153 research outputs found

    Стилістичні особливості хорових творів для дітей Б. Фільц на канонічні тексти

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    Авторка пропонованої читачам статті звертається до творів канонічної тематики відомої української композиторки Б. Фільц, досліджуючи особливості її авторської стилістики в аспекті виявлення співвідношень оригінальних та традиційних чинників, особливостей формотворення та циклічної драматургії.Автор предлагаемой читателям статьи исследует особенности авторской стилистики в аспекте выявления соотношений между оригинальными и традиционными факторами, особенностями формообразования, циклической драматургии.The author of the article, proposed to the readers, turns her attention to the works of the canonical thematics by the famous Ukrainian composer B. Filts, investigating the special features of her stylistics in the aspect of development of the relationships between the original and traditional factors, the special features of the forming and cyclic dramaturgy

    Catalytic upgrading of refinery cracked products by trans-hydrogenation: a review

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    The production of high premium fuel is an issue of priority to every refinery. The trans-hydrogenation process is devised to convert two low valued refinery cracked products to premium products; the conversion processes involve the combination of dehydrogenation and hydrogenation reaction as a single step process. The paper reviews the recent literature on the use of catalysts to convert low value refinery products (i.e. alkanes and alkynes or alkadienes) to alkenes (olefins) by trans-hydrogenation. Catalysts based on VOx, CrOx and Pt all supported on alumina have been used for the process. However, further studies are still required to ascertain the actual reaction mechanism, mitigating carbon deposition and catalyst deactivation, and the role of different catalysts to optimize the reaction desired products

    Enhanced Photoresponse of FeS₂ Films: The Role of Marcasite-Pyrite Phase Junctions

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    The beneficial role of marcasite in iron-sulfide-based photo-electrochemical applications is reported for the first time. A spectacular improvement of the photoresponse observed experimentally for mixed pyrite/marcasite-FeS2 films can be ascribed to the presence of p/m phase junctions at the interface. Density functional theory calculations show that the band alignment at the phase boundary contributes to enhanced charge separation and transfer across the interface

    Міжнародна наукова конференція "Архівознавство як наука"

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    Проаналізовано внесок істориків і архівістів України в розвиток архівної науки. Вказуються основні розділи архівознавства як науки, що вимагають подальших досліджень.Проанализирован вклад историков и архивистов Украины в развитие архивной науки. Указываются основные разделы архивоведения как науки, которые требуют дальнейших исследований.A contribution of Ukrainian historians and archivists to the archival science development is covered. The basic sections of the archival science which need the further study are indicated

    Identification of Photoexcited Electron Relaxation in a Cobalt Phosphide Modified Carbon Nitride Photocatalyst

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    Transition metal phosphides have been recognized as efficient co-catalysts to boost the activity of semiconductor photocatalysts. However, a rigorous and quantitative understanding is still to be developed about how transition metal phosphides influence photoexcited electron dynamics. Here, we present a nanosecond time-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy (TAS) study of the photoexcited electron dynamics in carbon nitrides (g-C3N4) before and after Co and/or P modifications. Our spectroscopic study showed that Co or P lowered the initial electron density, whereas they promoted the photoexcited electron relaxation of g-C3N4, with their half-life times (t50%) of 2.5 and 1.8 ns, respectively. The formation of a CoP co-catalyst compound promoted the electron relaxation (t50%=2.8 ns) without significantly lowering the charge separation efficiency. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were undertaken to explore the underlying fundamental reasons and they further predicted that CoP, compared to Co or P modification, better facilitates photoexcited electron transfer from g-C3N4 to reactants

    Structural characterization of vanadium oxide catalysts supported on nanostructured silica SBA-15 using X-ray absorption spectroscopy

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    The local structure of vanadium oxide supported on nanostructured SiO2 (VxOy/SBA-15) was investigated by in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Because the number of potential parameters in XAS data analysis often exceeds the number of "independent" parameters, evaluating the reliability and significance of a particular fitting procedure is mandatory. The number of independent parameters (Nyquist) may not be sufficient. Hence, in addition to the number of independent parameters, a novel approach to evaluate the significance of structural fitting parameters in XAS data analysis is introduced. Three samples with different V loadings (i.e. 2.7 wt %, 5.4 wt %, and 10.8 wt %) were employed. Thermal treatment in air at 623 K resulted in characteristic structural changes of the V oxide species. Independent of the V loading, the local structure around V centers in dehydrated VxOy/SBA-15 corresponded to an ordered arrangement of adjacent V2O7 units. Moreover, the V2O7 units were found to persist under selective oxidation reaction conditions