65 research outputs found

    Bagasse Yield and Quality Traits of Silage Made From Juice-Extracted Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor var. saccharatum (L.) Mohlenbr.) Stalks

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    This study was conducted to investigate possible use of juice-extracted sweet sorghum stalks (bagasse) as a quality roughage source through silage making. A total of 21 different sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor var. saccharatum (L.) Mohlenbr.) genotypes supplied from different sources were used as the primary material of the study. Field experiments were conducted in a randomized blocks design with 4 replications on the experimental fields of Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute under 2nd crop conditions during the growing seasons of 2016 and 2017 years. Plants were harvested for bioethanol production at milk-dough stage of panicle grains. Plant leaves and panicles were stripped and remaining stalks were extracted through squeezing. Juice-extracted stalks (bagasse) were ensilaged for 60 days and quality traits were analyzed at the end of silage period. As the average of two years, bagasse yields varied between 42.6-113.9 t ha-1, silage DM yields varied between 11.6-40.0 t ha-1. In addition, crude protein (CP) content, acid detergent lignin (ADL), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) values varied between 29.79 - 50.84 g/kg DM, between 49.3 - 91.4 g/kg DM, between 525.1-694.8 g/kg DM and between 351.2-486.8 g/kg DM, respectively. It was concluded based on present findings that silages made from juice-extracted stalks of sweet sorghum grown under 2nd crop conditions of Cukurova region could be used as quality roughage source for livestock. © 2023, Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. All Rights Reserved

    Yoğun Bakımda Mediko-Legal Sorunlar

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    Ülkemizde yoğun bakım ünitelerinde sıkça karşılaşılan medikolegal sorunlar; bildirim yükümlülüğü, kayıtların sağlıklı tutulması, yasal temsilcinin tıbben gerekli girişime onay vermemesi, yoğun bakım yatışı esnasında hukuki tasarruf ve vasi atanması, DNR (Do-not-resuscitate) emirleri ve nafile tedavi ilgili olanlardır. Bu derlemede sırasıyla bu konulara değinirken mevcut yatakların daha verimli ve adil kullanımına katkıda bulunacağı için DNR konusuna ayrı bir ağırlık verilmiştir.</p

    İstanbul'daki Bazı Tekkelerin Yerlerine Dair Bir Araştırma

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    Endüstri 4.0 ile Gelişen İş Modelleri ve Yalın Girişim

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    Industry 4.0 is a concept that explains the point reached in industrial developments, but has an impact on many issues. Industry 4.0 technologies, which can be shown as the main source of change in business models, meet the search for opportunities in business and economic circles. Lean enterprise is working on uncertainty tests, which have recently changed business models. In this study, the issues that are affected by industry 4.0 are discussed and business models emerging with industry 4.0 are explained.Industry 4.0 is a concept that explains the point reached in industrial developments, but has an impact on many issues. Industry 4.0 technologies, which can be shown as the main source of change in business models, meet the search for opportunities in business and economic circles. Lean enterprise is working on uncertainty tests, which have recently changed business models. In this study, the issues that are affected by industry 4.0 are discussed and business models emerging with industry 4.0 are explained.</p

    Hizmet İşlemlerinin İyileştirilmesinde Müşteri Memnuniyetsizlik Geri Dönüşlerinin Kullanılması: Bir Oto-Servis İşletmesi Uygulanması

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    İşletmelerin faaliyetlerinde en iyi olmayı hedefledikleri günümüz rekabet şartları diğer sektörlerde olduğu gibi, hizmet sektöründe de faaliyet gösteren işletmelerindeğişen müşteri istek ve ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda çalışmalarına yön vermelerini zorunlu hale getirmektedir. İşletmelerin sunduğu ürün veya hizmetten memnunolmaları müşterilerin ilerleyen dönemlerde de işletme ile ilişkisinin sürekli olmasını sağlamaktadır. Bu nedenle işletmeler eksik noktalarını saptamak ve uzun dönemli müşteri ilişkileri yaratmak amacıyla müşteri memnuniyetiyle ilgili geri bildirim alma çalışmaları yürütmektedir. Özellikle hizmet işlemlerinde somut olarakeksikliklerin görülmesi mümkün olmadığından müşteri geribildirimleri daha büyük bir önem taşımaktadır. Bir hizmet işletmesi olarak oto-servisine gelen müşteriaraçlarındaki problemlerin tamamının çözülemediği görüşünden hareketle problem kaynaklarının belirlenmesi ve iyileştirilmesinin amaçlandığı bu çalışmada öncelikle müşteri memnuniyetsizlik kaynakları grup, personel ve model bazında değerlendirilmiştir. Servis hizmeti alan müşterilerin, müşteri ilişkiler sorumlusu tarafından aranması ile elde edilen sonuçlar çalışmanın girdilerini oluşturmaktadır. Bu veriler ışığında yürütülen çalışma ile geri bildirim sonuçları değerlendirilmekte ve iyileştirme çalışmaları sürdürülmektedir.Today's competitive conditions that businesses aim to be the best in their operations, as in other sectors, makes it mandatory for enterprises operating in the service sector to direct their work in line with changing customer demands and needs. Being satisfied with the products or services offered by the business makes it possible for the customers to be in continuous relationship with the business even in the later periods. Because of that reason, businesses are seeking feedback on customer satisfaction in order to identify missing points and create long-lasting customer relationships. Especially as there are no concrete deficiencies, customer feedback has a greater importance in service operations. In this study, which aims to identify and improve problem sources as a service business, from the view that the problems of customer vehicles coming to auto - service can not be solved completely, first of all customer dissatisfaction resources are evaluated on the basis of group, personnel and model. The results obtained by calling customers who receive service by the customer relations officer constitute the inputs of the study. With this data in the light of the studies carried out, feedback results are evaluated and and improvement studies are being implemented.&nbsp;</p

    Distribution Network Design for E-Retailing Application: A Model Suggestion forLocal Retailer in Izmir

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    The rapid development of technology, acceleration of internet with this development and increase of number of electronic devices that connecting to internet brings important changes in all business applications. The retailing sector, connecting businesses and end consumers, has also changed from classical approach, and consumers started to prefer e-retailing channels versus traditional stores. Therefore, businesses, which have to deliver products to those consumers, are also forced to make critical changes in supply chains. On the other hand, businesses that aim to completely change distribution networks in supply chains adopt a strategy called cross-docking to take the lead over competitors and gain cost advantages. Therefore, in this study, aim is to reveal whether a conventional retailer that does not apply e-retailing can gain by using e-retailing application in coordination with cross-docking strategy.</p