41 research outputs found

    The Intracellular Localization of ID2 Expression Has a Predictive Value in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    ID2 is a member of a subclass of transcription regulators belonging to the general bHLH (basic-helix-loophelix) family of transcription factors. In normal cells, ID2 is responsible for regulating the balance between proliferation and differentiation. More recent studies have demonstrated that ID2 is involved in tumor progression in several cancer types such as prostate or breast

    Perspectives on Exertional Rhabdomyolysis

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    Tissue-specific induction of ADAMTS2 in monocytes and macrophages by glucocorticoids.

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    The regulated expression of ADAMTS2 (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs), a secreted metalloproteinase involved in the processing of procollagen to collagen, was studied in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Stimulation with glucocorticoids (GC) resulted in a pronounced dose- and time-dependent increase of ADAMTS2 mRNA levels in PBMC. The increase of ADAMTS2 expression was specific for CD14++ monocytes (440-fold) and alveolar macrophages (200-fold), whereas CD3+ (T lymphocytes), phytohemagglutinin-activated CD3+ (T lymphocytes), and CD19+ (B lymphocytes) showed no significant changes in ADAMTS2 mRNA after GC treatment. Treatment of monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) with GC also resulted in an increase of ADAMTS2 protein in the culture tissue media. Using the GC analog RU486, GC-mediated induction of ADAMTS2 mRNA was blocked, implicating that GC acts specifically via the GC-receptor. In agreement with findings in blood monocytes, cell lines of the monocytic lineage (MM6, THP-1) showed significant GC-induced significant increases in ADAMTS2 mRNA, while in epithelial cells (A549, Calu-3, Colo320, BT-20) and fibroblast (MRC-5, WI-38, and two NHDF-c cell types from adult cheek and upper arm), they showed no or little responsiveness to GC. As macrophages have important functions in immune defense and tissue homeostasis, these findings suggest that GC-mediated specific induction of ADAMTS2 in these cells may play a crucial role in the resolution of inflammation and wound repair

    Multipoint interphase FISH analysis of chromosome 3 abnormalities in 28 childhood AML patients.

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    We detected non-random 3p losses and 3q gains on well-determined regions in both murine and human tumors using a microcell hybrid-based model system called 'elimination test'. We suggest that these are general malignancy-associated aberrations not necessarily linked to a particular tissue of origin. To examine chromosome 3 abnormalities, in 28 childhood acute myeloid leukemia bone marrow samples, we performed interphase multipoint-fluorescence in situ hybridization using 84 chromosome 3-specific probes and detected clonal chromosome 3 aberrations in nine cases, which is of a higher frequency than the previously reported one. In 3/28 children, a chromosome 3 abnormality was detected which was not visible using conventional cytogenetic analysis. We did not detect any 3p deletion. Increased copy number of 3q was found in four cases with trisomy of whole chromosome 3 and one case with 3q tetrasomy (isodisomy). We identified rare structural rearrangements in childhood acute myeloblastic leukemia, involving 3q21 and 3q26 loci around RPN1 and MDS1/EVI1 respectively. The poor outcome in pediatric patients with 3q rearrangements appears to be quite uniform