26 research outputs found

    Paradoxos da “identidade nacional” nos discursos arquitetônicos de Lucio Costa e Sylvio de Vasconcellos

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    n the debate about the period and the architectural style that represented the national identity in the historiography of Brazilian architecture, in the first decades of the twentieth century, different agents took place in the consolidation of the architectural heritage idea. Important characters in cultural preservation policies, such as Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade and Mário de Andrade, integrated the public space emphasizing their positions of organic intellectuals in cultural policies. Given this fact, this article focuses on the consolidation in the social imaginary of eighteenth-century architecture as an effective representation of national architecture, consolidating itself as a style/period with the largest number of buildings listed until 1970. Understanding the different subjects involved in this process, this article focuses on the effective political action of Lucio Costa and Sylvio Vasconcellos on the defense of colonial heritage, based on texts and interventions in the overturned cities throughout Brazil, shaping and consolidating their strategies around an ideology of heritage and nation. In addition, we seek to understand the direct relationship established by both agents between the “elected” national heritage architecture and the precepts of the new architectural practice linked to the Modern Movement, to which they were adherents. Justifying the new from the primitive, in a perfect relationship where everything can be explained and fitted, the eclectic architecture was treated as a copy of styles, exacerbation of ornaments and link to foreignism, in opposition at the claimed nation project. We should always review concepts and guidelines, dealing more truthfully and fairly with our eclectic heritage, and consequently with our architectural historiography.No debate em torno do período e do estilo arquitetônico que representassem a identidade nacional na historiografia da arquitetura brasileira, nas primeiras décadas do século XX, diferentes agentes tomaram lugar na consolidação do ideário patrimonial arquitetônico. Figuras marcantes às políticas de preservação cultural, tais como Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade e Mário de Andrade, integraram o espaço público ressaltando suas posições de intelectuais inerentes às políticas culturais. Tendo em vista tal fato, este artigo se debruça sobre a consolidação no imaginário social da arquitetura setecentista enquanto efetiva representação da arquitetura nacional, concretizando-se enquanto estilo/período com o maior número de edificações tombadas até 1970. Compreendendo os diferentes sujeitos envolvidos nesse processo, centra-se, assim, na efetiva ação política de Lucio Costa e Sylvio Vasconcellos na defesa em torno do patrimônio colonial, a partir de textos e intervenções nas cidades tombadas Brasil afora, conformandoe consolidando suas estratégias em torno de um ideário de patrimônio e nação. Além disso, busca-se compreender a relação direta estabelecida por ambos os agentes entre a arquitetura “eleita” patrimônio nacional e os preceitos do novo fazer arquitetônico vinculado ao Movimento Moderno, ao qual eram adeptos. Justificando o novo a partir do primitivo, numa relação perfeita em que tudo se explica e se encaixa, a arquitetura eclética foi tratada como cópia de estilos, exacerbação de ornamentos e vinculação ao estrangeirismo, se opondo assim ao projeto de nação pleiteado. Devemos sempre rever conceitos e diretrizes, tratando de forma mais verdadeira e justa o nosso patrimônio eclético, e em consequência, nossa historiografia arquitetônica


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    Biomechanical behaviour of bulk-fill resin composites in class II restorations

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the biomechanical properties expressed by shrinkage stress, cuspal strain, fracture strength and failure mode in molars with large class II mesio-occlusal-distal restorations. Sixty-four human caries-free third molars were selected and distributed randomly into four groups: Z100 restorative material (Z100), Tetric N-Ceram Bulk-Fill (TNC), Filtek Bulk-Fill (FBF) and Aura Ultra Universal (ABF). The bulk-fill materials were inserted in one singular bulk increment and the conventional composite resin in three ones. Polymerisation shrinkage stress was evaluated by optical Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBG) sensors (n = 6). The cuspal deformation was measured using an extensometer during three moments: restorative procedure, axial compressive loading and at fracture (n = 10). The fracture strength was evaluated on a universal machine. The failure mode was analysed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Data were analysed using one-way ANOVA tests with Tukey's posthoc test (α = 5%). Data of the failure mode were submitted to a likelihood ratio chi-square test. Z100 presented the highest mean value for the shrinkage stress (p  0.05). Bulk-fill composites promoted less polymerisation shrinkage stress than conventional microhybrid composite during and after the light curing process in class II posterior resin composite restorations98255261This study was supported by the Institute of Physics Gleb Wataghin (University of Campinas) and Dental Research Center Biomechanics, Biomaterials and Cell Biology (Dental School of Federal University of Uberlândia

    Dívida pública, poupança em conta corrente do governo e superávit primário: uma análise de sustentabilidade Public debt, government current account saving and primary surplus: analysis of sustainability

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    <abstract language="eng">On this paper, we propose a change in the primary surplus' target by the government current account saving. That concept excludes public investment from primary surplus. However, of that change has raised a question about if government current account saving represents a sustainable fiscal policy. Thus, this paper analyses if the change in the primary surplus' target by the government current account saving implies a meaning modification on the debt-to-GDP ratio path. The empirical analysis, which is based on Brazilian monthly data for the period 1999-2005, suggests that the change in fiscal target does not mean a lack of sustain-ability

    Irmandades, oficiais mecânicos e cidadania no Rio de Janeiro do século XVIII Brotherhood, artisans and citizenship in Eighteenth century Rio de Janeiro

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    O artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre os meios de inserção dos ofícios na comunidade política do Rio de Janeiro no século XVIII. Para tanto, focaliza as irmandades de ofícios, consideradas como formas de socialização que tem como referência a igreja católica e a monarquia. Nelas, o domínio de um ofício constituía um critério de ingresso, fossem os irmãos livres, libertos ou escravos. Analisam-se particularmente os casos da irmandade de São Jorge - que reunia basicamente os ofícios do ferro e do fogo - e da irmandade de São José - que congregava carpinteiros, pedreiros e marceneiros. Em termos gerais, objetiva-se investigar a natureza e as condições da cidadania dos ofícios em uma sociedade do Antigo Regime português, a partir das relações entre as irmandades, os oficiais mecânicos e o Senado da câmara.<br>The article suggests a reflection on the insertion means of the artisans in the Rio de Janeiro political community, during the 18th century. For this purpose it focus the artisan’s brotherhoods, considered as a socialization forms, that has as reference the catholic church and the monarchy. The expertise in the trade was a criterion for the admission, be the brothers free, freed men or slaves. In particular, are analyzed the cases of Saint George’s brotherhood - that joined together basically the iron and fire trades - and Saint Joseph’s brotherhood - that brought together carpenters, masons and joiners. In general terms, the objective is to investigate the nature and the conditions of citizenship of the trades in a society of the old Portuguese regime, from the relations between the brotherhoods, the craftsmen and the municipal council