6,232 research outputs found

    Interference pattern in the collision of structures in the BEC dark matter model: comparison with fluids

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    In order to explore nonlinear effects on the distribution of matter during collisions within the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) dark matter model driven by the Schr\"odinger-Poisson system of equations, we study the head-on collision of structures and focus on the interference pattern formation in the density of matter during the collision process. We explore the possibility that the collision of two structures of fluid matter modeled with an ideal gas equation of state also forms interference patterns and found a negative result. Given that a fluid is the most common flavor of dark matter models, we conclude that one fingerprint of the BEC dark matter model is the pattern formation in the density during a collision of structures.Comment: 7 pages, 22 eps figure

    Non-relativistic Extended Gravity and its applications across different astrophysical scales

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    Using dimensional analysis techniques we present an extension of Newton's gravitational theory built under the assumption that Milgrom's acceleration constant is a fundamental quantity of nature. The gravitational force converges to Newton's gravity and to a MOND-like description in two different mass and length regimes. It is shown that a modification on the force sector (and not in the dynamical one as MOND does) is more convenient and can reproduce and predict different phenomena usually ascribed to dark matter at the non-relativistic level.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the 2011 Spanish Relativity Meeting (ERE2011) held in Madrid, Spai

    Effect of processing conditions on the thermal and electrical conductivity of poly (butylene terephthalate) nanocomposites prepared via ring-opening polymerization

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    Successful preparation of polymer nanocomposites, exploiting graphene-related materials, via melt mixing technology requires precise design, optimization and control of processing. In the present work, the effect of different processing parameters during the preparation of poly (butylene terephthalate) nanocomposites, through ring-opening polymerization of cyclic butylene terephthalate in presence of graphite nanoplatelets (GNP), was thoroughly addressed. Processing temperature (240{\deg}C or 260{\deg}C), extrusion time (5 or 10 minutes) and shear rate (50 or 100 rpm) were varied by means of a full factorial design of experiment approach, leading to the preparation of polybutylene terephthalate/GNP nanocomposite in 8 different processing conditions. Morphology and quality of GNP were investigated by means of electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, thermogravimetry and Raman spectroscopy. Molecular weight of the polymer matrix in nanocomposites and nanoflake dispersion were experimentally determined as a function of the different processing conditions. The effect of transformation parameters on electrical and thermal properties was studied by means of electrical and thermal conductivity measurement. Heat and charge transport performance evidenced a clear correlation with the dispersion and fragmentation of the GNP nanoflakes; in particular, gentle processing conditions (low shear rate, short mixing time) turned out to be the most favourable condition to obtain high conductivity values

    The Jahn-Teller active fluoroperovskites ACrF3A\mathrm{CrF_3} A=Na+,K+A=\mathrm{Na^+},\mathrm{K^+}: thermo- and magneto optical correlations as function of the AA-site

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    Chromium (II) fluoroperovskites ACrF3(A=Na+,K+)A\mathrm{CrF_3}(A\mathrm{=Na^+,K^+}) are strongly correlated Jahn-Teller active materials at low temperatures. In this paper, we examine the role that the AA-site ion plays in this family of fluoroperovskites using both experimental methods (XRD, optical absorption spectroscopy and magnetic fields) and DFT simulations. Temperature-dependent optical absorption experiments show that the spin-allowed transitions E2E_2 and E3E_3 only merge completely for AA= Na at 2 K. Field-dependent optical absorption measurements at 2 K show that the oscillating strength of the spin-allowed transitions in NaCrF3\mathrm{NaCrF_3} increases with increasing applied field. Direct magneto-structural correlations which suppress the spin-flip transitions are observed for KCrF3{\rm KCrF_3} below its Ne\'el temperature. In NaCrF3{\rm NaCrF_3} the spin-flip transitions vanish abruptly below 9 K revealing magneto-optical correlations not linked to crystal structure changes. This suggests that as the long range ordering is reduced local JT effects in the individual CrF64{\rm CrF_6^{4-}} octahedra take control of the observed behavior. Our results show clear deviation from the pattern found for the isoelectronic AxMnF3+xA_x{\rm MnF}_{3+x} system. The size of the AA-site cation is shown to be central in dictating the physical properties and phase transitions in ACrF3A{\rm CrF}_3, opening up the possibility of varying the composition to create novel states of matter with tuneable properties

    A cosmological dust model with extended f(chi) gravity

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    Introducing a fundamental constant of nature with dimensions of acceleration into the theory of gravity makes it possible to extend gravity in a very consistent manner. At the non-relativistic level a MOND-like theory with a modification in the force sector is obtained, which is the limit of a very general metric relativistic theory of gravity. Since the mass and length scales involved in the dynamics of the whole universe require small accelerations of the order of Milgrom's acceleration constant a_0, it turns out that the relativistic theory of gravity can be used to explain the expansion of the universe. In this work it is explained how to use that relativistic theory of gravity in such a way that the overall large-scale dynamics of the universe can be treated in a pure metric approach without the need to introduce dark matter and/or dark energy components.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in the European Physical Journal

    The influence of riparian-hyporheic zone on the hydrological responses in an intermittent stream

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    Stream and riparian groundwater hydrology has been studied in a small intermittent stream draining a forested catchment for a system representative of a Mediterranean climate. The relationship between precipitation and stream runoff and the interactions between stream water and the surrounding riparian groundwater have been analysed under a wide spectrum of meteorological conditions. The hypothesis that the hydrological condition of the near-stream groundwater compartment can regulate the runoff generation during precipitation events was tested. Stream runoff is characterised by a summer dry period, and precipitation input explained only 25% of runoff variability over the study period (r<sup>2</sup> =0.25, d.f.=51, p<0.001). The variability of precipitation v. stream runoff is explained partly by the hydrogeological properties of the riparian near-stream zone. This zone is characterised by high hydrological conductivity values and abrupt changes in groundwater level in summer. The summer dry period begins with a rapid decrease in near-stream groundwater level, and ends just after the first autumnal rain when the original groundwater level recovers suddenly. Within this period, storms do not cause major stream runoff since water infiltrates rapidly into the riparian compartment until it is refilled during the subsequent winter and spring; then the precipitation explains the 80% of the stream runoff variability (r<sup>2</sup>=0.80, d.f.=34, p<0.001). These results suggest that the hydrological interaction between the riparian groundwater compartment and the stream channel is important in elucidating the hydrological responses during drought periods in small Mediterranean streams.</p> <p style='line-height: 20px;'><b>Keywords:</b> riparian zone, groundwater hydrology, runoff, intermittent stream, Mediterranean climate</p

    Dimensional analysis and Rutherford Scattering

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    Dimensional analysis, and in particular the Buckingham Π\Pi theorem is widely used in fluid mechanics. In this article we obtain an expression for the impact parameter from Buckingham's theorem and we compare our result with Rutherford's original discovery found in the early twentieth century