8,133 research outputs found

    An Analytical Expression for the Hubble diagram of supernovae and gamma-ray bursts

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    A recent paper by Harmut Traunm\"uller shows that the most adequate equation to interpret the observations on magnitude and redshift from 892 type 1a supernovae would be mu = 5 log[(1+z) ln(1+z)] + const. We discuss this result which is exacly the one we have obtained few years ago when postulating a relation between the speed of light and the expansion of the universe. We also compare our analytical result to the conclusion of Marosi who studied 280 supernovae and gamma-ray bursts in the range 0.1014 < z < 8.1. The difference between his results and ours is at worst of 0.3 %.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Impact of Regulatory Agencies on the Efficiency of Publicly-Owned Utilities

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    We compare the economic efficiency of a publicly-owned utility directly controlled by the government with a publicly-owned utility regulated by a public utility commission (PUC). Regulation by a PUC is modelled as a Nash equilibrium of a game between two principals, the government and the PUC, each of them having control over a subset of decision variables determining the utility performance. A utility manager, who has private information over a productivity parameter, is the agent. Comparisons of both regulatory regimes are made with respect to output, choice of inputs, manager's information rent and firm's profit. Reasons for which the government should prefer one regulatory regime over the other are discussed. The recent regulatory reform of electricity markets in the province of Quebec (Canada) provides an illustration of the model.Regulation, Public Enterprises

    International Competition between Public or Mixed Enterprises

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    We develop a model in which two firms from different countries compete on each other domestic market. Each firm is jointly owned by the residents and the government of its country. The extent of the government's stake in the public enterprise is endogenous and it determines the weight given to domestic consumers' surplus in the firm's payoff function. We show that the choice of each government's stake depends on a trade-off between allocative efficiency on the domestic market and profitability of foreign markets. We also highlight the fact that the government's stake in one country has an impact on firms' behavior in both countries.Regulation, public enterprises, duopoly

    International Competition Between Public or Mixed Enterprises

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    We develop a model in which two firms from different countries compete on each other domestic market. Each firms is jointly owned by the residents and the government of its country. The extent of the government's stake in the public enterprise is endogenous and it determines the weight given the domestic consumers' surplus inithe firm's payoff function. We show that the choice of each government's stake depends on a trade-off between allocative efficiency on the domestic market and profitability of foreign markets. We also highlight the fact that the government's stake in on country has an impact of firms' behavior in both countries.Regulation, Public Enterprises, Duopoly

    Réponse des bassins versants à l'activité tectonique : l'exemple de la terminaison orientale de la chaßne pyrénéenne. Approche morphotectonique

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    International audienceDans les zones faiblement actives du point de vue tectonique et en l'absence de marqueurs sĂ©dimentaires, une quantification des mouvements verticaux ne peut ĂȘtre proposĂ©e qu'en confrontant diffĂ©rents marqueurs morphologiques. L'organisation gĂ©omorphologique des bassins versants et la gĂ©omĂ©trie du rĂ©seau hydrographique constituent d'excellents traceurs de la dĂ©formation rĂ©cente ou active. Ainsi l'analyse de la morphomĂ©trie des bassins permet de dĂ©terminer la stabilitĂ© ou l'instabilitĂ© de certains secteurs d'un orogĂšne et de quantifier les mouvements tectoniques verticaux rĂ©cents. L'utilisation d'indices morphomĂ©triques comme marqueurs de la dĂ©formation a Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e dans les PyrĂ©nĂ©es orientales. Un essai de reconstitution cinĂ©matique est proposĂ©, rendant compte de l'inĂ©gal soulĂšvement des reliefs, de la rĂ©partition des grands volumes orographiques et de l'organisation du rĂ©seau hydrographique

    Convergence to Time-Periodic Solutions in Time-Periodic Hamilton–Jacobi Equations on the Circle

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    International audienceThe goal of this paper is to give a simple proof of the convergence to time-periodic states of the solutions of time-periodic Hamilton–Jacobi equations on the circle with convex Hamiltonian. Note that the period of limiting solutions may be greater than the period of the Hamiltonian

    L'enregistrement gĂ©omorphologique de la tectonique quaternaire par les nappes alluviales : l'exemple du bassin de la TĂȘt (Roussillon, France)

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    International audienceDans les zones Ă  activitĂ© sismo-tectonique faible ou diffuse, la gĂ©omĂ©trie des corps sĂ©dimentaires simples peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e comme marqueur de la dĂ©formation. L'utilisation des palĂ©o-surfaces des nappes alluviales quaternaires comme traceurs du jeu diffĂ©rentiel des diffĂ©rents compartiments repose sur l'assimilation de leur surface topographique et de leur profil hydrodynamique. L'analyse des facteurs gĂ©omorphologiques et hydrauliques de contrĂŽle de la morphologie des niveaux alluviaux de la TĂȘt met en Ă©vidence l'homogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© litho-faciologiques et architecturale inter-nappes. La gĂ©omĂ©trie de surface des corps sĂ©dimentaires quaternaires extraite d'un modĂšle numĂ©rique de terrain (MNT) permet de diviser les profils longitudinaux en 3 secteurs hydrodynamiques homogĂšnes. Pour chacun de ces secteurs, l'ajustement au profil thĂ©orique est maximal. La gĂ©omĂ©trie dĂ©duite est interprĂ©tĂ©e comme le rĂ©sultat de dĂ©formations induisant une segmentation des nappes alluviales en deux secteurs subsidents, sĂ©parĂ©s par un mĂŽle en surrection lente. La superposition de la dĂ©formation avec les bassins actifs au cours du PliocĂšne, pour lequel le fonctionnement est attestĂ©, confirme cette hypothĂšse. Les unitĂ©s morphostructurales identifiĂ©es paraissent donc actives au cours du Quaternaire
