11 research outputs found

    Musei archeologici della Versilia, una rete possibile?

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    Si presentano i contenuti dei musei versiliesi, alcuni allestiti, altri in via di allestimento, per un progetto unitario di museo territoriale diffuso, con forme di gestione coordinate e sostenibili

    A Contribution to the Study of the Orientation of Etruscan Temples

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    The aim of the present contribution is to analyse the orientation of Etruscan temples in order to understand whether they followed a certain ratio or whether they were randomlyoriented. After a critical analysis of the data from azimuth measurements, an attempt is made to understand whether this ratio could depend on factors that are of ritualistic character, possibly linked to the sky and precepts of the Etrusca Disciplina which are known to us. In undertaking this study, the author has decided first to give a brief summary of previous studies on the present subject. In the final section of this paper, the author presents the data (collected in a series of field visits during the year 2013) pertaining to the azimuths of Etruscan temples, and furthermore makes some comments on the data analysis and its significance

    The challenge of responsible dispensing: formal education versus professional practice

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the education of Pharmaceutical Technicians for the activity of responsible dispensing. Based on a questionnaire with open and closed questions, the study sought to characterize the students, identify knowledge and attitudes regarding the Rational Use of Medications while addressing the limits and possibilities of professional and ethical dispensing in practice. In addition, a group dynamics session - focus group - was held as a forum for debate on responsible dispensing. The results showed that students tended to be mature, currently employed and were predominately women. Displaying adequate knowledge on Rational Use of Medications and of the corresponding legislation, the students reported difficulties exercising compatible practice. While the diagnosis pointed to the need for student preparation to enable ethical dispensing, the Focus Group highlighted the possibility for inclusion of a forum for reflection and debate on the ethics of dispensing as part of the Pharmaceutical Technician training.<br>O presente trabalho tem como proposta avaliar a formação do Técnico em Farmácia para o exercício da dispensação responsável. A partir de um questionário com perguntas fechadas e abertas, o estudo envolveu a caracterização dos alunos, a identificação de conhecimentos e atitudes em relação ao Uso Racional dos Medicamentos com vistas ao delineamento dos limites e possibilidades do exercício profissional ético na dispensação. Além disso, foi realizada uma dinâmica grupal - grupo focal - com o objetivo de apreciar a constituição de um espaço de reflexão sobre a dispensação responsável. Os resultados evidenciaram um alunato de maior idade, inserido no mercado de trabalho e predominância de mulheres. Dispondo de conhecimento adequado sobre o Uso Racional dos Medicamentos e da legislação correspondente os alunos fazem referência às dificuldades no exercício de uma prática condizente. Se o diagnóstico apontou para a necessidade de ser trabalhada a preparação do aluno para o desempenho ético na dispensação, o Grupo Focal apontou para a possibilidade de inclusão de espaços para reflexão e debate sobre a ética na dispensação no processo de formação do Técnico em Farmácia

    Notes on Etruscan cosmology: the case of the Tumulus of the Crosses at Cerveteri

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    The aim of this contribution is to test the possibility of the use of cosmological principles connected with Etruscan religion, for composing an inscription which is incised on the wall of a passageway running beneath a ramp attached to the northeast side of the Tumulus of the Crosses, in the Banditaccia necropolis at Cerveteri. The ramp features a stairway leading to a \ufb02at ceremonial platform. On the basis of the letterforms the inscription may be dated to the end of the seventh or the beginning of the sixth century BCE. It is a rare example of a monumental inscription of the Orientalizing period of Etruscan Civilization. Directly beneath the inscription is a sign (siglum) formed by a cross inscribed in a circle. This sign has been recognized as the representation of the Etruscan concept of sacred space, whose crucial attributes are delimitation, division and orientation. A recent new reading of the inscription points out four theonymic elements, which recall divinities that, in the Etruscan cosmology, it may be argued, occupied the northeastern quadrant of the sky. Any ampli\ufb01cation of this recent new reading must take into account interdisciplinary research focused on a possible relationship, in the \ufb01eld of archaeoastronomy, between the theonymic elements and the physical space that they occupy on the wall of the passageway, since the ramp is a crucial element of Etruscan funerary cultic practices