25 research outputs found

    Évolutions récentes de la structure des placements des assureurs.

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    L’analyse des portefeuilles des assureurs en 2009 confirme leur forte diversification géographique, avec une prépondérance des titres d’émetteurs de la zone euro, ainsi que l’allongement de leurs placements obligataires en réponse aux évolutions de la courbe des taux.organismes d’assurance, assureurs vie, assureurs vie-mixte, assureurs non-vie, provisions techniques, contrats en euros, contrats en unités de compte, placements financiers, mise en transparence, épargne des ménages, circuits de financement, titres de créance, obligations, actions.

    La destination finale des placements financiers des ménages français.

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    Les ménages français ont modifié la structure de leurs portefeuilles au cours des quinze dernières années au profit des contrats d’assurance-vie. Ils investissent une part croissante de leur épargne à l’étranger, via les intermédiaires financiers.Ménages, patrimoine financier, épargne, intermédiation, dépôts, crédits, titres de créance, valeurs mobilières, actions, OPCVM, sociétés d’assurance, profondeur financière, bases de détention de titres.

    Productivity, heritability and stability analysis of a Moroccan sugar beet germplasm

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    Received: January 19th, 2021 ; Accepted: March 27th, 2021 ; Published: April 6th 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] testing is the second part of maternal recurrent selection scheme adopted by INRA-Morocco for the national sugar beet breeding programme. The objective of this study is sugar beet germplasm productivity, heritability and stability analysis. The studied material concern 18 half-sib families (HSF) preselected initially for their seed production potential. Trials were conducted using randomised complete blocks designs during, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2017/18 campaigns in two experimental fields of INRA-Morocco; Sidi Allal Tazi (34° 30' N, 6° 19' W) and Larache (35° 11’ N, 6° 09’ W). Evaluated parameters concern the vigour, root weight (RW), leaf biomass yield (LBY), and sugar content (Sc). Data analysis by comparative procedures explores different accordance degrees of HSF versus controls. Good vegetative growth was observed, 85.6% closer to the maximal indicated scale level. The RW was significantly influenced by the genotype and reached a maximum of 1.06 kg versus 1.08 kg average recorded by controls. Sugar content recorded mean was 20.97% in HSF versus 21.39% in the controls. Most of HSF revealed mean values close to Z-type variety. Estimated heritability was 0.5 for RW, 0.2 for the LBY, and 0.02 for Sc. Sugar content was influenced by the environment and explained by the AMMI model (73.6%) versus 53.9% and 44.4% for root weight and leaf biomass yield respectively. The AMMI stability values showed F11, F12, F16, and F17 families as the most performing and stable HSF. Results demonstrate the relevance of the maternal recurrent selection scheme of the on-going national breeding programme

    Les placements des organismes d’assurance à fin 2010.

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    L’analyse de la composition des portefeuilles des assureurs à fin 2010 révèle l’amorce d’un recentrage de leurs positions vers les titres émis par des signatures résidentes ainsi qu’un allongement de la durée moyenne de leurs placements obligataires.organismes d’assurance, assureurs vie, assureurs vie-mixte, assureurs non-vie, provisions techniques, contrats en euros, contrats en unités de compte, placements financiers, mise en transparence, épargne des ménages, circuits de financement, titres de créance, obligations, actions.

    Les comportements patrimoniaux des ménages en France : évolutions et déterminants entre 2004 et 2010.

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    À la lumière des informations issues des enquêtes Patrimoine 2004 et 2010 de l’INSEE et des évaluations des comptes nationaux financiers établis par la Banque de France, l’article propose une première analyse des ajustements patrimoniaux des ménages français depuis 2007.épargne, ménages, portefeuilles, immobilier, risques.

    Two novel connexin32 mutations cause early onset X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>X-linked Charcot-Marie Tooth (CMT) is caused by mutations in the connexin32 gene that encodes a polypeptide which is arranged in hexameric array and form gap junctions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We describe two novel mutations in the connexin32 gene in two Norwegian families.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Family 1 had a c.225delG (R75fsX83) which causes a frameshift and premature stop codon at position 247. This probably results in a shorter non-functional protein structure. Affected individuals had an early age at onset usually in the first decade. The symptoms were more severe in men than women. All had severe muscle weakness in the legs. Several abortions were observed in this family. Family 2 had a c.536 G>A (C179Y) transition which causes a change of the highly conserved cysteine residue, i.e. disruption of at least one of three disulfide bridges. The mean age at onset was in the first decade. Muscle wasting was severe and correlated with muscle weakness in legs. The men and one woman also had symptom from their hands.</p> <p>The neuropathy is demyelinating and the nerve conduction velocities were in the intermediate range (25–49 m/s). Affected individuals had symmetrical clinical findings, while the neurophysiology revealed minor asymmetrical findings in nerve conduction velocity in 6 of 10 affected individuals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The two novel mutations in the connexin32 gene are more severe than the majority of previously described mutations possibly due to the severe structural change of the gap junction they encode.</p

    Разработка автоматизированного ИТП жилого здания

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    Объектом разработки системы является жилой дом с инженерными сетями в микрорайоне «Северный» в Заречном поселении Томского района Томской области. Целью работы является разработка системы мониторинга и управления теплопотреблением здания, которая позволит вести точный учет потребляемой тепловой энергии, регулировать объем потребления в зависимости от текущих погодных условий, обеспечивать экономию энергоресурсов. В результате разработана система, содержащая в себе компоненты, позволяющие производить учет и управление теплопотреблением здания. Причем все данные о работе системы, объемах потребления и параметрах теплоносителя поступают диспетчеру, имеющему возможность отслеживать все параметры системы удаленно.The object of the development of the system is a residential building with engineering services in the neighborhood "North" in Zarechny settlement Tomsk region Tomsk region. The aim is to develop a building heat consumption monitoring and control system that will keep accurate records of heat energy consumption, adjusted consumption, depending on the current weather conditions, to ensure energy saving. As a result, we developed a system, which contains the components to allow for registration and control of heat consumption of the building. Moreover, all data on the system performance, volume and consumption parameters receives coolant controller having the ability to track all system parameters remotely

    Optimization of design parameters of CIP spray cleaning nozzle using genetic algorithm

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    The spray cleaning of surfaces is a standard task in the food and pharmaceutical industries. At present, the development of such nozzles is based on semi-empirical methods, experience and iterative prototyping. This almost makes it prohibitive to develop nozzles for specific customer requirements due to higher time and cost. A Virtual Engineering approach to design and optimize unlimited number of nozzle designs can overcome this. In this work, a parametric study is carried out to recognize design parameters that have maximum impact on flow. Based on this, a Multiobjective optimization code based on Genetic Algorithm is developed to optimize the design parameters of a full cone nozzle. CFD Simulations were used to estimate the objective functions. In future, the work shall be extended by comparing genetic algorithm with other optimization algorithms and replacing expensive CFD simulations with meta-models