965 research outputs found

    Son yüzyıla bir bakış:Rauf Orbay'ın anıları

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 39-Rauf Orba

    Non economic and other factors in the development of Eastern Turkey

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    The relationship between social network usage and some personality traits

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    The aim of the research, is to examine the relationship between adolescents' five-factor personality features by use of Social Media. As for sample, there are 548 girl and 441 boy students and they are between the ages of 11-18.  Adolescents’ data participating in the study, are determined by Big Five Factor personality traits Scale. Prepared data on the use of social media called "Personal Information Form" has been obtained by researcher. In the analysis of data, understanding of social media use times whether it differs according to big five personality traits, According to the social media using time, there was no significant difference between the agreeableness and openness subscales. On the other hand, there is a significant differences between conscientiousness, extraversion and neuroticism.  In association with five personality traits of social media purpose, it was found that there are significant differences with different personality traits for each purpose

    Sources Of Non-Performing Loans In Turkish Banking System

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of the unlimited deposit insurance on non-performing loans and market discipline. Deposit insurance program play a crucial role in achieving financial stability. Governments in many advanced and developing economies established deposit insurance schemes for reducing the risk of systemic failure of banks. Deposit insurance has a beneficial effect of reducing the probability of a bank run.  However deposit insurance systems have its own set of problems. Deposit insurance systems create moral hazard incentives that encourage banks to take excessive risk. Turkey established an explicit deposit insurance system in 1960. Until 1994, the coverage determined by a flat rate but in that date, Turkey experienced a major economic crisis. In April 1994, Turkish government started to apply an unlimited deposit insurance scheme to restore banking system stability. Unlimited deposit insurance caused a remarkable increase at non-performing loans. This paper empirically estimates the impact of unlimited deposit insurance system on non-performing bank loans (NPLs) and analyses the other potential sources of NPLs

    The Relationship Between Employment And Real Exchange Rate: The Case Of Turkish Apparel Industry

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    This paper investigates the relationship between employment and real exchange rate in Turkish apparel industry. In particular, the relationship between employment and real exchange rate is sophisticated than it seems. It is widely accepted that there exists a link between real exchange rate and employment. However, the literature on this relation is insufficient and there is no consensus on whether real exchange rate has positive or negative effect on employment. Yet, we know that the sign and magnitude of this relation depend on various conditions, which ought to be analyzed in detail. We lay out an empirical model using employment, real wage, real exchange rate and production series of Turkish apparel industry. Our results indicate that there is a positive relationship between employment and real exchange rate in the long run

    Diagnostic Value of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Evaluation of the Biliary Obstruction

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    Purpose. In this study, our purpose was to investigate the diagnostic efficacy of the dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method in the patients with bile duct obstruction. Materials and Methods. 108 consecutive patients (53 men, 55 women, mean age; 55.77 ± 14.62, range 18–86 years) were included in this study. All the patients underwent conventional upper abdomen MRI using intravenous contrast material (Gd-DTPA) and MRCP in 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner. MRCP images were evaluated together with the T1 and T2w images, and both biliary ducts and surrounding tissues were examined for possible pathologies that may cause obstruction. Results. MRI/MRCP findings compared with final diagnoses, MRI/MRCP in the demonstration of bile duct obstruction sensitivity 96%, the specificity 100%, and accuracy 96.3%, in the detection of presence and level of obstruction, the sensitivity 96.7%, specificity 100%, and accuracy 97.2%, in the diagnosis of choledocholithiasis, the sensitivity 82.3%, specificity 96%, and accuracy 91.7%, and in the determination of the character of the stenosis, sensitivity 95.6%, specificity 91.3%, and accuracy 94.5% were found. Conclusion. The combination of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and MRCP techniques in patients with suspected biliary obstruction gives the detailed information about the presence of obstruction, location, and causes and is a highly specific and sensitive method


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    In order to prevent referee mistakes in volleyball, Video Challenge System has been used in our country since 2015. The aim of the research is to examine the functionality of this system from the perspective of Classification Volleyball Referees assigned in the Efeler and Sultans Leagues and to offer opinions and suggestions for the development of the system. The research was carried out with the screening model, which is one of the quantitative research methods. Participants were reached with a 20-question Video Challenge System Questionnaire, which was developed for the purpose of collecting data in the research. The sample of the research consists of a total of 67 people who participated in the interim seminar with the participation of A and AB Classification volleyball referees in Ankara on 18 December 2021, with a physical questionnaire. The analysis of the data was made with the SPSS 26.0 program and the data on demographic variables were analyzed according to frequency analysis. When the findings of the study are examined; 91.1% of A and AB Classification Volleyball Referees said that the Video Challenge System contributed positively to the course of the match, 98.5% found the VCS applied in our country useful, 94% said that the referees were more comfortable in the matches played with VCS. observed that, 98.6% of them stated that VCS minimized the wrong decisions in numbers that could affect the match or set result, 91.1% stated that VCS directly positively affected the set or match result in competitions with high game quality, and 97%. They stated that the VCS facilitated the work of the referees in terms of making decisions, especially in the most difficult moments of the match. As a result, it has been concluded that the satisfaction of the referees who referee the Efeler and Sultans League matches, which are the highest level leagues of the Turkish Volleyball Federation, with the Video Challenge System is at a very high level. With the results obtained, it is thought that the Video Challenge System has a positive contribution to the fair conclusion of the matches and the surrender of the right.  Article visualizations

    Religion as a Factor Influencing Turkish Women\u27s Decisions to Work

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    This article uses survey data collected from more than 500 women in Istanbul to examine whether or not religion exerts an influence on women’s decisions to work or not. Our work revealed that religion does not appear to have a direct impact on whether or not Turkish women choose to work. Rather the expectation that women fulfill their traditional roles as caregivers proves a greater obstacle for women who wish to enter the labor market. Religion, in the case of Turkey, Islam, can only be seen as an influence on Turkish women’s work decisions to the extent that it supports “patriarchal mentalities” which define women first and foremost as mothers and caregivers

    Some variables predicting five factor personality of adolescentsErgenlerin beş faktör kişilik özelliğini yordayan bazı değişkenler

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    In this study, variables predicting the five-factor personality traits of adolescents were examined. These variables are cognitive flexibility, social self-efficacy, and cognitive errors. Research on middle and high school students from 7th.8th.9th.10th.11th.and 12th grades, a total of 441 students, participated to the study. In the study, the Five Factor Personality Inventory, Social Self Efficacy Scale, Cognitive Flexibility Scale and Cognitive Errors Questionnaire were used. The findings of the study show that significant predictied variables for five personality traits are cognitive flexibility, social self-efficacy and cognitive errors. As a result, positive relationship between social self-efficacy and extraversion, aggreeablesness, and openness to experiences personality traits were emerged. It was determined that there was a positive relationship between self-control personality traits and cognitive flexibility, and a negative relationship cognitive flexibility with neuroticism. However, results showed that over-generalization error was commonly used by people who had self-control and neuroticism personality traits. Self-control and agreeablesness of the personality traits were used at the same time personalization errors.  It is determined that only individuals with agreeablesness trait seemed to made error of selective abstraction. Overall, It is seen that people who are cognitive flexibility are extraversion, agreeablesness, self-control and openness to experiences personality traits.  ÖzetBu çalışmada, ergenlerin beş faktör kişilik özelliklerini yordayan değişkenler incelenmeye çalışılmıştır.  Bu değişkenler bilişsel esneklik, sosyal yetkinlik ve bilişsel hatalardır. Araştırmaya 12 sınıf öğrencileri olmak üzere toplam 441 öğrenci katılmıştır. Araştırmada beş faktör kişilik envanteri, bilişsel esneklik ölçeği, bilişsel hatalar ölçeği ve sosyal yetkinlik beklentisi ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda elde edilen bulgular, beş faktör kişilik özelliklerine anlamlı olarak etkiedendeğişkenlerin, bilişsel esneklik, bilişsel hatalar ve sosyal yetkinlik beklentisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak, dışadönüklük, yumuşakbaşlılık, ve gelişime açıklık kişilik özellikleri ile sosyal yetkinlik arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu görülmektedir. Bilişsel esneklik ile özdenetim kişilik özelliği arasında pozitif, nevrotizm ile negatif bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte aşırı genelleme hatasının özdenetim ve nevrotizm kişilik özelliklerine sahip kişiler tarafından daha çok kullanıldığı, özdenetim kişilik özelliğine sahip kişilerin ve yumuşakbaşlılık kişilik özelliğine sahip kişilerin aynı zamanda kişiselleştirme hatalarını da kullandıkları saptanmıştır. Sadece yumuşakbaşlılık kişilik özelliğine sahip bireylerin seçici soyutlama hatasını yaptıkları belirlenmiştir