647 research outputs found

    Resonance Interaction Induced by Metal Surfaces Catalyses Atom Pair Breakage

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    We present the theory for retarded resonance interaction between two identical atoms at arbitrary positions near a metal surface. The dipole-dipole resonance interaction force that binds isotropically excited atom pairs together in free space may turn repulsive close to an ideal (totally reflecting) metal surface. On the other hand, close to an infinitely permeable surface it may turn more attractive. We illustrate numerically how the dipole-dipole resonance interaction between two oxygen atoms near a metal surface may provide a repulsive energy of the same order of magnitude as the ground-state binding energy of an oxygen molecule. As a complement we also present results from density-functional theory.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Retardation turns the van der Waals attraction into Casimir repulsion already at 3 nm

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    Casimir forces between surfaces immersed in bromobenzene have recently been measured by Munday et al. Attractive Casimir forces were found between gold surfaces. The forces were repulsive between gold and silica surfaces. We show the repulsion is due to retardation effects. The van der Waals interaction is attractive at all separations. The retardation driven repulsion sets in already at around 3 nm. To our knowledge retardation effects have never been found at such a small distance before. Retardation effects are usually associated with large distances

    Enlarged Molecules from Excited Atoms in Nanochannels

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    The resonance interaction that takes place in planar nanochannels between pairs of excited state atoms is explored. We consider interactions in channels of silica, zinc oxide and gold. The nanosized channels induce a dramatically different interaction from that in free space. Illustrative calculations for two lithium and cesium atoms, demonstrate that there is a short range repulsion followed by long range attraction. The binding energy is strongest near the surfaces. The size of the enlarged molecule is biggest at the center of the cavity and increases with channel width. Since the interaction is generic, we predict that enlarged molecules are formed in porous structures, and that the molecule size depends on the size of the nanochannelsComment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Ultrathin Metallic Coatings Can Induce Quantum Levitation between Nanosurfaces

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    There is an attractive Casimir-Lifshitz force between two silica surfaces in a liquid (bromobenze or toluene). We demonstrate that adding an ultrathin (5-50{\AA}) metallic nanocoating to one of the surfaces results in repulsive Casimir-Lifshitz forces above a critical separation. The onset of such quantum levitation comes at decreasing separations as the film thickness decreases. Remarkably the effect of retardation can turn attraction into repulsion. From that we explain how an ultrathin metallic coating may prevent nanoelectromechanical systems from crashing together.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Clinical Camel: An Open Expert-Level Medical Language Model with Dialogue-Based Knowledge Encoding

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    We present Clinical Camel, an open large language model (LLM) explicitly tailored for clinical research. Fine-tuned from LLaMA-2 using QLoRA, Clinical Camel achieves state-of-the-art performance across medical benchmarks among openly available medical LLMs. Leveraging efficient single-GPU training, Clinical Camel surpasses GPT-3.5 in five-shot evaluations on all assessed benchmarks, including 64.3% on the USMLE Sample Exam (compared to 58.5% for GPT-3.5), 77.9% on PubMedQA (compared to 60.2%), 60.7% on MedQA (compared to 53.6%), and 54.2% on MedMCQA (compared to 51.0%). In addition to these benchmarks, Clinical Camel demonstrates its broader capabilities, such as synthesizing plausible clinical notes. This work introduces dialogue-based knowledge encoding, a novel method to synthesize conversational data from dense medical texts. While benchmark results are encouraging, extensive and rigorous human evaluation across diverse clinical scenarios is imperative to ascertain safety before implementation. By openly sharing Clinical Camel, we hope to foster transparent and collaborative research, working towards the safe integration of LLMs within the healthcare domain. Significant challenges concerning reliability, bias, and the potential for outdated knowledge persist. Nonetheless, the transparency provided by an open approach reinforces the scientific rigor essential for future clinical applications.Comment: for model weights, see https://huggingface.co/wanglab

    Mapping of agricultural subsurface drainage systems using a frequency-domain ground penetrating radar and evaluating its performance using a single-frequency multi-receiver electromagnetic induction instrument

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    Subsurface drainage systems are commonly used to remove surplus water from the soil profile of a poorly drained farmland. Traditional methods for drainage mapping involve the use of tile probes and trenching equipment that are time-consuming, labor-intensive, and invasive, thereby entailing an inherent risk of damaging the drainpipes. Effective and efficient methods are needed in order to map the buried drain lines: (1) to comprehend the processes of leaching and offsite release of nutrients and pesticides and (2) for the installation of a new set of drain lines between the old ones to enhance the soil water removal. Non-invasive geophysical soil sensors provide a potential alternative solution. Previous research has mainly showcased the use of time-domain ground penetrating radar, with variable success, depending on local soil and hydrological conditions and the central frequency of the specific equipment used. The objectives of this study were: (1) to test the use of a stepped-frequency continuous wave three-dimensional ground penetrating radar (3D-GPR) with a wide antenna array for subsurface drainage mapping and (2) to evaluate its performance with the use of a single-frequency multi-receiver electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensor in-combination. This sensor combination was evaluated on twelve different study sites with various soil types with textures ranging from sand to clay till. While the 3D-GPR showed a high success rate in finding the drainpipes at five sites (sandy, sandy loam, loamy sand, and organic topsoils), the results at the other seven sites were less successful due to the limited penetration depth of the 3D-GPR signal. The results suggest that the electrical conductivity estimates produced by the inversion of apparent electrical conductivity data measured by the EMI sensor could be a useful proxy for explaining the success achieved by the 3D-GPR in finding the drain lines

    Mapping subsurface drainage in agricultural areas using a frequency-domain ground penetrating radar

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    Artificial subsurface drainage systems are installed in agricultural areas to remove excess water and convert poorly naturally drained soils into productive cropland. Some of the most productive agricultural regions in the world are a result of subsurface drainage practices. Drain lines provide a shortened pathway for the release of nutrients and pesticides into the environment, which presents a potentially increased risk for eutrophication and contamination of surface water bodies. Knowledge of drain line locations is often lacking. This complicates the understanding of the local hydrology and solute dynamics and the consequent planning of mitigation strategies such as constructed wetlands, saturated buffers, bioreactors, and nitrate and phosphate filters. In addition, accurate knowledge of the existing subsurface drainage system is required in designing the installation of a new set of drain lines to enhance soil water removal efficiency. The traditional methods of drainage mapping involve the use of tile probes and trenching equipment which are time-consuming, tiresome, and invasive, thereby carrying an inherent risk of damaging the drain pipes. Non-invasive geophysical sensors provide a potential alternative solution to the problem. Previous research has focused on the use of time-domain ground penetrating radar (GPR) with variable success depending on local soil and hydrological conditions and the center frequency of the specific equipment used. For example, 250 MHz antennas proved to be more suitable for drain line mapping. Recent technological advancements enabled the collection of high-resolution spatially exhaustive data. In this study, we present the use of a stepped-frequency continuous wave (SFCW) 3D-GPR (GeoScope Mk IV 3D-Radar with DXG1820 antenna array) mounted in a motorized survey configuration with real-time georeferencing for subsurface drainage mapping. The 3D-GPR system offers more flexibility for application to different (sub)surface conditions due to the coverage of wide frequency bandwidth (60-3000 MHz). In addition, the wide array swathe of the antenna array (1.5 m covered by 20 measurement channels) enables effective coverage of three-dimensional (3D) space. The surveys were performed on twelve different study sites with various soil types with textures ranging from sand to clay till. While we achieved good success in finding the drainage pipes at five sites with sandy, sandy loam, loamy sand and organic topsoils, the results at the other seven sites with more clay-rich soils were less successful. The high attenuation of electromagnetic waves in highly conductive clay-rich soils, which limits the penetration depth of the 3D-GPR system, can explain our findings obtained in this research

    Casimir-Lifshitz interaction between ZnO and SiO2 nanorods in bromobenzene: retardation effects turn the interaction repulsive at intermediate separations

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    We consider the interaction between a ZnO nanorod and a SiO2 nanorod in bromobenzene. Using optical data for the interacting objects and ambient we calculate the force - from short-range attractive van der Waals force to intermediate range repulsive Casimir-Lifshitz force to long range entropically driven attraction. The nonretarded van der Waals interaction is attractive at all separations. We demonstrate a retardation driven repulsion at intermediate separations. At short separations (in the nonretarded limit) and at large separations (in the classical limit) the interaction is attractive. These effects can be understood from an analysis of multiple crossings of the dielectric functions of the three media as functions of imaginary frequencies.Comment: 3.5 pages, 3 figure