31 research outputs found

    Potensi Sumbangan Kapas Bt untuk Peningkatan Produksi Kapas di Indonesia

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    Indonesia termasuk lima belas besar negara penghasil tekstil di dunia. Namun, bahan dasar industri tekstil ini, yaitu kapas, 99,5% masih diimpor, padahal lahan potensial untuk penanaman kapas terbilang cukup besar. Ada beberapa hal yang memengaruhi produksi kapas, antara lain belum tersedianya benih kapas bermutu tinggi yang tahan serangan hama dan penyakit. Teknologi rekayasa genetika telah terbukti menghasilkan benih kapas transgenik berpotensi hasil tinggi yang tahan hama utama. Pada tahun 2001–2002, Indonesia pernah menanam kapas transgenik (kapas Bt) terbatas di tujuh kabupaten di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Pada waktu itu, produksi rerata kapas Bt mencapai 220% lebih tinggi daripada kapas lokal Kanesia. Namun karena beberapa hal penanaman kapas Bt dihentikan. Setelah penanaman kapas Bt terhenti selama lebih kurang 12 tahun, produksi kapas nasional tetap rendah dan cenderung menurun sehingga impor kapas terus meningkat. Kondisi yang berbeda bila dibandingkan dengan negara lain seperti India yang mengalami perkembangan pesat penanaman kapas Bt. Pada tahun 2014, India telah menjadi negara pengekspor kapas utama di dunia mengalahkan Cina dan Amerika Serikat. Berdasarkan pengalaman Indonesia menanam kapas Bt dan keberhasilan yang telah dibuktikan oleh negara lain terutama India dalam meningkatkan produksi kapas, untuk meningkatkan produksi kapas nasional, Indonesia perlu mempertimbangkan untuk menanam kembali kapas Bt di sentra produksi kapas di Indonesia. Tujuan tinjauan ini adalah memberikan informasi tentang pengalaman Indonesia menanam kapas Bt, potensi kapas Bt, dan kebijakan yang disarankan untuk meningkatkan produksi kapas nasional

    Potency of Medicinal Plants for Eradication of Avian Influenza : in Vitro Test on Vero Cells

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    Some of medicinal plants indicate their potency as anti-viral such as Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees), Temu Ireng (Curcuma aeruginosa L.), Beluntas (Pluchea indica L.) Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum) and Adas (Foeniculum vulgare). Avian Influenza (AI) H5N1 strain viruses used in this study was isolated from field in Cikole area, West Java in July 20th 2007. To explore the potency of medicinal plants as anti-viral substance, the consecutive assays were performed by virus infection inhibition test in in vitro study using Vero cells. After the Vero cells were growing confluently, they were treated with sterilized-extract of medicinal plants either in single or combination. Furthermore, the culture cells were infected with AI H5N1 strain virus, then incubated at 37oC and examined for cytopathic effect (CPE) microscopically. The result showed that extract of Sambiloto and combination of Sambiloto and Temu Ireng were stronger than others in inhibition of virus attachment and infection to the cells. The Vero cells still alive up to 3rd day post infection with AI H5N1 virus after treatment with Sambiloto and Temu Ireng. In conclusion, extract of Sambiloto and Temu Ireng showed their potency as candidate for anti-viral substances that may needed for eradicating AI infection


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    Shoots Multiplication, Rooting, and Acclimatization of Gynura procumbensThe research was performance to obtain shoots multiplication, rooting and acclimati-zation of Gynura procumbens was conducted    January  2004 to May 2005 at the Laboratory of Tissue Culture of Gremplasm and Breeding Division. This research was conducted within two steps, i.e. 1) : Shoots multiplication  in : MS + BA (0; 0,1; 0,3 and 0,5 ) mg/l; 2) rooting and acclimatization. Explants were culture on rooting medium MS + IAA (0,1; 0,3); MS + IBA  (0,1; 0,3) or NAA (0,1 and 0,3) mg/l. Acclimatization were performanced on the two kinds of media i.e. dung manure + soil (1 : 1) or husk + soil (1 : 1). Rooting and shoots multiplication were arranged in completely randomized design, with 10 replications and 2 explants for each bottle. Acclimatization was arranged in randomized-block design with 10 replications and 1 plantlet for each treatment. The results showed the best medium for multiplication shoot was MS-free hormone with 5,4 shoots, 2 months after cultured. The highest number of roots was obtained in NAA 0,1 mg/l with 9,3/plantet. MS + IBA 0,3 mg/l give the longest roots (9,58 cm) and IAA 0,1 mg/l the highest number of leaf (12/plantet). Interaction between the source medium and acclimatization medium was observed however, there was no significantly difference between IAA 0,1 mg/l and IBA 0,1 mg/l in number of shoots and long shoots (5,2 and 5,01 cm).

    Pengelompokan Pohon Induk Cengkeh Terpilih Di Kabupaten Sumedang Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi / Clustering of Progeny Clove Accessions From Cimanggu Population in Sumedang Based on the Morphologycal Characters

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    Cimanggu progeny clove has been distributed to almost of centre production, such as in Sumedang. However, their genotypes are still unidentified. Therefore, clustering cloves accession population in Sumedang is necessary. The objectives of this study is to cluster and determine phylogenetic relationship of Cimanggu progeny clove population in Sumedang base on morphological characters. The experiment was conducted in Sumedang (West, Java) from 2013 until 2014, by using 10 selected accessions (healthy, more than 40 years old, productivity is ≥ 20 kg dried flower). Variables were observed include morphological leaf, flower and flower production. To distinguish genotype from each accession was conducted by cluster analyzed, while to identify the variables which were related to the clusters formation, used correspondence analysis. The results indicated, that clove population Sumedang can be classified into three clusters as followed: the first cluster are Syar 43 and 46 accessions, characterized by greenish orange and greenish purple of young leaves tip with flower tube greenish red (GR 180B), the second cluster are Syar 44 and 45 accession, characterized by tip reddish purple young leaves and greenish red (GR181B) flower tubes color, and the third cluster are Syar 47, 49, 50, 51 and 52 accessions, characterized by orange young leaves tips and greenish red (GR180C) flower tubes. This information can be utilized to support releasing Cimanggu clove variety

    Production of Mangium (Acacia Mangium) Wood Vinegar and Its Utilization

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    Production of wood vinegar from mangium (Acacia mangium) wood bolts/pieces with their diameter of 3 17 cm, length of 30 67 cm, moisture content of 84.4%, and specific gravity of 0.52 conducted in a dome-shaped kiln with 1.2 m'-capacity afforded a yield of 40.3%. The mangium wood vinegar was produced through condensation (cooling) of smoke/gas fractions released during the charcoaling (carbonization) process of mangium wood. The process could be regarded as an integrated production of wood vinegar and charcoal. The yield of wood vinegar combined with the resulting charcoal was 73.9% based on the dry weight of inputed mangium wood. Results of chromatography analysis on mangium wood vinegar as conducted in Japan revealed its organic acid content at 73.9 ppm, phenol content 8.09 ppm, methanol 3.34 ppm, acidity degree 4.91 ppm, and pH 3.89. Similar analysis on the mangium wood vinegar was conducted in Indonesia's laboratories, and the results were comparable with those of Japan. Results of inhibition testings on particular microorganisms (i.e. Pseudomonas aerogjnosa, Stafi/ococms attreus, and Candidi albicans fimgz) indicated that the mangium wood vinegar could inflict antirnicrobe action on those microorganism with its effectiveness somewhat below that of liquid betel soap which could be purchased from drugstores. The experimental use of mangium wood vinegar at 3-5% concentration on ginger (Zingiber officinale var. white ginger) plants revealed significantly positive growth responses/ characteristics with respect to their height, leaf length, and sprout/ shoot development, in comparison with the untreated ginger plants (control). Such responses/characteristics were not significantly different from those using atonik's growth hormone. Likewise, the preliminary use of mangium wood vinegar at 2-percent concentration on teak (Teaonagrandis)plants, end stacks of Sborea Ieprosula and Swietenia mahagoni plants, and rice plants haveinflicted their favorable growth responses/ characteristics as well

    Karakteristik Morfologi, Potensi Produksi dan Komponen Utama Rimpang Sembilan Nomor Lempuyang Wangi

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    Lempuyang merupakan family Zingiberaceae, dan banyakdigunakan oleh masyarakat untuk obat/jamu sebagai peningkat stamina,antikanker dan obat antiinfeksi. Balittro memiliki koleksi plasma nutfahlempuyang yang dikumpulkan dari berbagai daerah. Potensi sifat tanamanperlu dievaluasi untuk mengetahui karakter potensial dan keunggulannya.Karakterisasi sembilan aksesi lempuyang wangi dilakukan di KP. Cicurug– Sukabumi Jawa Barat tahun 2009 hingga tahun 2010. Benih ditanamdengan jarak tanam 60 x 40 cm, jumlah tanaman per plot 20 tanaman dandiulang tiga kali. Pengamatan dilakukan pada sepuluh tanaman terhadapsifat morfologi tanaman, pertumbuhan, produksi, dan mutu rimpang. Hasilpengamatan menunjukkan bahwa morfologi dan pertumbuhan tanamanlempuyang bervariasi. Pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan,jumlah daun panjang dan lebar daun, serta diameter batang antar aksesibervariasi. Produksi rimpang lempuyang wangi umumnya lebih dari 15ton/ha, rimpang mempunyai banyak akar. Mutu simplisia rimpang adalahkisaran kadar minyak atsiri 1,34–4,61%, kadar sari larut dalam air 16,22–23,5%, kadar sari larut etanol 7,9–13,8%, kadar serat 5,47– 8,87% dankadar pati 40-50%. Hasil analisis ekstrak rimpang lempuyang dengan GC-MS menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 50 komponen terdeteksi. Zerumbonemerupakan komponen utama lempuyang dengan nilai sebesar 36–49%.Komponen utama zerumbone dan acetic acid terdapat di semua aksesi.Komponen utama lainnya di antaranya adalah alpha humulene, humuleneoxide, beta-eudesmol, beta-selinene, linalool, 12-oxabicyclo, caryophileneoxide, 3-octadecyne, hexadecanoic acid, dan 3-octyne 5-methyl.Komposisi komponen utama antar aksesi berbeda senada dengan aromawangi yang ditimbulkan pada lempuyang. Sebanyak tujuh nomor aksesiyang mempunyai keunggulan produksi lebih dari 15 t/ha, mutu minyakatsiri lebih dari 1% dan zerumbone 40%


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    ABSTRAKKayu akway merupakan tumbuhan obat yang banyak digunakanoleh masyarakat suku Arfak di Papua Barat. Tanaman ini digunakansebagai obat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan seksual dan stamina untukberaktivitas. Penelitian mengenai karakter morfologi dan penyebarantanaman akway telah dilakukan di Distrik Menyambouw, Manokwari padaketinggian 1.200, 1.600, 2.000, dan 2.400 m dml sejak bulan Septembersampai November 2007. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah petaktunggal berdasarkan fase pertumbuhan yang ditentukan secara purposifdibuat sebanyak 3 petak sehingga setiap ketinggian diperoleh 12 petakpercobaan dimana masing-masing petak diambil 3 sampel untuk masing-masing spesies yang ditemukan. Hasil identifikasi morfologi dari sampeltanaman yang ada ditemukan tiga jenis kayu akway pada berbagaiketinggian, yaitu : kayu akway putih (Drymis winterii), merah besar(Drymis piperita), dan merah kecil (Drymis beccariana). Perbedaanmorfologi dari ketiga spesies ditunjukkan oleh pepagan bagian luar, arahtumbuh batang, model aksitektur, warna pucuk, warna daun, susunan daun,bentuk helaian daun, dan tepi daun. Hasil analisis fitokomia dari ekstrakdaun, kulit batang, dan akar dari ketiga spesies kayu akway terbuktimengandung senyawa afrodisiak seperti : saponin, alkaloid, dan steroid.Populasi tanaman kayu akway putih jumlahnya meningkat pada ketinggianyang bertambah tinggi, kayu akway merah besar populasinya relatif samauntuk setiap ketinggian yang berubah, sedangkan kayu akway merah kecilsemakin tinggi elevasi tanaman semakin banyak jumlahnya. Hasilidentifikasi tipe tanah dan iklim tempat tumbuh ketiga spesies kayu akwayini ternyata mengandung C organic 3,95%, N total 0,34% dan phosphor13,10 ppm, serta tumbuh di dataran tinggi dengan suhu udara rata-rata18,5ºC, kelembapan 70% dan intensitas matahari 898 candle.Kata kunci : Drymis sp., karakterisasi, morfologi, penyebaranABSTRACTMorphology Characterization and Spread of Drymis sp.In West PapuaDrymis sp. is one of the medicinal plants used in Arfak ethnic inMenyambouw, Manokwari Papua Barat. Part of the plant extract (root,leaf, bark and trunk) used to increase stamina for their activity. This studyconducted to find out the morphology characters and spread of Drymis sp.in different elevation e.q. 1,200, 1,600, 2,000 and 2,400 m above sea levelfrom September to November 2007. Experimental design for this studyused compartment method based on growth phase which is determined bypurposively in every elevation 3 plots or 12 plots for 3 species in the sameelevation. In each species will be selected 3 plants for sample. Afteridentification of sample, data of morphology character will be recorded ineach species, chemical component of soil in the area of study, and locationspread from each species. The results show that 3 species of Drymis sp.found in that area e.q. Drymis winterii, Drymis piperita, and Drymisbeccariana. There were morphological differences of the species; onoutside of bark, direction of stem, tree architectures, leaf color, leaf shape,leaf formation, and leaf apex. Result of phytochemical analysis derivedfrom leaf, bark and root extract of the three species of Drymis sp. provedthat there were higher contents of saponin, alkaloid, and steroidconcentrations known as part of afrodisiak component. Soil and climate ofthis study area contained 3.95% C-organic, 0.34% total N, and 13.10 ppmphosphor. This Drymis species grew in higher altitude with airtemperature, RH, and sunlight intensity of 18.5ºC, 70%, and 898 candlerespectevely. Based on different level of altitude at 1200, 1600, 2000, and2400 m above sea level, result showed that D. winterii increased theirnumber of population compared to other species. In D. peperita, theinfluence of altitude to number of population was relatively the same. Butin D. beccariana, population decreased in higher elevation. The soil onwhich the plants grew contained 3.95% organic C, 0.34% total N, and13.10 ppm phosphor with the average air temperature of 18.5°C, relativehumidity 70%, and sunlight intensity of 898 candles.Key words : Drymis sp., charaterization, morphology, sprea

    Respon Tanaman Lada (Piper Nigruml) Varietas Ciinten Terhadap Iradiasi Sinar Gamma / Respons of Gamma Irradiation on Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum L.) Ciinten Variety

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    Pepper is an introduced species and has always been propagated vegetatively, so it has narrow genetic base. High genetic diversity is necessary to produce new varieties, especially for breeding of resistance to foot rot disease. Increasing genetic diversity can be done through gamma ray irradiation. This research aims to evaluate response of black pepper Ciinten variety at seed and radicle emergence phases to gamma ray irradiation. The research was conducted in PAIR BATAN and greenhous e IMACRI from June 2014 to April 2015. The plant material was Ciinten variety at the seed and radicle emergence phases. The experimental design used was completely randomized design (CRD) with one factor which is dose of irradiation with seven levels (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150) Gy. Each treatment consisted of three replications, each replication consisted of 60 seeds. Both phases showed significant differences in perfomances between dose in plant height, leaf length, number of leave, number of internode. Radiosensitivity of pepper on radicle emergence phase was higher than the seed phase indicated by LD50 (Lethal Dose 50). LD50 at seed phase was 68.15 Gy, whereas LD50 of the radicle emergence phase was 30 Gy. The higher irradiation dose that given to both treatment phases caused reduction in plant height, leaf length, while the number of leaves and nodes decreasing. Irradiation dose 25 dan 50 Gy in seed phase and 25 Gy in radicle emergence phase significantly increase genetic diversity base on quantitative, qualitative characters, anatomy and leaf resistence to P. capsici infection. Eighteen putative mutants resistant to infection P. capsici. Eighteen mutant putative Ciinten pepper varieties were expected to be high yielding varieties with more research in the greenhouse and in the field to determine the production and quality potential