153 research outputs found

    Derivation of fluid dynamics from kinetic theory with the 14--moment approximation

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    We review the traditional derivation of the fluid-dynamical equations from kinetic theory according to Israel and Stewart. We show that their procedure to close the fluid-dynamical equations of motion is not unique. Their approach contains two approximations, the first being the so-called 14-moment approximation to truncate the single-particle distribution function. The second consists in the choice of equations of motion for the dissipative currents. Israel and Stewart used the second moment of the Boltzmann equation, but this is not the only possible choice. In fact, there are infinitely many moments of the Boltzmann equation which can serve as equations of motion for the dissipative currents. All resulting equations of motion have the same form, but the transport coefficients are different in each case.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, typos fixed and discussions added; EPJA: Topical issue on "Relativistic Hydro- and Thermodynamics

    Grain Destruction in Interstellar Shocks

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    Interstellar shock waves can erode and destroy grains present in the shocked gas, primarily as the result of sputtering and grain-grain collisions. Uncertainties in current estimates of sputtering yields are reviewed. Results are presented for the simple case of sputtering of fast grains being stopped in cold gas. An upper limit is derived for sputtering of refractory grains in C-type MHD shocks: shock speeds v_s \gtrsim 50 \kms are required for return of more than 30\% of the silicate to the gas phase. Sputtering can also be important for removing molecular ice mantles from grains in two-fluid MHD shock waves in molecular gas. Recent estimates of refractory grain lifetimes against destruction in shock waves are summarized, and the implications of these short lifetimes are discussed.Comment: To appear in Shocks in Astrophysics, ed. T.J. Millar. Talk given at conference Shocks in Astrophysics, Manchester, Jan. 1995. 13 pages with 6 figures: uuencoded compressed postscript. Also available as POPe-633 on http://astro.princeton.edu/~library/prep.htm

    The IAXO Helioscope

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    The IAXO (International Axion Experiment) is a fourth generation helioscope with a sensitivity, in terms of detectable signal counts, at least 104 better than CAST phase-I, resulting in sensitivity on ga¿ one order of magnitude better. To achieve this performance IAXO will count on a 8-coil toroidal magnet with 60 cm diameter bores and equipped with X-ray focusing optics into 0.20 cm2 spots coupled to ultra-low background Micromegas X-ray detectors. The magnet will be on a platform that will allow solar tracking for 12 hours per day. The next short term objectives are to prepare a Technical Design Report and to construct the first prototypes of the hardware main ingredients: demonstration coil, X-ray optics and low background detector while refining the physics case and studying the feasibility studies for Dark Matter axions

    The Next Generation of Axion Helioscopes: The International Axion Observatory (IAXO)

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    The International Axion Observatory (IAXO) is a proposed 4th-generation axion helioscope with the primary physics research goal to search for solar axions via their Primakoff conversion into photons of 1 \u2013 10 keV energies in a strong magnetic field. IAXO will achieve a sensitivity to the axion-photon coupling ga\u3b3 down to a few 710 1212 GeV 121 for a wide range of axion masses up to 3c 0.25 eV. This is an improvement over the currently best (3rd generation) axion helioscope, the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST), of about 5 orders of magnitude in signal strength, corresponding to a factor 3c 20 in the axion photon coupling. IAXO's sensitivity relies on the construction of a large superconducting 8-coil toroidal magnet of 20 m length optimized for axion research. Each of the eight 60 cm diameter magnet bores is equipped with x-ray optics focusing the signal photons into 3c 0.2 cm2 spots that are imaged by very low background x-ray detectors. The magnet will be built into a structure with elevation and azimuth drives that will allow solar tracking for 12 hours each day. This contribution is a summary of our papers [1], [2] and [3] and we refer to these for further details

    An update on the Axion Helioscopes front: current activities at CAST and the IAXO project

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    Although they have not yet been detected, axions and axion-like particles (ALPs) continue to maintain the interest (even increasingly so) of the rare-event searches community as viable candidates for the Dark Matter of the Universe but also as a solution for several other puzzles of astrophysics. Their property of coupling to photons has inspired different experimental methods for their detection, one of which is the helioscope technique. The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) is the most sensitive helioscope built up to date and has recently published part of the latest data taken with the magnet bores gradually filled with 3He, probing the mass range up to 1.17 eV. The International AXion Observatory (IAXO) is being proposed as a facility where different axion studies can be performed, with the primary goal to study axions coming from the Sun. Designed to maximize sensitivity, it will improve the levels reached by CAST by almost 5 orders of magnitude in signal detection, that is more than one order of magnitude in terms of gaγ. Here we will summarize the most important aspects of the helioscopes, and focus mainly on IAXO, based on the recent papers [1, 2]

    Point View in Bird and Flower Painting

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    在中国传统绘画中,点景是极其重要的一种表达方式。石涛所研究的绘画问题中,情感、理性、力量都是不可缺少的,如何恰当地运用这三者,却有可能导致完全不同的创作结果。而点景正是这三者的集合点,不仅要用心灵去感受自然对象的内在精神,不能因为对象的限制而使感受层次也受到限制,把眼睛之受升华为心理之受。在绘画作品中合理地运用点景能使画家的情感与物象更加融合,画家自身的主观感受在画面上得到充分的体现,以一种小的特殊表现符号流露出画家作品里表达的象征倾向和审美概念,对画面的构图及意境有着画龙点睛的作用。本文以花鸟画点景为研究对象,重点介绍了点景的表现与意义;进一步阐述了点景在传统花鸟画构成中的作用,着重论述其在...The “point view” is extremely important as a means of expression in the traditional Chinese painting. Emotion, rationality and power are essential in the Shi Tao studied painting, and how to properly use them may lead to the creation of a completely different result. For the reason that “point view” is a collection of these three points, shouldn’t we only use the soul to feel the inner spirit of n...学位:文学硕士院系专业:艺术教育学院美术系_美术学学号:1862007115166

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