204 research outputs found

    Ti-Sr antisite : An abundant point defect in SrTiO3

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    We present a systematic study of the positron lifetime as a function of measurement temperature in strontium titanate ( SrTiO 3) single crystals grown in different conditions and by different synthesis methods. We combine our experimental results with state-of-the-art theoretical calculations of positron annihilation parameters. We find that the essentially omnipresent 180-190ps lifetime component is most likely the Ti Sr antisite defect, possibly coupled with one or more oxygen vacancies, supporting the importance of the Ti Sr antisite related defects in SrTiO 3.Peer reviewe

    Fingerprints of carbon defects in vibrational spectra of gallium nitride (GaN) consider-ing the isotope effect

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    This work examines the carbon defects associated with recently reported and novel peaks of infrared (IR) absorption and Raman scattering appearing in GaN crystals at carbon (12C^{12}C) doping in the range of concentrations from 3.2∗10173.2*10^{17} to 3.5∗1019cm−33.5*10^{19} cm^{-3}. 14 unique vibrational modes of defects are observed in GaN samples grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) and then compared with defect properties predicted from first-principles calculations. The vibrational frequency shift in two 13C^{13}C enriched samples related to the effect of the isotope mass indicates six distinct configurations of the carbon-containing point defects. The effect of the isotope replacement is well reproduced by the density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Specific attention is paid to the most pronounced defects, namely tri-carbon complexes(CN=C=CNC_N=C=C_N) and carbon substituting for nitrogen CNC_N. The position of the transition level (+/0) in the bandgap found for CN=C=CNC_N=C=C_N defects by DFT at 1.1 eV above the valence band maximum, suggest that (CN=C=CN)+(C_N=C=C_N)^+ provides compensation of CN−{C_N}^-. CN=C=CNC_N=C=C_N defects are observed to be prominent, yet have high formation energies in DFT calculations. Regarding CN{C_N} defects, it is shown that the host Ga and N atoms are involved in the defect's delocalized vibrations and significantly affect the isotopic frequency shift. Much more faint vibrational modes are found from di-atomic carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen (C-H) complexes. Also, we note changes of vibrational mode intensities of CNC_N, CN=C=CNC_N=C=C_N, C-H, and CN−CiC_N-C_i defects in the IR absorption spectra upon irradiation in the defect-related UV/visible absorption range. Finally, it is demonstrated that the resonant enhancement of the Raman process in the range of defect absorption above 2.5 eV enables the detection of defects at carbon doping concentrations as low as 3.2∗1017cm−33.2*10^{17} cm^{-3}

    Experimental Hall electron mobility of bulk single crystals of transparent semiconducting oxides

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    We provide a comparative study of basic electrical properties of bulk single crystals of transparent semiconducting oxides (TSOs) obtained directly from the melt (9 compounds) and from the gas phase (1 compound), including binary (β-Ga2O3, In2O3, ZnO, SnO2), ternary (ZnSnO3, BaSnO3, MgGa2O4, ZnGa2O4), and quaternary (Zn1−xMgxGa2O4, InGaZnO4) systems. Experimental outcome, covering over 200 samples measured at room temperature, revealed n-type conductivity of all TSOs with free electron concentrations (ne) between 5 × 1015 and 5 × 1020 cm−3 and Hall electron mobilities (μH) up to 240 cm2 V−1 s−1. The widest range of ne values was achieved for β-Ga2O3 and In2O3. The most electrically conducting bulk crystals are InGaZnO4 and ZnSnO3 with ne > 1020 cm−3 and μH > 100 cm2 V−1 s−1. The highest μH values > 200 cm2 V−1 s−1 were measured for SnO2, followed by BaSnO3 and In2O3 single crystals. In2O3, ZnO, ZnSnO3, and InGaZnO4 crystals were always conducting, while others could be turned into electrical insulators.Leibniz-Gemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001664Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ) im Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (3477)Peer Reviewe
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