146 research outputs found

    Latin American structuralism foundations : insights for a contribution to international politic economy

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    El artículo presenta una síntesis de la evolución del pensamiento de la CEPAL y del estructuralismo, desde sus orígenes, con las interpretaciones de Raúl Prebisch, hasta la actualidad. Explica las etapas de su evolución, la relación con el debate sobre el desarrollo, los niveles de análisis a los que se aplicó o que derivaron de esas reflexiones; destacando su relevancia, actualidad, influencia y proyección internacional. Pone de relevancia su originalidad y la ponderación de ser el único complejo de ideas originado en el Tercer Mundo que ha brindado una interpretación histórica del sistema mundial.The article presents an overview of the evolution of thought ECLAC and structuralism, from its origins, with interpretations of Raúl Prebisch, until today. Explain the stages of its evolution, the relationship with the debate on development, levels of analysis that was applied to or derived from these reflections; highlighting the relevance, timeliness, influence and international projection that structuralism has had. Serves to underscore its uniqueness and characterization as the only complex originated ideas in the Third World has provided a historical interpretation of the world system.Fil: Bernal Meza, Raúl. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    La heterogeneidad de la imagen de China en la política exterior latinoamericana. Perspectivas para la concertación de políticas (Tema Central)

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    The text shows the heterogeneous views of various Latin American countries, like Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Venezuela, in terms of their analyses of and studies about foreign policy. This paper aims to make clear the different images that China generates as a rising power in the world economy, particularly as a major trade partner of these countries. The goal of this article is to provide elements for analysis about policy coordination vis-àvis China. The central argument states that there should be coordination between regional integration strategies and foreign policies in relation to China. However, these heterogeneous visions can work against that goal as well.El texto expone las visiones heterogéneas que tiene un grupo importante de países latinoamericanos: (México, Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia y Venezuela), expresadas en análisis y estudios de política exterior. Se analizan las imágenes distintas que genera China como potencia emergente, segunda economía mundial y socio internacional. El objetivo es brindar elementos de análisis para la concertación de políticas, vis-à-vis China. La conclusión plantea que debería haber coordinación regional de estrategias de inserción y política exterior en relación a esta potencia emergente. Sin embargo, esas visiones heterogéneas pueden conspirar contra ese objetivo

    Chili, un modèle périphérique d'insertion internationale? (Note)

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    In the past few years, Chile has been noted as a model of international economic insertion of a developing country. Openness, de-regulation, exports growth, an important achievement in capturing direct foreign investment and a sustained growth, have been the elements on which the new strategy of searching for an integration with the large regional groups of trade has been supported. In the present study, we analyse the characteristics of the Chilean economy and the features that have remarked Us international insertion, in order to find the comparative advantages and disadvantages of an integration to the NAFTA and/or the MERCOSUR, providing antecedents on its foreign policy and its international economic relationships

    LE PRESTRE, Philippe. Écopolitique internationale. Québec, Guérin, 1997,586 p.

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    El pensamiento internacionalista en la era Lula

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