598 research outputs found

    Explaining intermittent exporting:exit and conditional re-entry in export markets

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    Intermittent exporting is something of a puzzle. In theory, exporting represents a major commitment, and is often the starting point for further internationalisation. However, intermittent exporters exit and subsequently re-enter exporting, sometimes frequently. We develop a conceptual model to explain how firm characteristics and market conditions interact to affect the decision to exit and re-enter exporting, and model this process using an extensive dataset of French manufacturing firms from 1997 to 2007. As anticipated, smaller and less productive firms are more likely to exit exporting, and react more strongly to changes in both domestic and foreign markets than larger firms. Exit and re-entry are closely linked. Firms with a low exit probability also have a high likelihood of re-entry, and vice versa. However, the way in which firms react to market conditions at the time of exit matters greatly in determining the likelihood of re-entry: thus re-entry depends crucially on the strategic rationale for exit. Our analysis helps explain the opportunistic and intermittent exporting of (mainly) small firms, the demand conditions under which intermittent exporting is most likely to occur, and the firm attributes most likely to give rise to such behavior

    On the functional design of the DTU10 MW wind turbine scale model of LIFES50+ project

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    This paper illustrates the mechatronic design of the wind tunnel scale model of the DTU 10MW reference wind turbine, for the LIFES50+ H2020 European project. This model was designed with the final goal of controlling the angle of attack of each blade by means of miniaturized servomotors, for implementing advanced individual pitch control (IPC) laws on a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine (FOWT) 1/75 scale model. Many design constraints were to be respected: among others, the rotor-nacelle overall mass due to aero-elastic scaling, the limited space of the nacelle, where to put three miniaturized servomotors and the main shaft one, with their own inverters/controllers, the slip rings for electrical rotary contacts, the highest stiffness as possible for the nacelle support and the blade-rotor connections, for ensuring the proper kinematic constraint, considering the first flapwise blade natural frequency, the performance of the servomotors to guarantee the wide frequency band due to frequency scale factors, etc. The design and technical solutions are herein presented and discussed, along with an overview of the building and verification process. Also a discussion about the goals achieved and constraints respected for the rigid wind turbine scale model (LIFES50+ deliverable D.3.1) and the further possible improvements for the IPC-aero-elastic scale model, which is being finalized at the time of this paper

    Aumento da resistência mecanica a penetração em função da perda natural de umidade no solo.

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    Nosso objetivo foi verificar a variação de umidade e sua interferência sobre a resistência mecânica a penetração em um latossolo amarelo disrófico (Lad) sobre relevo plano em área de pastagem, sob condições de clima Amazônico, através de modelo estatísticos de regressão polinomial de 2º grau

    Quantification of aluminium in soil of the Solimões formation, Acre State, Brazil.

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    The variety of soils in the State of Acre is wide and their chemical profiles are still not fully understood. The nature of the material of origin of these soils is indicated by the high aluminium (Al) content, commonly associated with high calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) contents. The study objective was to use different methods to quantify Al in soils from toposequences formed from material of a sedimentary nature originating from the Solimões Formation, in Acre, Brazil. Trenches were opened at three distinct points in the landscape: shoulder, backslope and footslope positions. Soil samples were collected for physical, chemical, mineralogical analyses. The Al content was quantified using different methods. High Al contents were found in most of these horizons, associated with high Ca and Mg levels, representing the predominant cations in the sum of exchangeable bases. The mineralogy indicates that the soils are still in a low weathering phase, with the presence of significant quantities of 2:1 minerals. Similar Al contents were determined by the methods of NaOH titration, xylenol orange spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. However, no consistent data were obtained by the pyrocatechol violet method. Extraction with KCl overestimated the exchangeable Al content due to its ability to extract the non-exchangeable Al present in the smectite interlayers. It was observed that high Al contents are related to the instability of the hydroxyl-Al smectite interlayers

    Effect of Aging on Stained Monolithic Resin-Ceramic CAD/CAM Materials: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Surface Roughness

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    PURPOSE The aim of this in vitro study was to measure the effect of staining and artificial aging on the surface roughness of commercially available resin-ceramic computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) materials both quantitatively and qualitatively and to compare it to feldspathic material. MATERIALS AND METHODS Test specimens (n = 15 per material) were prepared of CAD/CAM ingots from a resin nanoceramic (Lava Ultimate, LVU), a polymer-infiltrated ceramic (Vita Enamic, ENA), and a resin nanoceramic (Cerasmart, CER). In the staining protocol, test specimens were (i) roughened in a standardized manner and (ii) stained with the manufacturer's recommended staining kit by means of photo-polymerization (Bluephase Polywave). The control specimens were prepared out of a feldspathic ceramic (Vita Mark II,VM2) and stained in a ceramic furnace. As negative control of each group, 15 specimens were prepared and polished in a standardized manner. Surface roughness (Ra) was measured after finishing procedures and after simulation of clinical service up to 5 years by means of toothbrushing. After each year of aging, one specimen per group was randomly selected for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. Kruskal-Wallis test and paired post-hoc test were applied to detect differences between treatment groups (alpha = 0.05). RESULTS The mean roughness measurements of the stained CAD/CAM materials were 0.14 ± 0.04 μm (ENA), 0.15 ± 0.03 μm (LVU), 0.22 ± 0.03 μm (VM2), and 0.26 ± 0.12 μm (CER). In the polished CAD/CAM materials the measurements were 0.01 ± 0.01 μm (CER), 0.02 ± 0.01 μm (LVU), 0.02 ± 0.00 μm (VM2), and 0.03 ± 0.01μm (ENA). Irrespective of the restoration material, the applied staining protocol resulted in a higher surface roughness compared to the polished specimens (p < 0.001). After 5 years of simulated aging the mean surface roughness in the stained CAD/CAM materials were 0.22 ± 0.03 μm (VM2), 0.24 ± 0.09 μm (ENA), 0.25 ± 0.06 μm (CER), and 0.37 ± 0.09 μm (LVU). Aging had a significant effect on surface roughness in groups ENA and LVU (p < 0.001). SEM analysis showed that the staining layer on resin-ceramic CAD/CAM materials was partially removed over time. CONCLUSIONS The applied staining protocol significantly increased surface roughness of CAD/CAM materials. Instability of the staining layer on resin-ceramic CAD/CAM materials could be anticipated over time as a consequence of toothbrushing, whereas feldspathic ceramic did not suffer from such aging effect

    Taxonomia de solos desenvolvidos sobre depósitos sedimentares da Formação Solimões no Estado do Acre.

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    Os solos do Estado do Acre na maioria são formados sobre material de origem com grande influência da orogênese Andina, com elevados teores de Ca2+, Mg2+ e Al3+ concomitantemente, associado às combinações diferenciadas dos valores da CTC, V e m. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar e classificar os solos de uma topossequência sobre material sedimentar da Formação Solimões, no município de Feijó, Acre. Foram abertas trincheiras em três pontos de uma topossequência: terço superior (P1), terço médio (P2) e terço inferior (P3). Os solos foram analisados quanto a morfologia, granulometria (areia, silte e argila), complexo sortivo (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+ e Al3+), acidez potencial (H+Al), P assimilável, pH (água e KCl), superfície específica, ataque sulfúrico (óxidos de Fe, Al, Ti e Si), mineralogia (frações areia, silte e argila). Os solos foram classificados segundo o Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos (SiBCS, 2006) e apresentada uma proposta de classificação considerando as peculiaridades do solos da região. Os solos têm baixo grau de desenvolvimento pedogenético, com minerais da fração argila de alta atividade, além da presença de minerais primários, como feldspatos e plagioclásios, nas frações areia e silte. Os solos foram classificados segundo o SiBCS atual como Argissolo Vermelho Álitico plíntico (P1), Argissolo Acinzentado Distrófico plíntico (P2) e Cambissolo Háplico Ta Eutrófico típico (P3)

    A multi-channel stimulator with an active electrode array implant for vagal-cardiac neuromodulation studies.

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    Background: Implantable vagus nerve stimulation is a promising approach for restoring autonomic cardiovascular functions after heart transplantation. For successful treatment a system should have multiple electrodes to deliver precise stimulation and complex neuromodulation patterns. Methods: This paper presents an implantable multi-channel stimulation system for vagal-cardiac neuromodulation studies in swine species. The system comprises an active electrode array implant percutaneously connected to an external wearable controller. The active electrode array implant has an integrated stimulator ASIC mounted on a ceramic substrate connected to an intraneural electrode array via micro-rivet bonding. The implant is silicone encapsulated for biocompatibility and implanted lifetime. The stimulation parameters are remotely transmitted via a Bluetooth telemetry link. Results: The size of the encapsulated active electrode array implant is 8 mm × 10 mm × 3 mm. The stimulator ASIC has 10-bit current amplitude resolution and 16 independent output channels, each capable of delivering up to 550 μA stimulus current and a maximum voltage of 20 V. The active electrode array implant was subjected to in vitro accelerated lifetime testing at 70 °C for 7 days with no degradation in performance. After over 2 h continuous stimulation, the surface temperature change of the implant was less than 0.5 °C. In addition, in vivo testing on the sciatic nerve of a male Göttingen minipig demonstrated that the implant could effectively elicit an EMG response that grew progressively stronger on increasing the amplitude of the stimulation. Conclusions: The multi-channel stimulator is suitable for long term implantation. It shows potential as a useful tool in vagal-cardiac neuromodulation studies in animal models for restoring autonomic cardiovascular functions after heart transplantation

    Study of the MgB2 grain size role in ex-situ multifilamentary wires with thin filaments

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    The MgB2 superconductor has already demonstrated its applicative potential, in particular for DC applications such as MRI magnets, thanks to the low costs of the raw materials and to its simple production process. However further efforts have still to be made in order to broaden its employment also towards the AC applications such as SFCL, motors, transformers. The main issues are related to the reduction of the AC losses. Some of these can be faced by obtaining multifilamentary conductors with a large number of very fine filaments and, in this context, the powders granulometry can play a crucial role. We have prepared MgB2 starting powders with different granulometries and by the ex-situ P.I.T method we have realized multifilamentary wires with a number of filaments up to 361 and an average size of each filament lowered down to 30 microns. In particular we have studied the relationship between grain and filament size in terms of transport properties and show that the optimization of this ratio is possible in order to obtain suitable conductors for AC industrial applications

    Alzheimer’s disease marker phospho-tau181 is not elevated in the first year after moderate-severe TBI

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    Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is associated with the tauopathies Alzheimer’s disease and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Advanced immunoassays show significant elevations in plasma total tau (t-tau) early post-TBI, but concentrations subsequently normalise rapidly. Tau phosphorylated at serine-181 (p-tau181) is a well-validated Alzheimer’s disease marker that could potentially seed progressive neurodegeneration. We tested whether post-traumatic p-tau181 concentrations are elevated and relate to progressive brain atrophy. Methods: Plasma p-tau181 and other post-traumatic biomarkers, including total-tau (t-tau), neurofilament light (NfL), ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), were assessed after moderate-to-severe TBI in the BIO-AX-TBI cohort (first sample mean 2.7 days, second sample within 10 days, then 6 weeks, 6 months and 12 months, n=42). Brain atrophy rates were assessed in aligned serial MRI (n=40). Concentrations were compared patients with and without Alzheimer’s disease, with healthy controls. Results: Plasma p-tau181 concentrations were significantly raised in patients with Alzheimer’s disease but not after TBI, where concentrations were non-elevated, and remained stable over one year. P-tau181 after TBI was not predictive of brain atrophy rates in either grey or white matter. In contrast, substantial trauma-associated elevations in t-tau, NfL, GFAP and UCH-L1 were seen, with concentrations of NfL and t-tau predictive of brain atrophy rates. Conclusions: Plasma p-tau181 is not significantly elevated during the first year after moderate-to-severe TBI and levels do not relate to neuroimaging measures of neurodegeneration

    A composite approach to produce reference datasets for extratropical cyclone tracks: application to Mediterranean cyclones

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    Many cyclone detection and tracking methods (CDTMs) have been developed in the past to study the climatology of extratropical cyclones. However, all CDTMs have different approaches in defining and tracking cyclone centers. This naturally leads to cyclone track climatologies with inconsistent physical characteristics. More than that, it is typical for CDTMs to produce a non-negligible number of tracks of weak atmospheric features, which do not correspond to large-scale or mesoscale vortices and can differ significantly between CDTMs. Lack of consensus in CDTM outputs and the inclusion of significant numbers of uncertain tracks therein have long prohibited the production of a commonly accepted reference dataset of extratropical cyclone tracks. Such a dataset could allow comparable results on the analysis of storm track climatologies and could also contribute to the evaluation and improvement of CDTMs. To cover this gap, we present a new methodological approach that combines overlapping tracks from different CDTMs and produces composite tracks that concentrate the agreement of more than one CDTM. In this study we apply this methodology to the outputs of 10 well-established CDTMs which were originally applied to ERA5 reanalysis in the 42-year period of 1979-2020. We tested the sensitivity of our results to the spatiotemporal criteria that identify overlapping cyclone tracks, and for benchmarking reasons, we produced five reference datasets of subjectively tracked cyclones. Results show that climatological numbers of composite tracks are substantially lower than the ones of individual CDTMs, while benchmarking scores remain high (i.e., counting the number of subjectively tracked cyclones captured by the composite tracks). Our results show that composite tracks tend to describe more intense and longer-lasting cyclones with more distinguished early, mature and decay stages than the cyclone tracks produced by individual CDTMs. Ranking the composite tracks according to their confidence level (defined by the number of contributing CDTMs), it is shown that the higher the confidence level, the more intense and long-lasting cyclones are produced. Given the advantage of our methodology in producing cyclone tracks with physically meaningful and distinctive life stages, we propose composite tracks as reference datasets for climatological research in the Mediterranean. The Supplement provides the composite Mediterranean tracks for all confidence levels, and in the conclusion we discuss their adequate use for scientific research and applications