20 research outputs found

    Unele aspecte ale vaporizării transuretrale a adenomului de prostată

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    Summary The aim of our work was to offer our experience in the process of curing the adenoma prostate through EVAP. 38 patients that were subjected to this surgery obtained good results. This method proved its effectiveness, the urination was restored in three days. On the basis of this experience we came to the conclusion of the necessity to make the vasosection before the main surgery in order to avoid orchiepididymitis

    Aprecierea eficacităţii instalării itraoperatorii a sondei ureterale JJ în intervenţii chirurgicale pe rinichi şi ureter

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    Summary This study has been carried out on the patients operated for nephrolithiasis and hydronephrosis, including 26 patients in whom the urethral catheter JJ has been placed during the intra-operational period. The group of authors has demonstrated the efficiency of this method in open surgical interventions, which is expressed in improving post-operational dynamics and reducing the duration of inpatient treatment. Introducere. Instalarea sondei tip JJ în tratamentul conservativ şi chirurgical este o metodă eficientă în rezolvarea patologiei urologice obstructive şi inflamatorii. În ultimii 2 ani în Secţia de Urologie a IMSP SCM „Sf.Treime” se utilizează pe larg drenarea căilor urinare prin instalarea sondei tip JJ în tratamentul conservativ al urolitiazei, hidronefrozei, pielonefritei gravidelor, etc. Instalarea sondei JJ a fost utilizată şi intraoperator în tratamentul chirurgical, în caz de pielolitotomie, ureterolitotomie, plastia segmentului pieloureteral (SPU). Obiective. Scopul prezentei lucrări constă în demonstrarea avantajului în tratamentul chirurgical urologic cu instalarea sondei ureterale tip JJ. Material şi metode. Conţinutul lucrării se bazează pe studiul comparativ al tabloului clinic şi al metodelor de tratament în perioada postoperatorie. Criterile evoluţiei perioadei postoperatorii au inclus: timpul vindecării plăgii, durata funcţionării drenurilor retroperitoneale, volumul şi conţinutul eliminărilor. Studiul a fost efectuat pe un grup de 54 pacienţi, care au fost divizaţi în 2 loturi. Lotul I l-au constituit 26 de pacienţi cărora intraoperator le-a fost instalată sonda ureterală tip JJ: ureterolitotomie - 12 cazuri, pielolitotomie - 10 cazuri, plastia SPU - 4 cazuri. Lotul II la format 28 de pacienţi, fără instalarea intraoperatorie a sondei ureterale: ureterolitotomie - 16 cazuri, pielolitotomie - 10 cazuri, plastia SPU - 2 cazuri. Semnele evolutive ale perioadei postoperatorii s-au considerat: acutizarea pielonefritei (febră 37,5-39,0 ), asociată cu dereglarea urodinamicii, caracterul eliminărilor din plagă şi prezenţa urinei în ele, precum şi termenele de vindecare a plăgii şi durata postoperatorie. Rezultate. În conformitate cu rezultatele obţinute, în lotul II acutizarea pielonefritei în caz de pielolitotomie a constituit 55%, comparativ cu 30% în primul lot (cu 25% mai mult), iar durata postoperatorie fiind respectiv cu 1,6 zi mai lungă. În caz de ureterolitotomie, acutizarea pielonefritei în lotul II s-a confirmat la 47% de pacienţi, sau cu 12% mai mult în comparaţie cu lotul I. Rezultatele plastiei SPU au avut următoarele rezultate: diminuarea frecvenţei cazurilor de acutizare a pielonefritei cu 8% şi a duratei de spitalizare cu 11,5 zile în lotul I, comparativ cu lotul II. O micşorare semnificativă a duratei de spitalizare în perioada postoperatorie la bolnavii cu sonda tip JJ a fost apreciată şi în cazurile de uretero- şi pielolitotomie - cu 2,2 zile, iar în plastia SPU cu 10,5 zile. La 27% dintre pacienţii din lotul II drenurile retroperitoneale au fost înlăturate mai târziu de 8 zile, în legătură cu colecţii urinare din plagă. La toţi pacienţi din lotul I drenarea retroperitoneală s-a utilizat până la 7 zile. Aplicarea nefrostomei a fost necesară numai pacienţilor din lotul II în 35% de cazuri. Concluzie. Rezultatele cercetărilor efectuate au demonstrat că instalarea sondei ureterale tip JJ intraoperator în cazurile de uretero-, pielolitotomie şi plastiei SPU micşorează semnificativ apariţia complicaţiilor, diminuarea timpului aflării în spital şi reduce administrarea unor medicamente utilizate de către bolnavi

    Releasing incompatible males drives strong suppression across populations of wild and Wolbachia-carrying Aedes aegypti in Australia

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    Releasing sterile or incompatible male insects is a proven method of population management in agricultural systems with the potential to revolutionize mosquito control. Through a collaborative venture with the “Debug” Verily Life Sciences team, we assessed the incompatible insect technique (IIT) with the mosquito vector Aedes aegypti in northern Australia in a replicated treatment control field trial. Backcrossing a US strain of Ae. aegypti carrying Wolbachia wAlbB from Aedes albopictus with a local strain, we generated a wAlbB2-F4 strain incompatible with both the wild-type (no Wolbachia) and wMel-Wolbachia Ae. aegypti now extant in North Queensland. The wAlbB2-F4 strain was manually mass reared with males separated from females using Verily sex-sorting technologies to obtain no detectable female contamination in the field. With community consent, we delivered a total of three million IIT males into three isolated landscapes of over 200 houses each, releasing ∼50 males per house three times a week over 20 wk. Detecting initial overflooding ratios of between 5:1 and 10:1, strong population declines well beyond 80% were detected across all treatment landscapes when compared to controls. Monitoring through the following season to observe the ongoing effect saw one treatment landscape devoid of adult Ae. aegypti early in the season. A second landscape showed reduced adults, and the third recovered fully. These encouraging results in suppressing both wild-type and wMel-Ae. aegypti confirms the utility of bidirectional incompatibility in the field setting, show the IIT to be robust, and indicate that the removal of this arbovirus vector from human-occupied landscapes may be achievable

    Modelling mammalian energetics: the heterothermy problem

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    Global climate change is expected to have strong effects on the world’s flora and fauna. As a result, there has been a recent increase in the number of meta-analyses and mechanistic models that attempt to predict potential responses of mammals to changing climates. Many models that seek to explain the effects of environmental temperatures on mammalian energetics and survival assume a constant body temperature. However, despite generally being regarded as strict homeotherms, mammals demonstrate a large degree of daily variability in body temperature, as well as the ability to reduce metabolic costs either by entering torpor, or by increasing body temperatures at high ambient temperatures. Often, changes in body temperature variability are unpredictable, and happen in response to immediate changes in resource abundance or temperature. In this review we provide an overview of variability and unpredictability found in body temperatures of extant mammals, identify potential blind spots in the current literature, and discuss options for incorporating variability into predictive mechanistic models

    Gettering Technology Based on Porous Silicon

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    This paper briefly reviews a gettering technology based on porous silicon (PS). PS layers shown to have effective gettering properties for fast-diffusing impurities. Samples saturated with Au or Cu on which the PS layer made on the wafer backside, increases the generation lifetime of minority carriers from 0.05 - 0.1 mus to - 0.5 mus. The PS getter is demonstrated to be located either on the wafer backside or on the front side underneath an epitaxial layer. When formed on the wafer backside, the PS getter may be readily removed together with the absorbed impurities after the gettering process. When fabricated on the wafer front side underneath the epitaxial layer, the getter is brought closer to the wafer working regions as much as possible to provide the most effective gettering effect. At the same time, the epitaxial layer protects chemically active PS against all chemical attacks during the device manufacturing. The buried PS getter may be designed as either a continuous or discontinuous layer configured as, for example, a pattern of isolating regions in VLSI. When property adapted to the produced device conditions, the buried PS getter is shown to withstand successfully the whole VLSI production run providing advanced gain characteristics

    Waterproof, low-cost, long-battery-life sound trap for surveillance of male Aedes aegypti for rear-and-release mosquito control programmes

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    Background: Sterile male rear-and-release programmes are of growing interest for controlling Aedes aegypti, including use an "incompatible insect technique" (IIT) to suppress transmission of dengue, Zika, and other viruses. Under IIT, males infected with Wolbachia are released into the suppression area to induce cytoplasmic incompatibility in uninfected populations. These and similar mosquito-release programmes require cost-effective field surveys of both sexes to optimize the locations, timing, and quantity of releases. Unfortunately, traps that sample male Ae. aegypti effectively are expensive and usually require mains power. Recently, an electronic lure was developed that attracts males using a 484 Hz sinusoidal tone mimicking the female wingbeat frequencies, broadcast in a 120 s on/off cycle. When deployed in commercially available gravid Aedes traps (GATs), the new combination, sound-GAT (SGAT), captures both males and females effectively. Given its success, there is interest in optimizing SGAT to reduce cost and power usage while maximizing catch rates. Methods: Options considered in this study included use of a smaller, lower-power microcontroller (Tiny) with either the original or a lower-cost speaker (lcS). A 30 s on/off cycle was tested in addition to the original 120 s cycle to minimize the potential that the longer cycle induced habituation. The original SGAT was compared against other traps incorporating the Tiny-based lures for mosquito capture in a large semi-field cage. The catch rates in waterproofed versions of this trap were then compared with catch rates in standard [BG-Sentinel 2 (BGS 2); Biogents AG, Regensburg, Germany] traps during an IIT field study in the Innisfail region of Queensland, Australia in 2017. Results: The system with a low-power microcontroller and low-cost speaker playing a 30 s tone (Tiny-lcS-30s) caught the highest proportion of males. The mean proportions of males caught in a semi-field cage were not significantly different among the original design and the four low-power, low-cost versions of the SGAT. During the IIT field study, the waterproofed version of the highest-rated, Tiny-lcS-30s SGAT captured male Ae. aegypti at similar rates as co-located BGS-2 traps. Conclusions: Power- and cost-optimized, waterproofed versions of male Ae. aegypti acoustic lures in GATs are now available for field use in areas with sterile male mosquito rear-and-release programmes

    Seleção de fornecedores para atendimento às vítimas de desastres naturais considerando o lead time logístico dos produtos na fase de aquisição

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    Organizações humanitárias buscam processos eficientes e eficazes para a tomada de decisão no momento da resposta aos desastres. Evidencia-se neste estudo o uso de ferramentas logísticas para auxiliar a tomada de decisão em operações de resposta humanitária referente à coordenação de materiais para eventos em desastres naturais. Na literatura algumas abordagens têm sido propostas utilizando modelos de otimização para decisão de compras para a ajuda humanitária, sem incluir a seleção de fornecedores de forma a garantir a disponibilidade dos itens de alívio nas áreas afetadas, no momento certo. O presente trabalho visa desenvolver uma metodologia para definir o melhor conjunto de fornecedores respeitando, o tempo, a demanda e a capacidade de entrega no lugar atingido, desenvolvendo um modelo adaptado do problema do fluxo em redes. O foco desta pesquisa está nas fases da preparação e resposta, em que, com técnicas de otimização utilizada na fase da preparação, pretende-se alcançar uma resposta mais eficaz. Verificou-se que a condição de o produto estar o mais rápido possível no local de demanda foi satisfeita e foi utilizada a capacidade dos fornecedores nas datas mais próximas aos eventos com o menor custo

    Radiation generated by single and multiple volume reflection of ultrarelativistic electrons and positrons in bent crystals

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    Recently discovered processes of volume reflection and multiple volume reflection of charged particles in bent crystals are accompanied by specific electromagnetic (e.m.) radiation. The mechanism of radiation emission is quite complex due to the coexistence of different regimes for particle dynamics, resulting in e.m. generation with features characteristic of each regime. We present a simulation taking into consideration both the nondipole nature and arbitrary multiplicity of radiation accompanying volume reflection. This approach is worked out for electrons or positrons of any energy and is based on the local straight-crystal approximation and Baier-Katkov formula for radiation, the integration of which is considerably facilitated by the fast Fourier transform method. The radiation generated by multiple volume reflection with vertical and skew planes has been studied, too. A large axial contribution to the hard part of the radiative energy loss spectrum as well as the strengthening of planar radiation, with respect to the single volume reflection case, in the soft part of the spectrum are demonstrated. Both the wide spectrum and high intensity make this type of radiation quite suitable for the conversion of electron and positron beams to hard γ radiation