40 research outputs found

    Options for solid waste management for Metro Manila, Philippines : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Resource and Environmental Planning at Massey University

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    The Government of the Philippines has considered the solid waste crisis as an urgent national concern. Since devolution Local Government Units, especially in Metro Manila, have had difficulties in coping with the collection of large volume of solid waste generated in the metropolis. The existing landfills and dumpsites are also rapidly reaching their maximum capacities. This study examines and evaluates the existing institutional arrangements in Metro Manila and other countries in the ASEAN for the purpose of generating recommendations for the improvement of solid waste management service delivery in Metro Manila. A framework for evaluation of the institutional arrangements was developed which addresses the following questions: How is solid waste management service treated: is it public or private good/service? What are the roles of the different participants in the solid waste management service delivery chain? What are the operating arrangements in the delivery of solid waste management services? How do the institutional arrangements measure up to the criteria of efficiency, effectiveness, and equity? This framework was used to assess, by survey, arrangements in case studies in the major metropolitan areas of five ASEAN countries (Singapore, Bangkok, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur and Metro Manila). The results of these case studies were used to generate the institutional options for solid waste management for Metro Manila. The research concluded that the appropriate arrangement for Metro Manila is the joint public-private provision of solid waste management services using contracting, franchising, licensing and community arrangements. Contracting and community arrangements have the most advantages in terms of attaining the objectives of efficiency, effectiveness and equity. Franchising and licensing have limited applications because ot equity considerations. This study also generated suggestions for institutional reform for effective solid waste management in Metro Manila: the "do-nothing" or status quo option; individual LGUs to be given collection, recycling, transfer and disposal responsibilities and fiscal autonomy in revenue generation; creation of commissions among LGUs and; creation of a single-purpose Metro Solid Waste Authority. Among the options, the creation of one or more commissions among LGUs appears to be the most feasible option at this point in time as it achieves economies of scale and allows possibilities for building managerial and operational competence among LGUs without loss of local autonomy. In all arrangements, the role of the public sector is critical in the development, negotiation, management, monitoring and enforcement of public-private agreements, and for equity purposes. Whatever arrangement eventuates, government agencies need to implement training and capacity building in SWM

    Crisis in the Eastern Nile Basin: an Examination of the Challenges to Egyptian Hydro-Political Hegemomy and Potential Domestic Solutions

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    The countries of the Nile Basin are on a collision course that could result in disastrous military action to determine control of the region’s main water source. In the wake of the Arab Spring, the Egyptian government has lost much of the regional clout that allowed it to maintain it’s ‘lion’s share’ of the Nile as outlined by the 1959 agreement. Population and economic growth in upstream countries, specifically Ethiopia, have resulted in intensified calls for a more equitable water-sharing agreement. Just weeks after Mubarak stepped down, Ethiopia unveiled plans to build the Grand Renaissance Dam. The GRD will significantly reduce the water that reaches Egypt’s borders but will significantly increase Ethiopia’s hydroelectric power and irrigation potential. Egypt’s population and agriculture sector rely heavily on the maintenance of this status quo; the country also faces the mounting effects of climate change, rising food prices and immense population growth. In order to avoid a severe water crisis, Egypt must be proactive and look to improve efficiency within its own borders. This paper will examine the inadequacies of Egypt’s agricultural and irrigation sectors. It will then use examples from Mexico’s successful irrigation reform and advocate a shift of control to local Water User Associations. Other domestic and basin-wide efforts to increase water-use efficiency will also be examined

    New Zealand rest home nurses’ knowledge of hearing impairment, hearing aids and communication strategies.

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    Background: The prevalence of hearing impairment rises as ageing occurs and many individuals residing in aged care facilities live with some level of hearing loss. Of the aged care facility residents who have hearing impairment, many use hearing aids. Nurses and staff who work with the residents are often required to assist in the daily use and upkeep of these hearing aids. From a limited amount of international research, pre-service training for nurses appears to lack education and practical information about hearing impairment and supporting residents with hearing aids and strategies specifically intended to improve communication with the hearing impaired. Currently there is no New Zealand data on what rest home nurses know about hearing impairment, hearing aids and specific strategies to enhance communication with hearing impaired residents. Obtaining data on levels of knowledge and potential gaps in knowledge will help inform the current curricula or the design of formal training in these areas for New Zealand nurses and other rest home and health care workers. Aim: This study set out to investigate the basic knowledge and understanding about hearing impairment, hearing aids and strategies used to enhance communication among registered nurses working in New Zealand rest homes. A gap in the knowledge may suggest a need for the provision of relevant pre- and in-service training to achieve more holistic and client-centred care. Methods: A survey was developed based on previous studies and questionnaires. A mixed method design incorporated both qualitative and quantitative questions in the online survey. The survey link was distributed to the participants via email. Results: A total of 40 participants were recruited. All were New Zealand registered nurses working in a rest home. There were varying levels of knowledge among the participants and many of the respondents did not appear to have sufficient knowledge on hearing loss, hearing aids as well as communication strategies. Many reported that they have not received previous training in these areas. Many respondents also reported a need for training in these areas particularly on hearing aids and communication strategies particularly with those who have more moderate to severe levels of hearing loss. Conclusions: The results were consistent with international research findings. The knowledge gap among rest home-based nurses suggests that registered nurses and other staff members working in rest homes could benefit from further education and practical training. Ideally rest home staff would receive training before starting to work in a facility and that regular in-service sessions be provided to ensure up-to-date knowledge on hearing aids and communication strategies to support residents with hearing loss

    Systems medicine dissection of chr1q-amp reveals a novel PBX1-FOXM1 axis for targeted therapy in multiple myeloma

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    Understanding the biological and clinical impact ofcopy number aberrations (CNA)for the development of precision therapies in cancer remains anunmet challenge. Genetic amplification of chromosome 1q (chr1q-amp) is a major CNAconferring adverse prognosis in several types of cancer, including in the blood cancer multiple myeloma (MM). Although severalgenes across chr1q portend high-risk MM disease, the underpinning molecular aetiology remains elusive. Here, with reference to the 3D chromatin structure, we integrate MMpatient multi-omics datasets with genetic variables to obtain an associated clinical risk map across chr1q and to identify 103 adverse prognosis genes in chr1q-amp MM. Prominent amongst these genes, the transcription factor PBX1 is ectopically expressed by genetic amplification and epigenetic activation of its own preserved 3D regulatory domain. By binding to reprogrammed super-enhancers, PBX1 directly regulates critical oncogenic pathways and a FOXM1-dependent transcriptional programme. Together, PBX1 and FOXM1 activate a proliferative gene signature which predicts adverse prognosis across multiple types of cancer. Notably, pharmacological disruption of the PBX1-FOXM1 axis with existing agents (thiostrepton) and a novel PBX1 small-molecule inhibitor (T417) is selectively toxic against chr1q-amplified myeloma and solid tumour cells. Overall, our systems medicine approach successfully identifies CNA-driven oncogenic circuitries, links them to clinical phenotypes and proposes novel CNA-targeted therapystrategies in multiple myeloma and other types of cancer

    Mutation in human CLPX elevates levels of δ-aminolevulinate synthase and protoporphyrin IX to promote erythropoietic protoporphyria

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    Loss-of-function mutations in genes for heme biosynthetic enzymes can give rise to congenital porphyrias, eight forms of which have been described. The genetic penetrance of the porphyrias is clinically variable, underscoring the role of additional causative, contributing, and modifier genes. We previously discovered that the mitochondrial AAA+ unfoldase ClpX promotes heme biosynthesis by activation of δ-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS), which catalyzes the first step of heme synthesis. CLPX has also been reported to mediate heme-induced turnover of ALAS. Here we report a dominant mutation in the ATPase active site of human CLPX, p.Gly298Asp, that results in pathological accumulation of the heme biosynthesis intermediate protoporphyrin IX (PPIX). Amassing of PPIX in erythroid cells promotes erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) in the affected family. The mutation in CLPX inactivates its ATPase activity, resulting in coassembly of mutant and WT protomers to form an enzyme with reduced activity. The presence of low-activity CLPX increases the posttranslational stability of ALAS, causing increased ALAS protein and ALA levels, leading to abnormal accumulation of PPIX. Our results thus identify an additional molecular mechanism underlying the development of EPP and further our understanding of the multiple mechanisms by which CLPX controls heme metabolism. Keywords: heme biosynthesis; porphyria; ALAS; protein unfoldases; AAA+ ATPaseNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant F32 DK095726)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01 GM049224


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    This study aims to provide a solution to a physical queue in some service departments of Adventist University of the Philippines using a wireless queuing system that is easy to manage, flexible, easy to install and it has low power consumption.   The wireless queuing system is divided into hardware and system software. The hardware consists of two section, controller section, and a receiver section. The controller section has four controllers which are responsible for setting and transmitting  queue numbers. The receiver section is responsible for receiving the data, data processing, and displaying queue numbers in display monitor. Each counter controller is powered by an Atmega 328P microcontroller, a single radio transceiver that operates at 2.5 GHz  frequency,  a 32-character  liquid crystal display,  and a 12-button keypad. While  the receiver is powered by a single-board computer Raspberry Pi 2, Atmega 328P microcontroller,  single radio transceiver and it is connected to a display that has an HDMI (High-Definition   Multimedia Interface) input. The implementation of the system software is classified into four parts: the receiver device configurations,  the graphical user interface (GUI), the controller and the receiver. These software divisions complement each other to create a functional queuing system. The wireless queuing system is also capable of posting advertisements to promote ideas, products, and services

    Demonstration of Ignition Radiation Temperatures in Indirect-Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion Hohlraums

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    Bergonia, Bien

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    Nitrogen oxide-induced autoprotection in isolated rat hepatocytes

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    AbstractPretreatment of rat hepatocytes with low-dose nitrogen oxide (addition of SNAP in vitro or induction of nitric oxide synthase in vitro or in vivo) imparts resistance to killing and decrease in aconitase and mitochondrial electron transfer from a second exposure to a higher dose of SNAP. Induction of this resistance is prevented by cycloheximide, indicating upregulation of protective protein(s). Ferritin levels are increased as are nonheme iron-NO EPR signals. Tin-protoporphyrin (SnPP) prevents protection, suggesting involvement of hsp32 (heme oxygenase) and/or guanylyl cyclase (GC). Cross-resistance to H2O2 killing is also observed, which is also prevented by cycloheximide and SnPP. Thus, hepatocytes possess inducible protective mechanisms against nitrogen oxide and reactive oxygen toxicity

    Ethics in Conducting Research in Second Language Acquisition

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    This scoping review studies the proper ethics in conducting research in second language acquisition. This scoping review mainly directs to synthesizing relevant studies and literature on proper ethics when conducting research. Ethics, in most common ways, define norms for conduct that distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Hence, this scoping review gathered and scrutinized recent and relevant papers from various databases. The collected papers consist of qualitative and quantitative studies. Many researchers agree that ethics in research is crucial in every study. Hence, this paper analyzes recent and relevant papers about ethics in conducting research. A byproduct of these studies can lead to a better understanding of promoting proper ethics in conducting research