17 research outputs found

    Distribution of cadmium in a cultivated soil in Britanny, France Distribuição de cádmio em solo cultivado na Bretanha, França

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    Cadmium (Cd) can be potentially toxic to the environment, and its bioavailability is related to the chemical forms it occurs in the soils. The distribution of Cd into the solid phase and its availability was investigated in a cultivated soil in Britanny, France. Cd sequential extraction was performed using a modified Tessier's sequential extraction protocol. Total content of Cd (n = 22 samples) ranged from 0.13 to 0.37 mg kg¹. Long term history of organic and mineral fertilizers application increased Cd concentration in the surface horizon. The fate of Cd was correlated with soil available P2O5 concentration and pH. The regression analysis (linear and non-linear) and Principal Component Analysis revealed the synergistic effect of P2O5 in the retention of Cd in cultivated soils. The following fractions' sequence was observed: bounded to Fe and Al oxides + phosphates > exchangeable > bound to organic matter » residual fraction.<br>O cádmio (Cd) pode ser tóxico no ambiente e sua biodisponibilidade está relacionada às formas químicas em que os metais se encontram no solo. Apresenta-se a distribuição deste metal na fase sólida de um solo cultivado na Bretanha, França, assim como fatores que influenciam sua disponibilidade. Foi realizada a extração sequencial do Cd utilizando o método Tessier, modificado. A concentração total de Cd, avaliada em 22 amostras, variou de 0,13 a 0,37 mg kg¹. O uso contínuo de fertilizantes orgânicos e minerais aumentou a concentração de Cd no horizonte superficial do solo. A distribuição do Cd foi relacionada à concentração de P2O5 disponível e ao pH. Análises de regressão (linear e não linear) e a Análise de Componentes Principais mostraram efeito sinérgico do P2O5 na retenção de Cd nos solos cultivados. O fracionamento apresentou a seguinte sequência: ligado a óxidos de Fe e de Al + fosfatos > trocável > ligado à matéria orgânica » residual

    Disponibilidade de cádmio e chumbo para milho em solo adubado com fertilizantes fosfatados Cadmium and lead availability to corn in soil amended with phosphorus fertilizers

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    Fertilizantes fosfatados são utilizados intensamente na agricultura, pois a baixa disponibilidade de P frequentemente limita o rendimento das culturas nas condições brasileiras. Esses fertilizantes, entretanto, constituem uma via de entrada de metais pesados no solo. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o potencial de contaminação do solo por Cd e Pb adicionados por diferentes fertilizantes fosfatados, bem como a absorção destes por plantas de milho. Foram aplicadas cinco doses de diferentes fontes de P: superfosfato simples, superfosfato triplo, fosfato de Araxá, termofosfato de Yoorin e fosfato natural de Gafsa. As doses de P equivaleram a 0, 100, 300, 500 e 800 kg ha-1 de P2O5. Dois cultivos sucessivos com milho foram conduzidos no solo. O fosfato natural de Gafsa apresentou os maiores teores de Cd e Pb. Entre os fertilizantes acidulados, o superfosfato simples apresentou maior teor de Cd e Pb, e o termofosfato, maior concentração de Pb do que os acidulados. A aplicação de fosfato de Gafsa proporcionou as maiores concentrações de Pb na parte aérea do milho no primeiro cultivo. Este fosfato também foi responsável pelo maior teor de Cd nas plantas no segundo cultivo. O ácido cítrico foi mais eficiente em prever os teores disponíveis de Cd, enquanto o DTPA estimou melhor os teores de Pb.<br>Phosphorus fertilizers are intensively used in Brazil, since the low availability of phosphorus often limits yields in tropical soils. However, these fertilizers can be a entranceway for soil contamination with heavy metals. This study was carried out to investigate heavy metal contamination caused by the application of five different phosphorus fertilizers as well as the metal uptake by corn (Zea mays) plants. The fertilizers simple superphosphate, triple superphosphate, Araxá rock phosphate, Yoorin thermophosphate, and Gafsa rock phosphate were applied at rates of 0, 100, 300, 500 and 800 kg ha-1 P2O5 in two successive corn cycles. The highest Cd and Pb concentrations were found in Gafsa rock phosphate. For the acidulated phosphates, simple superphosphate was the richest in Cd and Pb, while the Pb concentration was highest in Yoorin thermophosphate. Gafsa application induced the highest Pb concentration in corn shoots in the first crop cycle. This fertilizer was also responsible for the highest Cd concentration in plants in the second crop. Citric acid was the most efficient extractant for predicting the available soil Cd contents, whereas DTPA estimated Pb availability best

    Study of fast-ion transport induced by fishbones on JET

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    The impact of fishbone oscillations onto a confined fast-ion population is simulated for a JET plasma and benchmarked against experiment quantitatively with the help of neutron rate measurements. The transient drops in volume integrated neutron emission are found to be mainly caused by the spatial redistribution of the (neutral beam injected) fast-ion population confined in the plasma rather than by fast-ion loss. The simulations yield a quadratic dependence of the neutron drop on the fishbone amplitude. It is found that the simulations are able to correctly reproduce the magnitude of the experimentally observed drop in volume integrated neutron emission to within a factor 2. Furthermore, frequency chirping is found to be important. Omitting the fishbone frequency chirp in the simulations reduces the magnitude of the neutron rate drop (and hence fast-ion redistribution) to about half its original value

    High-resolution gamma ray spectroscopy measurements of the fast ion energy distribution in JET He-4 plasmas

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    Wave-particle resonances and redistribution/losses of fast ions in tokamaks

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    Ubiquity of non-diffusive momentum transport in JET H-modes

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    Fusion product studies via fast ion D-D and D-3He fusion on JET

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    Dedicated fast ion D-D and D-3He fusion experiments were performed on JET with carbon wall (2008) and ITER-like wall (2014) for testing the upgraded neutron and energetic ion diagnostics of fusion products. Energy spectrum of D-D neutrons was the focus of the studies in pure deuterium plasmas. A significant broadening of the energy spectrum of neutrons born in D-D fast fusion was observed, and dependence of the maximum D and D-D neutron energies on plasma density was established. Diagnostics of charged products of aneutronic D-3He fusion reactions, 3.7 MeV alpha-particles similar to those in D-T fusion, and 14.6 MeV protons, were the focus of the studies in D-3He plasmas. Measurements of 16.4 MeV gamma-rays born in the weak secondary branch of D(3He, γ)5Li reaction were used for assessing D-3He fusion power. For achieving high yield of D-D and D-3He reactions at relatively low levels of input heating power, an acceleration of D beam up to the MeV energy range was used employing 3rd harmonic () ICRH technique. These results were compared to the techniques of D beam injection into D-3He mixture, and 3He-minority ICRH in D plasmas

    Enhanced performance in fusion plasmas through turbulence suppression by megaelectronvolt ions

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    © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.Alpha particles with energies on the order of megaelectronvolts will be the main source of plasma heating in future magnetic confinement fusion reactors. Instead of heating fuel ions, most of the energy of alpha particles is transferred to electrons in the plasma. Furthermore, alpha particles can also excite Alfvénic instabilities, which were previously considered to be detrimental to the performance of the fusion device. Here we report improved thermal ion confinement in the presence of megaelectronvolts ions and strong fast ion-driven Alfvénic instabilities in recent experiments on the Joint European Torus. Detailed transport analysis of these experiments reveals turbulence suppression through a complex multi-scale mechanism that generates large-scale zonal flows. This holds promise for more economical operation of fusion reactors with dominant alpha particle heating and ultimately cheaper fusion electricity.N