291 research outputs found

    Ambiguity, multiple streams, and EU policy

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    The multiple streams framework draws insight from interactions between agency and institutions to explore the impact of context, time, and meaning on policy change and to assess the institutional and issue complexities permeating the European Union (EU) policy process. The authors specify the assumptions and structure of the framework and review studies that have adapted it to reflect more fully EU decision-making processes. The nature of policy entrepreneurship and policy windows are assessed to identify areas of improvement. Finally, the authors sketch out a research agenda that refines the logic of political manipulation which permeates the lens and the institutional complexity which frames the EU policy process

    Proportionate and disproportionate policy responses to climate change: core concepts and empirical applications

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    A fresh perspective on policy-making and planning has emerged which views disproportionate policy as an intentional policy response. A disproportionate policy response is understood to be a lack of‘fit’or balance between the costs of a public policy and the benefits that are derived from this policy, and between policy ends and means. This paper applies this new perspective on the proportionality of policy-making to the area of climate change. The first part of the paper discusses the underlying causes of disproportionate policy responses in broad terms and then applies the theoretical reasoning to understand the conditions in which they are likely to appear in relation to climate change. These conditions are hypothesized to relate to four main factors: economic considerations; levels of public demand; focusing events; and strategic considerations. It concludes with the suggestion that societal actors may be able to manipulate these four factors to encourage politicians to adopt policies that mitigate climate change more rapidly than is currently the case in most countries

    Plugging the gap between energy policy and the lived experience of energy poverty: five principles for a multi-disciplinary approach

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    In this chapter, we illustrate the value of a multi-disciplinary approach to energy poverty policy, drawing on insights from research into the lived experience of energy poverty in three European countries. We argue that understanding the lived experience of energy poverty is critical in designing energy policies, which are fair, effective and aligned with people’s daily lives. In addition, we contend that bringing together a range of disciplines to examine dimensions of the lived experience of energy poverty (such as housing, employment, education, social policy, health, energy etc.) is essential to give breadth to our understanding of this challenging, and multi-faceted condition. We propose five principles for policy design, informed by our multi-disciplinary understanding of the lived experience. These principles can be applied at a range of scales (local, regional, national and European) to help ensure that the energy poor are both well served, and represented, by energy policy

    The strategies WDK: a graphical search interface and web development kit for functional genomics databases

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    Web sites associated with the Eukaryotic Pathogen Bioinformatics Resource Center (EuPathDB.org) have recently introduced a graphical user interface, the Strategies WDK, intended to make advanced searching and set and interval operations easy and accessible to all users. With a design guided by usability studies, the system helps motivate researchers to perform dynamic computational experiments and explore relationships across data sets. For example, PlasmoDB users seeking novel therapeutic targets may wish to locate putative enzymes that distinguish pathogens from their hosts, and that are expressed during appropriate developmental stages. When a researcher runs one of the approximately 100 searches available on the site, the search is presented as a first step in a strategy. The strategy is extended by running additional searches, which are combined with set operators (union, intersect or minus), or genomic interval operators (overlap, contains). A graphical display uses Venn diagrams to make the strategy’s flow obvious. The interface facilitates interactive adjustment of the component searches with changes propagating forward through the strategy. Users may save their strategies, creating protocols that can be shared with colleagues. The strategy system has now been deployed on all EuPathDB databases, and successfully deployed by other projects. The Strategies WDK uses a configurable MVC architecture that is compatible with most genomics and biological warehouse databases, and is available for download at code.google.com/p/strategies-wdk

    Punctuated equilibrium theory in Brazilian public policy: the case of Ceará

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    Este artigo faz uma análise do processo de decisão orçamental dos municípios do Estado do Ceará. Através deste estudo, procura-se perceber em que medida a distribuição dos orçamentos aos governos locais sofrem (ou não) variações. Já em um segundo momento, tenta-se depreender quais as receitas de cada um dos municípios (as variáveis independentes) que melhor descrevem e auxiliam a opção política de investimento local (esta será a variável dependente). Considerando o período de 2006 a 2010 e fazendo uso de um desenho de pesquisa de tipo transversal, conclui-se que nos governos locais do Ceará o investimento público apresenta períodos de estabilidade seguido por períodos de grande alteração dos orçamentos – confirmando a hipótese de pesquisa. Estas conclusões confirmam os pressupostos da teoria do equilíbrio pontuado. Conclui-se igualmente que o investimento público que vem sendo realizado é dependente das transferências que a União faz para os governos locais do Estado do Ceará e das receitas de capital. Face a estas condições, é pertinente equacionar até que nível e grau o endividamento pode ocorrer em virtude da escassez cada vez maior do financiamento público.This research aims to analyze the budget decision process in Ceará municipalities in order to understand in which way budget distributions change (or not) during the research period under consideration. This research also aims to understand which revenues (the independent variables) of each municipality better expla in the political choices for local government investments (the dependent variable). Making use of data from 2006 to 2010 and using a cross - sectional research design, the study concludes a stability in local government investments periods of stress where su ch investments have both positive and negative significant fluctuations – confirming our working hypothesis. These results confirm punctuated Equilibrium Theory assumptions and also find that local government public investment is dependent on money transfe rs from the central government and also from capital revenues. Thus, it is important to question to what degree public indebtedness should be allowed, due to a scarcity of public fundsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Policy Toolkits on Employment and Ageing: A Conceptual Framework

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    Policy toolkits provide useful information and can be drawn upon as guidance in different stages of the policy-making process. This chapter reviews existing policy toolkits on employment and ageing, aiming to distil a conceptual categorisation intended to inform research uptake strategies. As a basis, we develop a clear definition of policy toolkits and propose a typology of policy tools that consists of four types: (1) good practice, (2) social indicators, (3) programme evaluation and (4) forecasts, projections and simulations. We also describe the underlying relationship between research and policy-making, and provide a synthetic overview of toolkits available for ageing-related issues in the area of employment and pensions. We conclude with the observation that effective policy toolkits hinge on the prior formulation of clear policy goals and that different policy goals may not always be congruent with each other or be simultaneously achieved

    Michigan molecular interactions r2: from interacting proteins to pathways

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    Molecular interaction data exists in a number of repositories, each with its own data format, molecule identifier and information coverage. Michigan molecular interactions (MiMI) assists scientists searching through this profusion of molecular interaction data. The original release of MiMI gathered data from well-known protein interaction databases, and deep merged this information while keeping track of provenance. Based on the feedback received from users, MiMI has been completely redesigned. This article describes the resulting MiMI Release 2 (MiMIr2). New functionality includes extension from proteins to genes and to pathways; identification of highlighted sentences in source publications; seamless two-way linkage with Cytoscape; query facilities based on MeSH/GO terms and other concepts; approximate graph matching to find relevant pathways; support for querying in bulk; and a user focus-group driven interface design. MiMI is part of the NIH's; National Center for Integrative Biomedical Informatics (NCIBI) and is publicly available at: http://mimi.ncibi.org

    Introduction:strategy in EU foreign policy

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    The point of departure for the special collection is provided by the observation that the growing complexity of the crises in the neighbourhood and the internal ones faced by the Union provides a sense of urgency to any type of strategic thinking that the EU might embrace. Against this backdrop, the recent shift towards geopolitics and strategic thinking is contextualized and the understanding of key aspects of ways in which the shift is translated into strategies by EU actors is put forward. The analysis recognizes the recent developments within the institutional dimension of EU’s foreign and security policy, yet it confirms the fundamental meaning of the member states’ willingness to invest resources and harmonize their foreign policy strategies at the EU level

    cPath: open source software for collecting, storing, and querying biological pathways

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    BACKGROUND: Biological pathways, including metabolic pathways, protein interaction networks, signal transduction pathways, and gene regulatory networks, are currently represented in over 220 diverse databases. These data are crucial for the study of specific biological processes, including human diseases. Standard exchange formats for pathway information, such as BioPAX, CellML, SBML and PSI-MI, enable convenient collection of this data for biological research, but mechanisms for common storage and communication are required. RESULTS: We have developed cPath, an open source database and web application for collecting, storing, and querying biological pathway data. cPath makes it easy to aggregate custom pathway data sets available in standard exchange formats from multiple databases, present pathway data to biologists via a customizable web interface, and export pathway data via a web service to third-party software, such as Cytoscape, for visualization and analysis. cPath is software only, and does not include new pathway information. Key features include: a built-in identifier mapping service for linking identical interactors and linking to external resources; built-in support for PSI-MI and BioPAX standard pathway exchange formats; a web service interface for searching and retrieving pathway data sets; and thorough documentation. The cPath software is freely available under the LGPL open source license for academic and commercial use. CONCLUSION: cPath is a robust, scalable, modular, professional-grade software platform for collecting, storing, and querying biological pathways. It can serve as the core data handling component in information systems for pathway visualization, analysis and modeling

    Francisella tularensis novicida proteomic and transcriptomic data integration and annotation based on semantic web technologies

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    This paper summarises the lessons and experiences gained from a case study of the application of semantic web technologies to the integration of data from the bacterial species Francisella tularensis novicida (Fn). Fn data sources are disparate and heterogeneous, as multiple laboratories across the world, using multiple technologies, perform experiments to understand the mechanism of virulence. It is hard to integrate these data sources in a flexible manner that allows new experimental data to be added and compared when required