69 research outputs found


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    The Brazilian state of São Paulo has a remarkable capacity in science, technology and innovation (ST&I), holding important universities, research institutions, funding agencies and enterprises research and development centers. During the last fifteen years new public policies aiming to promote innovation were established in Brazil. Although the robustness of São Paulo innovation system and the innovation laws in force, there are still bottlenecks to overcome in the São Paulo innovation system. This study aims rethink the innovation system of São Paulo under the demand-side policies approach. Our method is based on a descriptive and documental analysis, from the data and information available by governmental agencies, ministries and institutes. Our results suggest that the review of public policies on ST&I shall emphasize the demand-side combined with the state capacities in turn

    Rethinking The Innovation System Of São Paulo Under The Demand-Side Policies Approach

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    The Brazilian state of São Paulo has a remarkable capacity in science, technology and innovation (ST&I), holding important universities, research institutions, funding agencies and enterprises research and development centers.During the last fifteen years new public policies aiming to promote innovation were established in Brazil. Although the robustness of São Paulo innovation system and the innovation laws in force, there are still bottlenecks to overcome in the São Paulo innovation system. This study aims rethink the innovation system of São Paulo under the demand-side policies approach. Our method is based on a descriptive and documental analysis, from the data and information available by governmental agencies, ministries and institutes. Our results suggest that the review of public policies on ST&I shall emphasize the demand-side combined with the state capacities in turn

    Biodiesel in Brazil: Agricultural R&D at Petrobras Biocombustível

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    The expansion of the use of biofuels is based on the implementation of public policies to support production, technological development and the market. In Brazil, the National Program for the Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB) seeks to articulate these incentives and attract private initiative in promoting sustainable production. Investigating the business actions for the development of new technologies in the face of public stimulation motivates this article that aims to analyze the Research and Development (R&D) strategies of Petrobras Biocombustível in the production of biodiesel. The case study is based on the theoretical arguments of the Entrepreneur State and on a case study accompanied by a qualitative analysis. The results indicate that the formation of agricultural research networks favored the construction of knowledge, research infrastructures and training of people, but did not innovated the production of biodiesel

    A terminological study about university-society relations: third mission, socioeconomic surroundings and the evolution of the role of academia

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    The relationships and interactions between universities and society that go beyond the teaching and research missions have been termed differently by various groups of scholars and in different countries and are more commonly known by the term “university extension”. The different views and interpretations of university missions relate to the development of the understanding of the role of this institution in society. In respect to this, the purpose of the article was to present, based on extensive literature review, the conceptualization of the main terms commonly used to express the university-society relations: third mission, outreach, extension, vinculación, engagement-community and civic. The research results allow us to conclude that the terms studied arise from very similar situations and purposes, namely: teaching and research missions and responsibilities of the university vis-à-vis new visions of the social pact or contract between academic science and society174

    Institutionalization of Research Administration in Brazil: Some Evidences

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    The arrangement of different research institutions and partners, including public funding agencies, is mandatory to address the current science, technology and innovation challenges. The access and maintenance of research collaboration networks require high level of competence and efficiency by the organizations. The multidisciplinary and multi-institutional research projects require management and administrative activities to achieve project goals in the expected time and cost, and the Research Administration (RA) professionals can be an important facilitator in the implementation of a governance strategy. The two case studies presented in this article illustrates the creation of RA institutional elements in Brazil that is evidence of the willingness to face the bureaucracy and practical consequences of the disconnection of science, technology and innovation policy actors. The searching for more efficiency and impacting results is directly related to the bureaucracy and transaction costs minimization and the maturity of the STI institutional and governance structure

    Institutionalization of Research Administration in Brazil: Some Evidences

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    The arrangement of different research institutions and partners, including public funding agencies, is mandatory to address the current science, technology and innovation challenges. The access and maintenance of research collaboration networks require high level of competence and efficiency by the organizations. The multidisciplinary and multi-institutional research projects require management and administrative activities to achieve project goals in the expected time and cost, and the Research Administration (RA) professionals can be an important facilitator in the implementation of a governance strategy. The two case studies presented in this article illustrates the creation of RA institutional elements in Brazil that is evidence of the willingness to face the bureaucracy and practical consequences of the disconnection of science, technology and innovation policy actors. The searching for more efficiency and impacting results is directly related to the bureaucracy and transaction costs minimization and the maturity of the STI institutional and governance structure

    The Challenges of Teaching and Training in Intellectual Property

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    The article discusses the challenges of teaching Intellectual Property (IP) in the University of Campinas (Unicamp, Brazil), with reference to the data obtained from a large survey and analysis of the disciplines offered in the undergraduate, graduate and university extension courses, and interviews with professors responsible for these courses and disciplines. The results indicate that although Unicamp has a prominent role in promoting innovation, occupying the second position in the ranking of the largest depositors of patent applications in Brazil, the teaching of the subject in the institution still relies on individual initiatives of the professors themselves, being exclusively dependent on the interest and skills of these individuals rather than a more general orientation of the university. The discussion closes with some observations as to how education and training in IP could be improved, in an attempt to convert them into instruments conducive to the promotion of innovation within nations

    A abordagem neo-shumpeteriana do processo de coevolução tecnológica e institucional

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    O presente artigo discute o processo de coevolução tecnológica e institucional. Trata-se de um tema que vem sendo bastante debatido, notadamente em trabalhos de inspiração neo-schumpeteriana. Entende-se que essa discussão pode favorecer a proposição de políticas de ciência e de tecnologia de modo a melhor organizar o processo de inovação. Utiliza-se como exemplo o processo de organização da pesquisa agrícola.

    O avanço na utilização de sementes geneticamente modificadas no mundo e suas implicações para a pesquisa agrícola no Brasil

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    A área cultivada com sementes geneticamente modificadas (GM) vem crescendo de forma expressiva nos últimos anos. Isso ocorre em diversos países, inclusive no Brasil. Mesmo sendo a liberação oficial para o plantio de soja e algodão transgênicos algo relativamente recente, o país já é o terceiro entre os produtores de cultivos GM no Mundo, atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos e da Argentina. A liberação para plantio de milho, ocorrida na primeira quinzena de fevereiro último, deve dar mais suporte para a expansão desse tipo de cultivo no país. Entre outras coisas, isso levanta importantes questões para o futuro da pesquisa agrícola no Brasil, tanto pública quanto privada

    Sistemas de inovação e a internacionalização da P&D: novas questões, novos problemas?

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    Os Sistemas de Inovação (SI) têm sido bastante debatidos pela literatura econômica. Uma das dimensões estudadas relaciona o processo de globalização e suas implicações na definição das políticas públicas de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (CTI). Em geral, o objeto deste tipo de análise recai sobre as formas de incentivos aos investimentos das organizações transnacionais. Por outro lado, pouca atenção é dada às situações em que empresas e instituições nacionais internacionalizam suas atividades de P&D, muitas vezes contando com incentivos por parte dos governos nacionais. O objetivo deste trabalho é abordar essa questão a partir da análise do sistema brasileiro de CTI e, de modo a exemplificar o fenômeno em tela, do processo de maior inserção externa da pesquisa realizada pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa).