480 research outputs found


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    The paper aims to examine current tendencies in implementing e-learning as an integral part of the educational process. The relevance of e-learning as an advanced and effective technology of intensification and digitalization of teaching is proved. Theoretical research methods are used to analyze scientific, pedagogical and psychological researches on the issues of using e-learning while teaching students. Synthesis and analysis refine the conceptual apparatus of the study. Methods of induction and deduction have been used to establish links between basic concepts and their peculiarities, the research method has been applied to formulate conclusions of the study, the prognostic method has helped to substantiate innovations in the educational process with the use of e-learning. Scientific views have been analyzed regarding the definition of e-learning. A scientific approach to implementing e-learning in educational institutions has been carried out. Modern methods forms of e-learning have been identifies and their classification into person-oriented and group-oriented ones have been developed depending on the target audience and particular objectives of the class. It is resulted that blended e-learning can be considered as the most suitable and farsighted one. Within our investigation it has been concluded that e-learning is an effective and innovative educational technology that can improve the teaching process in educational institutions. It is been established that implementation of innovative e-learning methods at the foreign language classes have increased foreign language proficiency of students, let us involve all the group into active work, provided the best conditions for gaining listening and reading skills, increased motivation for learning, promoted personal development of students, made the teaching process student-centered.

    Biopsychosocial approach in medical rehabilitation of patients after coronavirus infection

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    This article presents the experience of defning an integrative medical and psychological model for assessing health and developing a model for subsequent rehabilitation measures based on a biopsychosocial approach. The results of the study after the rehabilitation measures: psychological correction, psychoprophylaxis of acute stress and post-traumatic stress reactions, anxiety disorders, maladaptive mental states of patients who have undergone COVID-19, improving their quality of life and adaptive capabilities in a situation of uncertaint


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    The abstract. One of the priority person s vital interests are in general safety and labor protection in the enterprises in particular. Methods. We used the methods of analysis synthesis mathematical economic and statistic as well as systematic and comprehensive approaches.The results. The method of economic efficiency from implementation of the measures of labor protection in enterprise was worked out. Scientific novelty. The proposes technique economic efficiency from implementation of the measures of labor protection at the enterprise allows to monitor the economic components of social development of enterprise, which generally affects the enhancing of the effectiveness of its work. The practical importance. It is effective for an engineer on labor protection and the specialists of the financial-economic development to use this method in order to calculate the economic efficiency of the implementation of measures for the protection of laborГлобальні проблеми людства, пов’язані із можливістю його подальшого існування та розвитку обумовили концентрацію зусиль світової спільноти на вирішенні питань сталого розвитку. Серед суттєвих, а також найбільш загрозливих небезпек людської цивілізації поряд із нестачею природних ресурсів йдуть постійні значні втрати людського потенціалу та зростання ризиків, пов’язаних із нерівністю в якості життя, умов і безпеки існування та розвитку тощо. Тому в період реформування економіки України, розробки її нової моделі та концепції розвитку на приший план має виходити людини, задоволення її життєво важливих інтересів, серед яких інтереси особистої безпеки, зокрема охорони праці займають місце пріоритетни

    One- and Two-Photon Stimulated Emission Depletion of a Sulfonyl-Containing Fluorene Derivative

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    One- and two-photon stimulated emission transitions were investigated by the fluorescence quenching of a sulfonyl-containing fluorene compound, 2,7-bis(4-(phenylsulfonyl)styryl)-9,9-didecyl-9H-fluorene (1), in solution at room temperature using a picosecond pump-probe technique. The nature of stimulated transitions under various fluorescence excitation and quenching conditions was analyzed theoretically, and good agreement with experimental data was demonstrated. Two-photon stimulated transitions S1f S0 were shown for 1 at λq) 1064 nm, representing the first report of two-photon stimulated emission depletion (STED) in a molecular system. The two-photon stimulated emission cross section, δ2PE(λq), of fluorene 1 was estimated to be ∼240-280 GM, suggesting that this compound may be a good candidate for use in two-photon STED microscopy. 1

    Вінниччина: призабуте та <не>відоме (До 85-річчя заснування Вінницької області)

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    Пропонуємо віртуальну виставку-презентацію “Вінниччина: Terra incognita”, що виконана в рамках краєзнавчого проекту університетської бібліотеки. Вона розповість про маловідомі місця, де, попри всі суспільні зміни, мирно вживаються залишки патріархальних традицій та сучасний прогрес

    Influence of obesity on biological age in patients with arterial hypertension

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to establish the relationship between metabolic disorders, overweight and obesity with markers of accelerated ageing in patients with hypertension. Materials and methods: 116 patients (the age 35–65 years, women 62.3%) with stage 1–2 grade 1–2 hypertension and low/moderate cardiovascular risk (CVR) were included in the study. 34 patients (27.59%) were obese, 50 patients (43.1%) were overweight, 32 patients (29.31%) had normal weight. Anthropometric, clinical, biochemical and molecular genetic methods (relative telomere length (RTL-b), telomerase activity (TA) and 5-methylcytosine global methyl level (GML) in DNA of blood mononuclear cells were used. Epigenetic age was calculated using the DNAm PhenoAge epigenetic clock. Results: The increase markers of carbohydrate metabolism [glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), insulin, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resista (HOMA-IR)], changes of lipid metabolism indicators [an increase in triglycerides (TG) and a decrease in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL)] were revealed in the obese group, compared with the normal weight group (p &lt; 0.05). We didn’t find differences in RTL-b in any groups (p &gt; 0.05). But at the same time obese patients had higher GML and lower TA (p &lt; 0.05). The accelerated ageing (by DNAm PhenoAge epigenetic clock) was association with higher visceral fat%, higher levels, TG, very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, all parameters of carbohydrate metabolism (HbA1c, FPG, Insulin, HOMA-IR) and lower HDL-C (p &lt; 0.05). Conclusions. Pathological weight gain associated with  the progression of metabolic disorders and accelerated ageing in patients with hypertension and low/moderate cardiovascular risk

    Архітектурні візерунки маловідомих палаців. Село Печера:великі трагедії маленького села та трохи про кохання…

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    Розповідь про древнє та мальовниче село Печера, що в Тульчинському районі. Тут знайшлось місце старовинній дерев’яній церкві Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці, побудованій на руїнах прадавнього палацу, побудованому в 1682 році для Георге Дуку, правителя тодішньої Правобережної України; неоготичній усипальниці для родини Потоцьких, роботи самого Владислава Городецького, уродженця нашого краю, а також величезному млину 19 століття, який за своїми габаритами й зовнішнім виглядом більше нагадує середньовічний замо

    Street-based adolescents at high risk of HIV in Ukraine

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    BACKGROUND: Ukraine has the highest HIV prevalence in Europe, with young people disproportionately represented among populations at high risk. One particularly vulnerable group comprises adolescents who live or work on the streets. This study aimed to measure the extent and distribution of HIV risk behaviours among street-based adolescents in four Ukrainian cities as part of a regional UNICEF HIV prevention programme for most-at-risk adolescents. METHODS: A cross-sectional behavioural survey was conducted of 805 adolescents (aged 10-19 years) in the cities of Kiev, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk and Nikolaev. Using location-based network and convenience sampling, 200 adolescents were reached in each site and were administered a standardised questionnaire on drug use, sexual behaviour, condom use, HIV knowledge, access to prevention services, experience of violence and contact with state institutions and police. RESULTS: Considerable levels of HIV risk behaviour were found, including injecting drug use among 15.5% of the sample. Almost three-quarters of adolescents had experienced sexual debut, most before the age of 15 years. Male-to-male sexual behaviour was reported by just under 10% of boys. Condom use was low although varied by partner type. There were high rates of forced sex, and 75.5% of respondents reported police harassment. CONCLUSIONS: Street-based adolescents in Ukraine are at significant risk of contracting HIV due to involvement in injecting drug use and unprotected sex in personal and commercial exchanges, including male-to-male sex. This group initiates risk behaviours at early ages, and does not appear to have good access to prevention and other health services

    Quantitative linear dichroism imaging of molecular processes in living cells made simple by open software tools

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    Fluorescence-detected linear dichroism microscopy allows observing various molecular processes in living cells, as well as obtaining quantitative information on orientation of fluorescent molecules associated with cellular features. Such information can provide insights into protein structure, aid in development of genetically encoded probes, and allow determinations of lipid membrane properties. However, quantitating and interpreting linear dichroism in biological systems has been laborious and unreliable. Here we present a set of open source ImageJ-based software tools that allow fast and easy linear dichroism visualization and quantitation, as well as extraction of quantitative information on molecular orientations, even in living systems. The tools were tested on model synthetic lipid vesicles and applied to a variety of biological systems, including observations of conformational changes during G-protein signaling in living cells, using fluorescent proteins. Our results show that our tools and model systems are applicable to a wide range of molecules and polarization-resolved microscopy techniques, and represent a significant step towards making polarization microscopy a mainstream tool of biological imaging.</p

    Delimitation of Some Taxa of Ulnaria and Fragilaria (Bacillariophyceae) Based on Genetic, Morphological Data and Mating Compatibility

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    Fragilaria and Ulnaria are two closely related diatom genera for which the delimitation and circumscription of several species is unclear. We studied strains isolated from Lake Baikal and compared them with the species from freshwater reservoirs in Europe and Asia using phylogenetic and species delimitation methods, microscopy and interclonal crossing experiments. The results of the phylogenetic analyses of the fragments of rbcL and 18S rRNA genes revealed that baikalian F. radians clade was independent from the representatives of the genus from other localities. Among Ulnaria we found the following 18S rRNA phylogenetic tree groups at species level: U. acus, U. ulna and U. danica. Genetic distance between genera varied between 3.9-10.2% substitutions in rbcL gene and 3.2-11.5% in 18S rRNA. The boundary between intraspecies and interspecies polymorphism for studied species of Ulnaria and Fragilaria in these marker genes was around 0.8% substitutions. Morphometric characters of individual strains showed their variability and division into F. radians, U. acus and U. ulna together with U. danica. Strains of U. acus and U. danica from different localities of Europe and Asia were sexually compatible inside the species. Sexual reproduction has never been observed in monoclonal cultures, either between this species or with strains of the Fragilaria