6,528 research outputs found

    High sensitivity organic temperature sensor

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    Analytical sciences: on the threshold of the new century - Retrospect, prospects and considerations

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    In this paper,progress in some aspects of analytical sciences have been reviewed,and the trends of their developments have been discussed

    Obituary - Prof. Dr. Zhaolan GAO

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    Structural Analysis of Highly Relaxed GaSb Grown on GaAs Substrates with Periodic Interfacial Array of 90° Misfit Dislocations

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    We report structural analysis of completely relaxed GaSb epitaxial layers deposited monolithically on GaAs substrates using interfacial misfit (IMF) array growth mode. Unlike the traditional tetragonal distortion approach, strain due to the lattice mismatch is spontaneously relieved at the heterointerface in this growth. The complete and instantaneous strain relief at the GaSb/GaAs interface is achieved by the formation of a two-dimensional Lomer dislocation network comprising of pure-edge (90°) dislocations along both [110] and [1-10]. In the present analysis, structural properties of GaSb deposited using both IMF and non-IMF growths are compared. Moiré fringe patterns along with X-ray diffraction measure the long-range uniformity and strain relaxation of the IMF samples. The proof for the existence of the IMF array and low threading dislocation density is provided with the help of transmission electron micrographs for the GaSb epitaxial layer. Our results indicate that the IMF-grown GaSb is completely (98.5%) relaxed with very low density of threading dislocations (105 cm−2), while GaSb deposited using non-IMF growth is compressively strained and has a higher average density of threading dislocations (>109 cm−2)

    Unique walnut-shaped porous MnO<inf>2</inf>/C nanospheres with enhanced reaction kinetics for lithium storage with high capacity and superior rate capability

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    Unique walnut-shaped porous MnO2/carbon nanospheres via in situ carbonization of amorphous MnO2 nanospheres demonstrate enhanced reaction kinetics for lithium storage.This work is realized in the frame of a program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team (IRT_15R52) of Chinese Ministry of Education. B. L. Su acknowledges the Chinese Central Government for an “Expert of the State” position in the Program of the “Thousand Talents” and a Life Membership at the Clare Hall, Cambridge and the financial support of the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge. Y. Li acknowledges Hubei Provincial Department of Education for the “Chutian Scholar” program. T. Hasan acknowledges funding from the Royal Academy of Engineering (Graphlex) and an Impact Acceleration Award (GRASS). This work is also financially supported by the National Science Foundation for Young Scholars of China (No. 21301133 and 51302204), International Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China (2015DFE52870) and and Self-determined and Innovative Research Funds of the SKLWUT (2015‐ZD‐7). The authors also would like to thank Dr. Bin-Jie Wang from Shanghai Nanoport (FEI, Shanghai) for TEM analysis, and thank Hang Ping from Wuhan University of Technology for the TGA/DSC tests.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the Royal Society of Chemistry via http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C6TA00594

    Waveform-based classification of dentate spikes

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    Synchronous excitatory discharges from the entorhinal cortex (EC) to the dentate gyrus (DG) generate fast and prominent patterns in the hilar local field potential (LFP), called dentate spikes (DSs). As sharp-wave ripples in CA1, DSs are more likely to occur in quiet behavioral states, when memory consolidation is thought to take place. However, their functions in mnemonic processes are yet to be elucidated. The classification of DSs into types 1 or 2 is determined by their origin in the lateral or medial EC, as revealed by current source density (CSD) analysis, which requires recordings from linear probes with multiple electrodes spanning the DG layers. To allow the investigation of the functional role of each DS type in recordings obtained from single electrodes and tetrodes, which are abundant in the field, we developed an unsupervised method using Gaussian mixture models to classify such events based on their waveforms. Our classification approach achieved high accuracies (> 80%) when validated in 8 mice with DG laminar profiles. The average CSDs, waveforms, rates, and widths of the DS types obtained through our method closely resembled those derived from the CSD-based classification. As an example of application, we used the technique to analyze single-electrode LFPs from apolipoprotein (apo) E3 and apoE4 knock-in mice. We observed that the latter group, which is a model for Alzheimer’s disease, exhibited wider DSs of both types from a young age, with a larger effect size for DS type 2, likely reflecting early pathophysiological alterations in the EC-DG network, such as hyperactivity. In addition to the applicability of the method in expanding the study of DS types, our results show that their waveforms carry information about their origins, suggesting different underlying network dynamics and roles in memory processing

    Three geographically separate domestications of Asian rice

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    Domesticated rice (Oryza sativa L.) accompanied the dawn of Asian civilization(1) and has become one of world's staple crops. From archaeological and genetic evidence various contradictory scenarios for the origin of different varieties of cultivated rice have been proposed, the most recent based on a single domestication(2,3). By examining the footprints of selection in the genomes of different cultivated rice types, we show that there were three independent domestications in different parts of Asia. We identify wild populations in southern China and the Yangtze valley as the source of the japonica gene pool, and populations in Indochina and the Brahmaputra valley as the source of the indica gene pool. We reveal a hitherto unrecognized origin for the aus variety in central India or Bangladesh. We also conclude that aromatic rice is a result of a hybridization between japonica and aus, and that the tropical and temperate versions of japonica are later adaptations of one crop. Our conclusions are in accord with archaeological evidence that suggests widespread origins of rice cultivation(1,4). We therefore anticipate that our results will stimulate a more productive collaboration between genetic and archaeological studies of rice domestication, and guide utilization of genetic resources in breeding programmes aimed at crop improvement.European Research Council [339941]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Macroscopic invisibility cloaking of visible light

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    Invisibility cloaks, which used to be confined to the realm of fiction, have now been turned into a scientific reality thanks to the enabling theoretical tools of transformation optics and conformal mapping. Inspired by those theoretical works, the experimental realization of electromagnetic invisibility cloaks has been reported at various electromagnetic frequencies. All the invisibility cloaks demonstrated thus far, however, have relied on nano- or micro-fabricated artificial composite materials with spatially varying electromagnetic properties, which limit the size of the cloaked region to a few wavelengths. Here, we report the first realization of a macroscopic volumetric invisibility cloak constructed from natural birefringent crystals. The cloak operates at visible frequencies and is capable of hiding, for a specific light polarization, three-dimensional objects of the scale of centimetres and millimetres. Our work opens avenues for future applications with macroscopic cloaking devices

    The modified Glasgow prognostic score in prostate cancer: results from a retrospective clinical series of 744 patients

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    &lt;p&gt;Background: As the incidence of prostate cancer continues to rise steeply, there is an increasing need to identify more accurate prognostic markers for the disease. There is some evidence that a higher modified Glasgow Prognostic Score (mGPS) may be associated with poorer survival in patients with prostate cancer but it is not known whether this is independent of other established prognostic factors. Therefore the aim of this study was to describe the relationship between mGPS and survival in patients with prostate cancer after adjustment for other prognostic factors.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Methods: Retrospective clinical series on patients in Glasgow, Scotland, for whom data from the Scottish Cancer Registry, including Gleason score, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), C-reactive protein (CRP) and albumin, six months prior to or following the diagnosis, were included in this study.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The mGPS was constructed by combining CRP and albumin. Five-year and ten-year relative survival and relative excess risk of death were estimated by mGPS categories after adjusting for age, socioeconomic circumstances, Gleason score, PSA and previous in-patient bed days.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Results: Seven hundred and forty four prostate cancer patients were identified; of these, 497 (66.8%) died during a maximum follow up of 11.9 years. Patients with mGPS of 2 had poorest 5-year and 10-year relative survival, of 32.6% and 18.8%, respectively. Raised mGPS also had a significant association with excess risk of death at five years (mGPS 2: Relative Excess Risk = 3.57, 95% CI 2.31-5.52) and ten years (mGPS 2: Relative Excess Risk = 3.42, 95% CI 2.25-5.21) after adjusting for age, socioeconomic circumstances, Gleason score, PSA and previous in-patient bed days.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Conclusions: The mGPS is an independent and objective prognostic indicator for survival of patients with prostate cancer. It may be useful in determining the clinical management of patients with prostate cancer in addition to established prognostic markers.&lt;/p&gt