271 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Practice of Family Planning in Dschang Municipality, Cameroon

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    This study was conducted to examine factors which influence contraception in order to ameliorate services. For 12 consecutive months, 706 consenting women on fertility control presenting at the Dschang District Hospital, Cameroon were interviewed and cervical/blood samples collected for analysis. Study respondents were aged 15-50 years (mean 33.61±6.29 years). Levonorgestrel implants (46.7%) and medroxyprogesterone injections (27.6%) were cost effective over the intrauterine copper device (9.5%), Norgestrel (7.8%), Norethisterone enanthate (6.7%), male condoms (6.4%), Progestin only pills (1.4%) and spermicides (1.1%). Lack of expertise precluded tubal ligation or implants and vasectomy. Stigmatization, male rejection, giving or taking methods without adequate laboratory services or regular health checks and failure to recognize or report adverse reproductive health changes impacted on contraception. Genital infections were identified in 33.7% respondents, vaginal candidiasis 20%, bacterial vaginosis 19%, HIV/AIDS 9%, chlamydia 6% and <2% other traditional venereal diseases. Sensitization, education, improved diagnostics and attitude change were adopted.RésuméCette étude a été menée pour examiner les facteurs qui influent sur la contraception dans le but d'améliorer les services. Pendant 12 mois consécutifs, 706 femmes consentantes sur le contrôle de la fertilité qui fréquentent l'hôpital de district de Dschang, au Cameroun ont été interviewées et des échantillons des cols de l’utérus /du sang ont été prélevés pour analyse. Les participantes à l'étude étaient âgées de 15-50 ans (moyenne ± 33,61 6,29 années). Les implants au lévonorgestrel (46,7%) et les injections de médroxyprogestérone (27,6%) étaient rentables sur le dispositif intra-utérin (9,5%), Norgestrel (7,8%), Norethisterone énanthate (6,7%), les préservatifs masculins (6,4%), les pilules progestatives seulement (1,4%) et les spermicides (1,1%). Le manque d'expertise a empêché la ligature des trompes ou des implants et la vasectomie. La stigmatisation, le rejet du mâle, le don ou la prise des méthodes sans des services de laboratoire adéquats ou des bilans de santé réguliers et l'incapacité à reconnaître ou à déclarer des changements défavorables de santé de la reproduction a eu une influence sur la contraception. Les infections génitales ont été identifiées chez 33,7% des personnes interrogées, la candidose vaginale 20%, la vaginose bactérienne 19%, le VIH / sida 9%, 6% et chlamydia <2% d'autres maladies vénériennes classiques. La sensibilisation, l’éducation, ont amélioré les diagnostics et l’on a adopté les changements d'attitude.Keywords: contraception, women, socio-demographics, barriers, genital healt

    Galactic and Extragalactic Samples of Supernova Remnants: How They Are Identified and What They Tell Us

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    Supernova remnants (SNRs) arise from the interaction between the ejecta of a supernova (SN) explosion and the surrounding circumstellar and interstellar medium. Some SNRs, mostly nearby SNRs, can be studied in great detail. However, to understand SNRs as a whole, large samples of SNRs must be assembled and studied. Here, we describe the radio, optical, and X-ray techniques which have been used to identify and characterize almost 300 Galactic SNRs and more than 1200 extragalactic SNRs. We then discuss which types of SNRs are being found and which are not. We examine the degree to which the luminosity functions, surface-brightness distributions and multi-wavelength comparisons of the samples can be interpreted to determine the class properties of SNRs and describe efforts to establish the type of SN explosion associated with a SNR. We conclude that in order to better understand the class properties of SNRs, it is more important to study (and obtain additional data on) the SNRs in galaxies with extant samples at multiple wavelength bands than it is to obtain samples of SNRs in other galaxiesComment: Final 2016 draft of a chapter in "Handbook of Supernovae" edited by Athem W. Alsabti and Paul Murdin. Final version available at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-20794-0_90-

    Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology with Gravitational Waves

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    Gravitational wave detectors are already operating at interesting sensitivity levels, and they have an upgrade path that should result in secure detections by 2014. We review the physics of gravitational waves, how they interact with detectors (bars and interferometers), and how these detectors operate. We study the most likely sources of gravitational waves and review the data analysis methods that are used to extract their signals from detector noise. Then we consider the consequences of gravitational wave detections and observations for physics, astrophysics, and cosmology.Comment: 137 pages, 16 figures, Published version <http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2009-2

    Envelope Determinants of Equine Lentiviral Vaccine Protection

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    Lentiviral envelope (Env) antigenic variation and associated immune evasion present major obstacles to vaccine development. The concept that Env is a critical determinant for vaccine efficacy is well accepted, however defined correlates of protection associated with Env variation have yet to be determined. We reported an attenuated equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) vaccine study that directly examined the effect of lentiviral Env sequence variation on vaccine efficacy. The study identified a significant, inverse, linear correlation between vaccine efficacy and increasing divergence of the challenge virus Env gp90 protein compared to the vaccine virus gp90. The report demonstrated approximately 100% protection of immunized ponies from disease after challenge by virus with a homologous gp90 (EV0), and roughly 40% protection against challenge by virus (EV13) with a gp90 13% divergent from the vaccine strain. In the current study we examine whether the protection observed when challenging with the EV0 strain could be conferred to animals via chimeric challenge viruses between the EV0 and EV13 strains, allowing for mapping of protection to specific Env sequences. Viruses containing the EV13 proviral backbone and selected domains of the EV0 gp90 were constructed and in vitro and in vivo infectivity examined. Vaccine efficacy studies indicated that homology between the vaccine strain gp90 and the N-terminus of the challenge strain gp90 was capable of inducing immunity that resulted in significantly lower levels of post-challenge virus and significantly delayed the onset of disease. However, a homologous N-terminal region alone inserted in the EV13 backbone could not impart the 100% protection observed with the EV0 strain. Data presented here denote the complicated and potentially contradictory relationship between in vitro virulence and in vivo pathogenicity. The study highlights the importance of structural conformation for immunogens and emphasizes the need for antibody binding, not neutralizing, assays that correlate with vaccine protection. © 2013 Craigo et al

    Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial to Analyze the Effects of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression on Edema Following Autologous Femoropopliteal Bypass Surgery

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    Background: Patients who undergo autologous femoropopliteal bypass surgery develop postoperative edema in the revascularized leg. The effects of intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) to treat and to prevent postreconstructive edema were examined in this study. Methods: In a prospective randomized trial, patients were assigned to one of two groups. All patients suffered from peripheral arterial disease, and all were subjected to autologous femoropopliteal bypass reconstruction. Patients in group 1 used a compression stocking (CS) above the knee exerting 18 mmHg (class I) on the leg postoperatively for 1 week (day and night). Patients in group 2 used IPC on the foot postoperatively at night for 1 week. The lower leg circumference was measured preoperatively and at five postoperative time points. A multivariate analysis was done using a mixed model analysis of variance. Results: A total of 57 patients were analyzed (CS 28; IPC 29). Indications for operation were severe claudication (CS 13; IPC 13), rest pain (10/5), or tissue loss (7/11). Revascularization was performed with either a supragenicular (CS 13; IPC10) or an infragenicular (CS 15; IPC 19) autologous bypass. Leg circumference increased on day 1 (CS/IPC): 0.4%/2.7%, day 4 (2.1%/6.1%), day 7 (2.5%/7.9%), day 14 (4.7%/7.3%), and day 90 (1.0%/3.3%) from baseline (preoperative situation). On days 1, 4, and 7 there was a significant difference in leg circumference between the two treatment groups. Conclusions: Edema following femoropopliteal bypass surgery occurs in all patients. For the prevention and treatment of that edema the use of a class I CS proved superior to treatment with IPC. The use of CS remains the recommended practice following femoropopliteal bypass surgery

    Common Variants at 10 Genomic Loci Influence Hemoglobin A(1C) Levels via Glycemic and Nonglycemic Pathways

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    OBJECTIVE Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), used to monitor and diagnose diabetes, is influenced by average glycemia over a 2- to 3-month period. Genetic factors affecting expression, turnover, and abnormal glycation of hemoglobin could also be associated with increased levels of HbA1c. We aimed to identify such genetic factors and investigate the extent to which they influence diabetes classification based on HbA1c levels. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We studied associations with HbA1c in up to 46,368 nondiabetic adults of European descent from 23 genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and 8 cohorts with de novo genotyped single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We combined studies using inverse-variance meta-analysis and tested mediation by glycemia using conditional analyses. We estimated the global effect of HbA1c loci using a multilocus risk score, and used net reclassification to estimate genetic effects on diabetes screening. RESULTS Ten loci reached genome-wide significant association with HbA1c, including six new loci near FN3K (lead SNP/P value, rs1046896/P = 1.6 × 10−26), HFE (rs1800562/P = 2.6 × 10−20), TMPRSS6 (rs855791/P = 2.7 × 10−14), ANK1 (rs4737009/P = 6.1 × 10−12), SPTA1 (rs2779116/P = 2.8 × 10−9) and ATP11A/TUBGCP3 (rs7998202/P = 5.2 × 10−9), and four known HbA1c loci: HK1 (rs16926246/P = 3.1 × 10−54), MTNR1B (rs1387153/P = 4.0 × 10−11), GCK (rs1799884/P = 1.5 × 10−20) and G6PC2/ABCB11 (rs552976/P = 8.2 × 10−18). We show that associations with HbA1c are partly a function of hyperglycemia associated with 3 of the 10 loci (GCK, G6PC2 and MTNR1B). The seven nonglycemic loci accounted for a 0.19 (% HbA1c) difference between the extreme 10% tails of the risk score, and would reclassify ∼2% of a general white population screened for diabetes with HbA1c. CONCLUSIONS GWAS identified 10 genetic loci reproducibly associated with HbA1c. Six are novel and seven map to loci where rarer variants cause hereditary anemias and iron storage disorders. Common variants at these loci likely influence HbA1c levels via erythrocyte biology, and confer a small but detectable reclassification of diabetes diagnosis by HbA1c

    Clinical factors associated with fatigue over time in paediatric oncology patients receiving chemotherapy

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between clinical factors (including haemoglobin value, chemotherapeutic agents, and corticosteroid use) and changing patterns of fatigue before and for the next 10 days following the start of a new round of chemotherapy in children with cancer. A prospective longitudinal design was used to collect data from 48 paediatric oncology patients who were about to begin a new round of chemotherapy and their parents. Fatigue levels were assessed using multidomain questionnaires with three categories of patient self-report (including ‘General Fatigue', ‘Sleep/Rest Fatigue', and ‘Cognitive Fatigue') and four categories of parent proxy-report (including ‘Lack of Energy', ‘Unable to Function', ‘Altered Sleep', and ‘Altered Mood'). The findings suggest that fatigue from both patient self-report and parent proxy-report changed significantly over time. The major findings from this study are that patients have more problems with fatigue in the first few days after the start of a cycle of chemotherapy. Corticosteroid use and haemoglobin value were associated with significant increases in fatigue that were sustained for several days and reached the highest level of fatigue at day 5 for those receiving concurrent steroids. The association of chemotherapeutic agents with fatigue varied between patient self-report and parent report, but the type of chemotherapeutic agents used was not associated with most changes in fatigue

    Phosphine Resistance in the Rust Red Flour Beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): Inheritance, Gene Interactions and Fitness Costs

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    The recent emergence of heritable high level resistance to phosphine in stored grain pests is a serious concern among major grain growing countries around the world. Here we describe the genetics of phosphine resistance in the rust red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), a pest of stored grain as well as a genetic model organism. We investigated three field collected strains of T. castaneum viz., susceptible (QTC4), weakly resistant (QTC1012) and strongly resistant (QTC931) to phosphine. The dose-mortality responses of their test- and inter-cross progeny revealed that most resistance was conferred by a single major resistance gene in the weakly (3.2×) resistant strain. This gene was also found in the strongly resistant (431×) strain, together with a second major resistance gene and additional minor factors. The second major gene by itself confers only 12–20× resistance, suggesting that a strong synergistic epistatic interaction between the genes is responsible for the high level of resistance (431×) observed in the strongly resistant strain. Phosphine resistance is not sex linked and is inherited as an incompletely recessive, autosomal trait. The analysis of the phenotypic fitness response of a population derived from a single pair inter-strain cross between the susceptible and strongly resistant strains indicated the changes in the level of response in the strong resistance phenotype; however this effect was not consistent and apparently masked by the genetic background of the weakly resistant strain. The results from this work will inform phosphine resistance management strategies and provide a basis for the identification of the resistance genes