9 research outputs found

    Avaliação sensorial da carne de cordeiros machos e fĂȘmeas Texel × Corriedale terminados em diferentes sistemas Sensory evaluation of meat lambs from males and femeles Texel × Corriedale finished in different systems

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    O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do sexo e de trĂȘs sistemas de terminação nas caracterĂ­sticas sensoriais da carne de cordeiros Texel × Corriedale e na aceitação da carne pelo consumidor. Foram utilizados 90 animais, 45 cordeiros machos nĂŁo-castrados e 45 fĂȘmeas mantidos em pastagem atĂ© o desmame (70 dias) e terminados em trĂȘs sistemas de produção: pastagem; pastagem ao pĂ© da mĂŁe; e pastagem com suplementação (casca de soja em nĂ­vel correspondente a 1% do peso vivo dos cordeiros). ApĂłs o abate, as carcaças foram armazenadas em cĂąmara fria, com ar forçado, a 1ÂșC, durante 24 horas, para retirada do mĂșsculo longissimus dorsi, que foi congelado a -18ÂșC para anĂĄlise sensorial. A caracterização sensorial da carne foi realizada por meio da anĂĄlise descritiva quantitativa: 22 termos descritivos foram desenvolvidos por uma equipe de julgadores selecionados, que geraram tambĂ©m a definição de cada termo e as amostras-referĂȘncia. Foi realizado um teste de aceitação utilizando escala hedĂŽnica hĂ­brida de nove pontos. A carne dos machos e dos animais terminados em pastagem ao pĂ© da mĂŁe caracterizou-se pelo odor e sabor residual mais suaves de carne ovina e gordura, menor maciez e maior mastigabilidade em comparação Ă  das fĂȘmeas e dos animais terminados nos demais sistemas. As carnes dos cordeiros terminados nos sistemas de pastagem e de pastagem com suplementação sĂŁo semelhantes quanto aos aspectos sensoriais. A carne Ă© igualmente aceita pelos consumidores, independentemente do sexo e do sistema de terminação, apresentando boa aceitação.<br>The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of sex and of three finishing systems on sensory traits of Texel × Corriedale lamb meat an on the consumer acceptance of the meat. It was used 90 animals, 45 non-castrated male lambs and 45 females kept on pasture until weaning (70 days of age) and finished in three production systems: pasture, pasture with mother, and pasture with supplementation (soybean hull corresponding to 1% of life weight of the lambs). After slaughter, carcasses were stored in cold chamber, with forced air at 1ÂșC until reaching 24 hours for removal of longissimus dorsi muscle which had been frozen at -18ÂșC for sensory analysis. Meat sensorial characterization was performed by quantitative descriptive analyses: 22 descriptive terms were developed by a team of selected judges who also created the definition for each term and the reference-samples. Acceptability test was performed by using a nine-point hybrid hedonic scale. Meat of male animals and of animals finished in pasture with the mother was characterized by the flavor and softer residual taste sheep meat and fat, less softness and higher chewiness in comparison to the meat of female and of animals finished in the other systems. Meat of lambs finished in pasture systems and pasture with supplementation were similar regarding to sensory aspects. Meat was equally accepted by the consumers, regardless of sex and finishing system, presenting good acceptability

    Sheep production as a Senecio spp. control tool

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    Since poisoning by Senecio spp. is one of the main causes of cattle death in southern Brazil, control of these plants is a priority for the local livestock production. After the pasture has been mowed, grazing by 16 sheep was efficient for controlling Senecio brasiliensis and Senecio madagascariensis populations in a 5.5-hectare area that had long been severely infested with these species. A total of 28,629 plants among S. brasiliensis (flower-of-souls, 10,122) and S.madagascariensis (fireweed, 18,507) were almost completely eliminated in a two-year period. The number of sheep was kept at 3.0 stock units/ha, but a variable number of cattle were temporarily stocked according to pasture availability. The major sanitary practice applied to the sheep was anthelmintic administration. Liver biopsies taken from sheep and cattle before and after experimental period didn't reveal any change associable with seneciosis. The performance levels of the sheep were comparable to those observed in flocks managed under traditional extensive grazing systems in southern Brazil

    Antiepileptic drug discontinuation by people with epilepsy in the general population

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    Objective: Rate, reasons, and predictors of antiepileptic drug (AED) discontinuation were investigated in a well-defined cohort of people with epilepsy to verify efficacy and tolerability of treatment up to 20 years from treatment initiation. Methods: The history of AED usage in children and adults with epilepsy registered with 123 family physicians in an area of Northern Italy between 2000 and 2008 was recorded. Cumulative probabilities of AED withdrawal for specific reasons were estimated using cumulative incidence functions. The probabilities of withdrawing for terminal remission, and of achieving sustained remission while still on treatment, were also evaluated. The roles of sex, age at diagnosis, seizure types, duration at diagnosis, and syndrome were assessed with hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Results: Seven hundred thirty-one of 747 individuals were treated with one or more AEDs during the disease course. The three commonest drugs were valproate, carbamazepine, and phenobarbital. Reported reasons for AED withdrawal were, in decreasing order, terminal remission, ineffectiveness, and adverse events. The probability of withdrawing the first AED for terminal remission was 1.0% at 1 year and increased to 20.0% at 20 years. Corresponding rates were 2.9% and 12.6% for ineffectiveness and 0.5% and 3.3% for adverse events. Reasons for withdrawal varied with individuals' age, sex, disease characteristics, and drugs. Significance: The initial AED given was retained in the majority of cases. Terminal remission, lack of efficacy, and adverse effects were, in decreasing order, the commonest reasons for AED discontinuation. Withdrawal could be predicted by age at diagnosis, sex, and clinical characteristics and varies among drugs

    Long-term prognosis of epilepsy, prognostic patterns and drug resistance : a population-based study

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    Background and purpose: Seizures in most people with epilepsy remit but prognostic markers are poorly understood. There is also little information on the long-term outcome of people who fail to achieve seizure control despite the use of two antiepileptic drugs (drug resistance). Methods: People with a validated diagnosis of epilepsy in whom two antiepileptic drugs had failed were identified from primary care records. All were registered with one of 123 family physicians in an area of northern Italy. Remission (uninterrupted seizure freedom lasting 2 years or longer) and prognostic patterns (early remission, late remission, remission followed by relapse, no remission) were determined. Results: In all, 747 individuals (381 men), aged 11 months to 94 years, were followed for 11 045.5 person-years. 428 (59%) were seizure-free. The probability of achieving 2-year remission was 18% at treatment start, 34% at 2 years, 45% at 5, 52% at 10 and 67% at 20 years (terminal remission, 60%). Epilepsy syndrome and drug resistance were the only independent predictors of 2- and 5-year remission. Early remission was seen in 101 people (19%), late remission in 175 (33%), remission followed by relapse in 85 (16%) and no remission in 166 (32%). Treatment response was the only variable associated with differing prognostic patterns. Conclusion: The long-term prognosis of epilepsy is favourable in most cases. Early seizure remission is not invariably followed by terminal remission and seizure outcome varies according to well-defined patterns. Prolonged seizure remission and prognostic patterns can be predicted by broad syndromic categories and the failure of two antiepileptic drugs

    La terapia insulinica sottocutanea continua (CSII) in Italia. Terza indagine nazionale

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    Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) is increasingly being used worldwide, mostly thanks to technical improvements. This study examined the current status of CSII in Italy. Physicians in charge of 272 diabetes centers caring for patients using CSII were sent a questionnaire investigating clinical features, pump technology and management of these patients; a large proportion (217 centers, 79.8%) joined the study. By end-April 2013, data had been collected on 10152 patients treated with CSII; 98.2% had type 1 diabetes, 82.4% were adults, 57% female. Only just over half the centers (59%) managed more than 20 CSII patients each. The distribution of patients varied widely both among and within different regions. The main indication for CSII was the de- sire to improve glycemic control. Dropouts (8.65%) were mainly due to difficulties with pump wearability or non-optimal glycemic control. Among CSII patients 61% used a traditional pump, 39% a sensor augmented pump. Only 68% used the CSII advanced functions and glucose sensors were used twelve days per month on average. Round-the-clock assistance was guaranteed in 81% of centers; a full diabetes team followed patients in only 40% of adult-care centers and 50% of pediatric units. CSII is increasingly used in Italy, by adults and pediatric patients. However, further work is needed to unify treatment strategies throughout the country and to encourage optimal pump use and applications

    La terapia insulinica sottocutanea continua (CSII) in Italia. Terza indagine nazionale

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    Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) is increasingly being used worldwide, mostly thanks to technical improvements. This study examined the current status of CSII in Italy. Physicians in charge of 272 diabetes centers caring for patients using CSII were sent a questionnaire investigating clinical features, pump technology and management of these patients; a large proportion (217 centers, 79.8%) joined the study. By end-April 2013, data had been collected on 10152 patients treated with CSII; 98.2% had type 1 diabetes, 82.4% were adults, 57% female. Only just over half the centers (59%) managed more than 20 CSII patients each. The distribution of patients varied widely both among and within different regions. The main indication for CSII was the de- sire to improve glycemic control. Dropouts (8.65%) were mainly due to difficulties with pump wearability or non-optimal glycemic control. Among CSII patients 61% used a traditional pump, 39% a sensor augmented pump. Only 68% used the CSII advanced functions and glucose sensors were used twelve days per month on average. Round-the-clock assistance was guaranteed in 81% of centers; a full diabetes team followed patients in only 40% of adult-care centers and 50% of pediatric units. CSII is increasingly used in Italy, by adults and pediatric patients. However, further work is needed to unify treatment strategies throughout the country and to encourage optimal pump use and applications

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