8 research outputs found

    SWELTO - Space WEather Laboratory in Turin Observatory

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    SWELTO - Space WEather Laboratory in Turin Observatory is a conceptual framework where new ideas for the analysis of space-based and ground-based data are developed and tested. The input data are (but not limited to) remote sensing observations (EUV images of the solar disk, Visible Light coronagraphic images, radio dynamic spectra, etc...), in situ plasma measurements (interplanetary plasma density, velocity, magnetic field, etc...), as well as measurements acquired by local sensors and detectors (radio antenna, fluxgate magnetometer, full-sky cameras, located in OATo). The output products are automatic identification, tracking, and monitoring of solar stationary and dynamic features near the Sun (coronal holes, active regions, coronal mass ejections, etc...), and in the interplanetary medium (shocks, plasmoids, corotating interaction regions, etc...), as well as reconstructions of the interplanetary medium where solar disturbances may propagate from the Sun to the Earth and beyond. These are based both on empirical models and numerical MHD simulations. The aim of SWELTO is not only to test new data analysis methods for future application for Space Weather monitoring and prediction purposes, but also to procure, test and deploy new ground-based instrumentation to monitor the ionospheric and geomagnetic responses to solar activity. Moreover, people involved in SWELTO are active in outreach to disseminate the topics related with Space Weather to students and the general public

    Data-driven numerical simulations of the Parker Spiral and interplanetary propagation of solar transients

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    The accurate reconstruction of the plasma and magnetic field parameters in the ambient interplanetary medium is fundamental to reproduce the interplanetary propagation of solar disturbances such as solar energetic particles (SEPs), stream and corotating interaction regions (SIRs and CIRs), and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), both for understanding the physics of these phenomena and for applications in space weather forecasting. The small-scale features of the ambient solar wind, in fact, affect the evolution, arrival times, and geo-effectiveness of solar transients. The Reverse In situ and MHD Approach (RIMAP) is a hybrid analytical-numerical method to reconstruct the heliosphere on the ecliptic plane from in situ measurements acquired by spacecraft with heliocentric orbits. RIMAP uses the in situ measurements as boundary conditions for a MHD simulation based on the PLUTO code, combining ballistic and MHD approaches in order to preserve the small-scale variability of the solar wind flow lines and thus offering a structured, realistic background medium for modelling the propagation of solar eruptions. In this dissertation, after an introduction about the main topics and models of heliospheric physics and the magnetohydrodynamics equations, we present the detailed description of the novelties of the RIMAP model, and its application to the measurements acquired by spacecraft at 1 AU in correspondence of solar minima configurations. Then, one of these reconstructions is used as a background medium to propagate an interplanetary CME. The perturbation is modelled as a spheroidal, homogeneous plasma cloud without internal magnetic flux rope. We use an artificial, passive tracer to quantify the mixing at 1 AU between ambient solar wind material and the one with coronal eruption origins, in order to evaluate the fraction of plasma measured in situ that can be traced back to its sources on the Sun. The RIMAP reconstruction is also carried out using measurements acquired by NASA’s Parker Solar Probe (PSP) during its seventh solar encounter, in January 2021, between 20 and 40 solar radii. This was the time of the first quadrature between PSP and ESA-NASA’s Solar Orbiter (SolO), which at the time was orbiting the Sun around 0.5 AU and providing remote sensing observations of the solar corona via the Metis coronagraph. The RIMAP reconstruction connects density and wind speed estimates inferred from the coronal features observed by Metis/SolO between 3 and 6 solar radii to the measurements acquired by PSP at 21.5 solar radii along the corresponding plasma streamline. Thus, the magnetic connection between the inner corona and the super AlfvĂ©nic wind is reconstructed with a high degree of accuracy with a detailed data-driven MHD simulation. Finally, we describe the possible future developments of the RIMAP technique such as the extension to a two-fluids treatment, the testing of different models of magnetized coronal mass ejections, the simulation of solar wind switchbacks, and the extension to full three-dimensional boundaries, using coronagraphic observations to infer the input parameters

    Reconstruction of the Parker spiral with the Reverse In situ data and MHD APproach – RIMAP

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    The reconstruction of plasma parameters in the interplanetary medium is very important to understand the interplanetary propagation of solar eruptions and for Space Weather application purposes. Because only a few spacecraft are measuring in situ these parameters, reconstructions are currently performed by running complex numerical Magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations starting from remote sensing observations of the Sun. Current models apply full 3D MHD simulations of the corona or extrapolations of photospheric magnetic fields combined with semi-empirical relationships to derive the plasma parameters on a sphere centered on the Sun (inner boundary). The plasma is then propagated in the interplanetary medium up to the Earth’s orbit and beyond. Nevertheless, this approach requires significant theoretical and computational efforts, and the results are only in partial agreement with the in situ observations. In this paper we describe a new approach to this problem called RIMAP – Reverse In situ data and MHD APproach. The plasma parameters in the inner boundary at 0.1 AU are derived directly from the in situ measurements acquired at 1 AU, by applying a back reconstruction technique to remap them into the inner heliosphere. This remapping is done by using the Weber and Davies solar wind theoretical model to reconstruct the wind flowlines. The plasma is then re-propagated outward from 0.1 AU by running a MHD numerical simulation based on the PLUTO code. The interplanetary spiral reconstructions obtained with RIMAP are not only in a much better agreement with the in situ observations, but are also including many more small-scale longitudinal features in the plasma parameters that are not reproduced with the approaches developed so far

    Tracing the ICME plasma with a MHD simulation

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    The determination of the chemical composition of interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) plasma is an open issue. More specifically, it is not yet fully understood how remote sensing observations of the solar corona plasma during solar disturbances evolve into plasma properties measured in situ away from the Sun. The ambient conditions of the background interplanetary plasma are important for space weather because they influence the evolutions, arrival times, and geo-effectiveness of the disturbances. The Reverse In situ and MHD APproach (RIMAP) is a technique to reconstruct the heliosphere on the ecliptic plane (including the magnetic Parker spiral) directly from in situ measurements acquired at 1 AU. It combines analytical and numerical approaches, preserving the small-scale longitudinal variability of the wind flow lines. In this work, we use RIMAP to test the interaction of an ICME with the interplanetary medium. We model the propagation of a homogeneous non-magnetised (i.e. with no internal flux rope) cloud starting at 800 km s−1 at 0.1 AU out to 1.1 AU. Our 3D magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulation made with the PLUTO MHD code shows the formation of a compression front ahead of the ICME, continuously driven by the cloud expansion. Using a passive tracer, we find that the initial ICME material does not fragment behind the front during its propagation, and we quantify the mixing of the propagating plasma cloud with the ambient solar wind plasma, which can be detected at 1 AU

    Two-dimensional MHD modelling of switchbacks from jetlets in the slow solar wind

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    Solar wind switchbacks are polarity reversals of the magnetic field, recently frequently measured by Parker Solar Probe inside 0.2 AU. In this Letter we show that magnetic switchbacks, similar to those observed by PSP, are reproduced by injecting a time-limited collimated high-speed stream in the Parker spiral. We performed a 2D magnetohydrodynamics simulation with the PLUTO code of a slightly inclined jet at 1000 km s−1 between 5 and 60 R⊙. The jet rapidly develops a field inversion at its wings and, at the same time, it is bent by the Parker spiral. The match with the radial outward wind field creates two asymmetric switchbacks, one that bends to the anti-clockwise and one that bends to the clockwise direction in the ecliptic plane, with the last one being the most extended. The simulation shows that such S-shaped magnetic features travel with the jet and persist for several hours and to large distances from the Sun (beyond 20 R⊙). We show the evolution of physical quantities as they would be measured by a hypothetical detector at a fixed position when crossed by the switchback, for comparison with in situ measurements

    Observation of a Magnetic Switchback in the Solar Corona

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    Switchbacks are sudden, large radial deflections of the solar wind magnetic field, widely revealed in interplanetary space by the Parker Solar Probe. The switchbacks' formation mechanism and sources are still unresolved, although candidate mechanisms include Alfvenic turbulence, shear-driven Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities, interchange reconnection, and geometrical effects related to the Parker spiral. This Letter presents observations from the Metis coronagraph on board a Solar Orbiter of a single large propagating S-shaped vortex, interpreted as the first evidence of a switchback in the solar corona. It originated above an active region with the related loop system bounded by open-field regions to the east and west. Observations, modeling, and theory provide strong arguments in favor of the interchange reconnection origin of switchbacks. Metis measurements suggest that the initiation of the switchback may also be an indicator of the origin of slow solar wind

    Linking Small-scale Solar Wind Properties with Large-scale Coronal Source Regions through Joint Parker Solar Probe–Metis/Solar Orbiter Observations

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    International audienceAbstract The solar wind measured in situ by Parker Solar Probe in the very inner heliosphere is studied in combination with the remote-sensing observation of the coronal source region provided by the METIS coronagraph aboard Solar Orbiter. The coronal outflows observed near the ecliptic by Metis on 2021 January 17 at 16:30 UT, between 3.5 and 6.3 R ⊙ above the eastern solar limb, can be associated with the streams sampled by PSP at 0.11 and 0.26 au from the Sun, in two time intervals almost 5 days apart. The two plasma flows come from two distinct source regions, characterized by different magnetic field polarity and intensity at the coronal base. It follows that both the global and local properties of the two streams are different. Specifically, the solar wind emanating from the stronger magnetic field region has a lower bulk flux density, as expected, and is in a state of well-developed AlfvĂ©nic turbulence, with low intermittency. This is interpreted in terms of slab turbulence in the context of nearly incompressible magnetohydrodynamics. Conversely, the highly intermittent and poorly developed turbulent behavior of the solar wind from the weaker magnetic field region is presumably due to large magnetic deflections most likely attributed to the presence of switchbacks of interchange reconnection origin

    Linking Small-scale Solar Wind Properties with Large-scale Coronal Source Regions through Joint Parker Solar Probe-Metis/Solar Orbiter Observations

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    The solar wind measured in situ by Parker Solar Probe in the very inner heliosphere is studied in combination with the remote-sensing observation of the coronal source region provided by the METIS coronagraph aboard Solar Orbiter. The coronal outflows observed near the ecliptic by Metis on 2021 January 17 at 16:30 UT, between 3.5 and 6.3 R ⊙ above the eastern solar limb, can be associated with the streams sampled by PSP at 0.11 and 0.26 au from the Sun, in two time intervals almost 5 days apart. The two plasma flows come from two distinct source regions, characterized by different magnetic field polarity and intensity at the coronal base. It follows that both the global and local properties of the two streams are different. Specifically, the solar wind emanating from the stronger magnetic field region has a lower bulk flux density, as expected, and is in a state of well-developed AlfvĂ©nic turbulence, with low intermittency. This is interpreted in terms of slab turbulence in the context of nearly incompressible magnetohydrodynamics. Conversely, the highly intermittent and poorly developed turbulent behavior of the solar wind from the weaker magnetic field region is presumably due to large magnetic deflections most likely attributed to the presence of switchbacks of interchange reconnection origin.</p