento formativo ha permesso ai 236 studenti coinvolti di potenziare la loro competenza di espressione scritta con particolare attenzione alla creatività e alla capacità critica.L’intervento sperimentale è stato realizzato con un piano quasi sperimentale a gruppo unico, accostando metodi quantitativi e qualitativi. L’efficacia formativa dell’azione sperimentale è stata misurata attraverso 17 criteri che riguardano la valutazione delle composizioni scritte.Dall’analisi dei dati raccolti emerge che, a distanza di tre mesi, c’è stato un miglioramento generale negli studenti, che ragionevolmente si può attribuire anche all’intervento formativo

    Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure-Related Features in Chronic Headache: A Prospective Study and Potential Diagnostic Implications

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    Objective: To identify the pressure-related features of isolated cerebrospinal fluid hypertension (ICH) in order to differentiate headache sufferers with ICH from those with primary headache disorder.Methods: In this prospective study, patients with refractory chronic headaches and suspected of having cerebrospinal fluid-pressure elevation without papilledema or sixth nerve palsy, together with controls, underwent 1-h lumbar cerebrospinal fluid pressure monitoring via a spinal puncture needle.Results: We recruited 148 consecutive headache patients and 16 controls. Lumbar cerebrospinal fluid pressure monitoring showed high pressure and abnormal pressure pulsations in 93 (63 %) patients with headache: 37 of these patients with the most abnormal pressure parameters (opening pressure above 250 mm H2O, mean pressure 301 mm H2O, mean peak pressure 398 mm H2O, and severe abnormal pressure pulsations) had the most severe headaches and associated symptoms (nocturnal headache, postural headache, transient visual obscuration); 56 patients with the less abnormal pressure parameters (opening pressure between 200 and 250 mm H2O, mean pressure 228 mm H2O, mean peak pressure 316 mm H2O, and abnormal pressure pulsations) had less severe headaches and associated symptoms.Conclusions: Nocturnal and postural headache, and abnormal pressure pulsations are the more common pressure-related features of ICH in patients with chronic headache. Abnormal pressure pulsations may be considered a marker of ICH in chronic headache

    Age and Gender-related Variations of Molecular and Phenotypic Parameters in A Cohort of Sicilian Population: from Young to Centenarians

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    People are living longer, but lifespan increase does not coincide with a boost in health-span. Thus, improving the quality of life of older people is a priority. Centenarians reach extreme longevity in a relatively good health status, escaping or delaying fatal or strongly invalidating diseases. Therefore, studying processes involved in longevity is important to explain the biological mechanisms of health and well-being, since knowledge born from this approach can provide valuable information on how to slow aging. We performed the present study in a well characterized very homogeneous sample of 173 people from Western Sicily, to update existing literature on some phenotypic aspects of aging and longevity and to propose a range of values for older people. We classified 5 age groups, from young adults to centenarians, to understand the age and gender-related variations of the different parameters under study. We collected anamnestic data and performed anthropometric, bioimpedance, molecular, haematological, oxidative, and hematochemical tests, adopting a multidimensional analysis approach. An important evidence of the present study is that there are differences related to both age and gender in several biomarkers. Indeed, gender differences seem to be still poorly considered and inadequately investigated in aging as well as in other medical studies. Moreover, we often observed comparable parameters between young and centenarians rather than non-agenarians and centenarians, hypothesizing a sort of slowdown, almost followed by a reversal trend, in the decay of systemic deterioration. The study of centenarians provides important indications on how to slow aging, with benefits for those who are more vulnerable to disease and disability. The identification of the factors that predispose to a long and healthy life is of enormous interest for translational medicine in an aging world

    The place of allogeneic stem cell transplantation in aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the era of CAR-T-cell therapy

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    Chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cells are a treatment option for patients with relapse/refractory (R/R) non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), acute lymphoid leukemia and multiple myeloma. To date, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), follicular lymphoma (FL), and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) have been successfully treated with CAR-T cells directed against the CD19 antigen. However, when R/R disease persists after several treatment lines, patients with these diseases are often referred to transplantation centres to receive allogeneic stem cell transplantation (ALLO-SCT). ALLO-SCT and CAR-T cells share mechanism of actions, inducing immune effects of T-cells (and other cells after transplantation) against lymphoma cells, but they differ in several other characteristics. These differences justify unique positioning of each therapy within treatment algorithms. In this paper, we analyzed the results obtained after ALLO-SCT and CAR-T-cell therapy in patients with aggressive lymphomas (large B-cell lymphoma and MCL) to identify the ideal scenarios in which these 2 immunological therapies should be employed

    Clinical Utility of Circulating Tumour Cell Androgen Receptor Splice Variant-7 Status in Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer.

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    Abstract Background Detection of androgen receptor splice variant-7 (AR-V7) mRNA in circulating tumour cells (CTCs) is associated with worse outcome in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). However, studies rarely report comparisons with CTC counts and biopsy AR-V7 protein expression. Objective To determine the reproducibility of AdnaTest CTC AR-V7 testing, and associations with clinical characteristics, CellSearch CTC counts, tumour biopsy AR-V7 protein expression and overall survival (OS). Design, setting, and participants CTC AR-V7 status was determined for 227 peripheral blood samples, from 181 mCRPC patients with CTC counts (202 samples; 136 patients) and matched mCRPC biopsies (65 samples; 58 patients). Outcome measurements and statistical analysis CTC AR-V7 status was associated with clinical characteristics, CTC counts, and tissue biopsy AR-V7 protein expression. The association of CTC AR-V7 status and other baseline variables with OS was determined. Results and limitations Of the samples, 35% were CTC+/AR-V7+. CTC+/AR-V7+ samples had higher CellSearch CTC counts (median CTC; interquartile range [IQR]: 60, 19–184 vs 9, 2–64; Mann-Whitney test p Conclusions Studies reporting the prognostic relevance of CTC AR-V7 status must account for CTC counts. Discordant CTC AR-V7 results and AR-V7 protein expression in matched, same-patient biopsies are reported. Patient summary Liquid biopsies that determine circulating tumour cell androgen receptor splice variant-7 status have the potential to impact treatment decisions in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients. Robust clinical qualification of these assays is required before their routine use

    IAU Office of Astronomy for Education OAE Center Italy - Quarterly Report 1 January-March 2022

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    The IAU O!ce of Astronomy for Education Center Italy (I-OAE) is a joint project of a consortium of Italian partners led and represented by Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF, National Institute for Astrophysics), the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the IAU O!ce of Astronomy for Education. The Italian consortium is constituted by: INAF, the Italian Astronomical Society (SAIt) and the University of Rome Tor Vergata (ToV). I-OAE HQ are hosted by the INAF - Rome Astronomical Observatory, in Monteporzio. Personnel is selected on voluntary bases according to their interests and competence, in agreement with the Institutes they work for. Brochure of the 2021 activities: https://www.flipsnack.com/eduinaf/oaei-brochure.htmlQuarterly Report 1 January-March 2022 is the report of the activities from January to March 2022 of the IAU Office of Astronomy for Education OAE Center Italy Attachment: brochure of the activities and project 202