1,153 research outputs found

    Nanomedicine and graphene-based materials: advanced technologies for potential treatments of diseases in the developing nervous system

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    Abstract: The interest in graphene-based nanomaterials (GBNs) application in nanomedicine, in particular in neurology, steadily increased in the last decades. GBNs peculiar physical–chemical properties allow the design of innovative therapeutic tools able to manipulate biological structures with subcellular resolution. In this review, we report GBNs applications to the central nervous system (CNS) when these nanomaterials are engineered as potential therapeutics to treat brain pathologies, with a focus on those of the pediatric age. We revise the state-of-the art studies addressing the impact of GBNs in the CNS, showing that the design of GBNs with different dimensions and chemical compositions or the use of specific administration routes and doses can limit unwanted side effects, exploiting GBNs efficacy in therapeutic approaches. These features favor the development of GBNs-based multifunctional devices that may find applications in the field of precision medicine for the treatment of disorders in the developing CNS. In this framework, we address the suitability of GBNs to become successful therapeutic tools, such as drug nano-delivery vectors when being chemically decorated with pharmaceutical agents and/or other molecules to obtain a high specific targeting of the diseased area and to achieve a controlled release of active molecules. Impact: The translational potential of graphene-based nanomaterials (GBNs) can be used for the design of novel therapeutic approaches to treat pathologies affecting the brain with a focus on the pediatric age.GBNs can be chemically decorated with pharmaceutical agents and molecules to obtain a highly specific targeting of the diseased site and a controlled drug release.The type of GBNs, the selected functionalization, the dose, and the way of administration are factors that should be considered to potentiate the therapeutic efficacy of GBNs, limiting possible side effects.GBNs-based multifunctional devices might find applications in the precision medicine and theranostics fields

    The crystal structure of alstonite, BaCa(CO3)2: An extraordinary example of 'hidden' complex twinning in large single crystals

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    Alstonite, BaCa(CO3)2, is a mineral described almost two centuries ago. It is widespread in Nature and forms magnificent cm-sized crystals. Notwithstanding, its crystal structure was still unknown. Here, we report the crystal-structure determination of the mineral and discuss it in relationship to other polymorphs of BaCa(CO3)2. Alstonite is trigonal, space group P31m, with unit-cell parameters a = 17.4360(6), c = 6.1295(2) Å, V = 1613.80(9) Å3 and Z = 12. The crystal structure was solved and refined to R1 = 0.0727 on the basis of 4515 reflections with Fo > 4σ(Fo) and 195 refined parameters. Alstonite is formed by the alternation, along c, of Ba-dominant and Ca-dominant layers, separated by CO3 groups parallel to {0001}. The main take-home message is to show that not all structure determinations of minerals/compounds can be solved routinely. Some crystals, even large ones displaying excellent diffraction quality, can be twinned in complex ways, thus making their study a crystallographic challenge

    Crystal chemistry of sulfates from the apuan alps (Tuscany, Italy). V. Scordariite, K8(Fe3+0.67 0.33)[Fe3+3O(SO4)6(H2O)3]2(H2O)11: A new metavoltine-related mineral

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    The new mineral species scordariite, K8(Fe3+0.67 0.33)[Fe3+3O(SO4)6(H2O)3]2(H2O)11, was discovered in the Monte Arsiccio mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy. It occurs as pseudo-hexagonal tabular crystals, yellowish to brownish in color, up to 0.5 mm in size. Cleavage is perfect on 0001. It is associated with giacovazzoite, krausite, gypsum, jarosite, alum-(K), and magnanelliite. Electron microprobe analyses give (wt %): SO3 47.31, Al2O3 0.66, Fe2O3 24.68, FeO 0.69, Na2O 0.52, K2O 17.36, H2Ocalc 15.06, total 106.28. The partitioning of Fe between Fe2+ and Fe3+ was based on Mössbauer spectroscopy. On the basis of 67 O atoms per formula unit, the empirical chemical formula is (K7.50Na0.34)Σ7.84(Fe3+6.29Al0.26Fe2+0.20)Σ6.75S12.02O50·17H2O. The ideal end-member formula can be written as K8(Fe3+0.67 0.33)[Fe3+3O(SO4)6(H2O)3]2(H2O)11. Scordariite is trigonal, space group R-3, with (hexagonal setting) a = 9.7583(12), c = 53.687(7) Å, V = 4427.4(12) Å3, Z = 3. The main diffraction lines of the observed X-ray powder pattern are [d(in Å), estimated visual intensity]: 8.3, strong; 6.6, medium; 3.777, medium; 3.299, medium; 3.189, medium; 2.884, strong. The crystal structure of scordariite has been refined using X-ray single-crystal data to a final R1 = 0.057 on the basis of 1980 reflections with Fo > 4σ(Fo) and 165 refined parameters. It can be described as a layered structure formed by three kinds of layers. As with other metavoltine-related minerals, scordariite is characterized by the occurrence of the [Fe3+3O(SO4)6(H2O)3]5- heteropolyhedral cluster

    MAP Kinases Pathways in Gastric Cancer.

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    MTOR modulates intercellular signals for enlargement and infiltration in glioblastoma multiforme

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    Recently, exosomal release has been related to the acquisition of a malignant phenotype in glioblastoma cancer stem cells (GSCs). Remarkably, intriguing reports demonstrate that GSC-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) contribute to glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) tumorigenesis via multiple pathways by regulating tumor growth, infiltration, and immune invasion. In fact, GSCs release tumor-promoting macrovesicles that can disseminate as paracrine factors to induce phenotypic alterations in glioma-associated parenchymal cells. In this way, GBM can actively recruit different stromal cells, which, in turn, may participate in tumor microenvironment (TME) remodeling and, thus, alter tumor progression. Vice versa, parenchymal cells can transfer their protein and genetic contents to GSCs by EVs; thus, promoting GSCs tumorigenicity. Moreover, GBM was shown to hijack EV-mediated cell-to-cell communication for self-maintenance. The present review examines the role of the mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) pathway in altering EVs/exosome-based cell-to-cell communication, thus modulating GBM infiltration and volume growth. In fact, exosomes have been implicated in GSC niche maintenance trough the modulation of GSCs stem cell-like properties, thus, affecting GBM infiltration and relapse. The present manuscript will focus on how EVs, and mostly exosomes, may act on GSCs and neighbor non tumorigenic stromal cells to modify their expression and translational profile, while making the TME surrounding the GSC niche more favorable for GBM growth and infiltration. Novel insights into the mTOR-dependent mechanisms regulating EV-mediated intercellular communication within GBM TME hold promising directions for future therapeutic applications

    The multi‐faceted effect of curcumin in glioblastoma from rescuing cell clearance to autophagy‐independent effects

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    The present review focuses on the multi‐faceted effects of curcumin on the neurobiology glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), with a special emphasis on autophagy (ATG)‐dependent molecular pathways activated by such a natural polyphenol. This is consistent with the effects of curcumin in a variety of experimental models of neurodegeneration, where the molecular events partially overlap with GBM. In fact, curcumin broadly affects various signaling pathways, which are similarly affected in cell degeneration and cell differentiation. The antitumoral effects of curcumin include growth inhibition, cell cycle arrest, anti‐migration and anti‐invasion, as well as chemo‐ and radio‐sensitizing activity. Remarkably, most of these effects rely on mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)‐dependent ATG induction. In addition, curcumin targets undifferentiated and highly tumorigenic GBM cancer stem cells (GSCs). When rescuing ATG with curcumin, the tumorigenic feature of GSCs is suppressed, thus counteracting GBM establishment and growth. It is noteworthy that targeting GSCs may also help overcome therapeutic resistance and reduce tumor relapse, which may lead to a significant improvement of GBM prognosis. The present review focuses on the multi‐faceted effects of curcumin on GBM neurobiology, which represents an extension to its neuroprotective efficacy

    Generalized Fourier Integral Operators on spaces of Colombeau type

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    Generalized Fourier integral operators (FIOs) acting on Colombeau algebras are defined. This is based on a theory of generalized oscillatory integrals (OIs) whose phase functions as well as amplitudes may be generalized functions of Colombeau type. The mapping properties of these FIOs are studied as the composition with a generalized pseudodifferential operator. Finally, the microlocal Colombeau regularity for OIs and the influence of the FIO action on generalized wave front sets are investigated. This theory of generalized FIOs is motivated by the need of a general framework for partial differential operators with non-smooth coefficients and distributional data

    Autophagy as a gateway for the effects of methamphetamine: From neurotransmitter release and synaptic plasticity to psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders.

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    As a major eukaryotic cell clearing machinery, autophagy grants cell proteostasis, which is key for neurotransmitter release, synaptic plasticity, and neuronal survival. In line with this, besides neuropathological events, autophagy dysfunctions are bound to synaptic alterations that occur in mental disorders, and early on, in neurodegenerative diseases. This is also the case of methamphetamine (METH) abuse, which leads to psychiatric disturbances and neurotoxicity. While consistently altering the autophagy machinery, METH produces behavioral and neurotoxic effects through molecular and biochemical events that can be recapitulated by autophagy blockade. These consist of altered physiological dopamine (DA) release, abnormal stimulation of DA and glutamate receptors, as well as oxidative, excitotoxic, and neuroinflammatory events. Recent molecular insights suggest that METH early impairs the autophagy machinery, though its functional significance remains to be investigated. Here we discuss evidence suggesting that alterations of DA transmission and autophagy are intermingled within a chain of events underlying behavioral alterations and neurodegenerative phenomena produced by METH. Understanding how METH alters the autophagy machinery is expected to provide novel insights into the neurobiology of METH addiction sharing some features with psychiatric disorders and parkinsonism

    Crossing the superfluid-supersolid transition of an elongated dipolar condensate

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    We provide a theoretical characterization of the dynamical crossing of the superfluid-supersolid phase transition for a dipolar condensate confined in an elongated trap, as observed in the recent experiment by G. Biagioni et al. [Phys. Rev. X 12, 021019 (2022)]. By means of the extended Gross-Pitaevskii theory, which includes the Lee-Huang-Yang quantum fluctuation correction, we first analyze the ground state configurations of the system as a function of the interparticle scattering length, for both trap configurations employed in the experiment. Then, we discuss the effects of the ramp velocity, by which the scattering length is tuned across the transition, on the collective excitations of the system in both the superfluid and supersolid phases. We find that, when the transverse confinement is sufficiently strong and the transition has a smooth (continuous) character, the system essentially displays a (quasi) 1D behavior, its excitation dynamics being dominated by the axial breathing modes. Instead, for shallower transverse trapping, when the transition becomes discontinuous, the collective excitations of the supersolid display a coupling with the transverse modes, signalling the onset of a dimensional crossover.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Autophagy-Based Hypothesis on the Role of Brain Catecholamine Response During Stress

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    Stressful events, similar to abused drugs, significantly affect the homeostatic balance of the catecholamine brain systems while activating compensation mechanisms to restore balance. In detail, norepinephrine (NE)- and dopamine (DA)-containing neurons within the locus coeruleus (LC) and ventral tegmental area (VTA), are readily and similarly activated by psychostimulants and stressful events involving neural processes related to perception, reward, cognitive evaluation, appraisal, and stress-dependent hormonal factors. Brain catecholamine response to stress results in time-dependent regulatory processes involving mesocorticolimbic circuits and networks, where LC-NE neurons respond more readily than VTA-DA neurons. LC-NE projections are dominant in controlling the forebrain DA-targeted areas, such as the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and medial pre-frontal cortex (mPFC). Heavy and persistent coping demand could lead to sustained LC-NE and VTA-DA neuronal activity, that, when persisting chronically, is supposed to alter LC-VTA synaptic connections. Increasing evidence has been provided indicating a role of autophagy in modulating DA neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity. This alters behavior, and emotional/cognitive experience in response to drug abuse and occasionally, to psychological stress. Thus, relevant information to address the role of stress and autophagy can be drawn from psychostimulants research. In the present mini-review we discuss the role of autophagy in brain catecholamine response to stress and its dysregulation. The findings here discussed suggest a crucial role of regulated autophagy in the response and adaptation of LC-NE and VTA-DA systems to stress