847 research outputs found

    Como fazer a compostagem de cama de frango para uso em pastagem.

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    Quantifying Cyanide Inhibition of Nitrification and Developing Cost-Effective Treatment Processes

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    All wastewater treatment plants that operate multiple hearth furnaces (MHF) and are required to nitrify must manage the inhibitory effects of free cyanide (HCN, CN-) in the scrubber return flows due to inhibitory impacts on nitrifying bacteria. HRSD Boat Harbor Treatment Plant (BHTP) a 25 MGD facility consisting of primary and secondary treatment, employs an anoxic selector process for nitrification and partial denitrification and operates a MHF. There is a desire to improve TN removal performance at BHTP due to an annual mass-based bubble permit limit on a combined discharge from seven HRSD plants, and there are no discharge limitations for ammonia or TKN at BHTP. Due to a limited footprint, management made the decision of dedicating one aeration tank for sidestream treatment of incinerator scrubber water (SW) for biological oxidation of cyanide, an approach which has been used effectively in several plants around the US and HRSD (Daigger et al., 1998). However when this aeration tank, used as a mainstream biological cyanide treatment process (MBCNTP), was put into service for first time, nitrification was not achieved. Three 22 L sequencing batch reactors (SBR’s) with different configurations were used to investigate the feasibility of sending SW to the head of the plant, dosing with potassium cyanide (KCN) to find the maximum cyanide concentration before inhibition of nitrifying bacteria, determining the dosage rate of ferrous sulfate to form soluble Fe-CN complexes and/or insoluble Fe-CN precipitates, and to investigate if it is feasible to use one aeration tank from the BNR process as a MBCNTP. After approximately 8 months of operation using SBRs and after performing several jar tests, it was determined that cyanide in the SW was the primary inhibitor, additionally, concentrations above 0.08 mg/L at 20 °C and concentrations above 0.26 mg/L at 28 °C were observed to have a negative impact on nitrification, when operating at 15 days total SRT, 10 days aerobic SRT. Chemical precipitation of cyanide using ferrous sulfate could be an alternative, however trying to maintain the ideal conditions can be expensive since enough ferrous sulfate must be added to maintain the right Fe-CN ratio and enough sodium hydroxide to increase the pH to optimal conditions. Additionally, temperatures in the MBCNTP system should be maintained below or at 40 °C to successfully degrade cyanide. Nonetheless, this parameter could be difficult to control with the new MACT 129 regulation, which basically changed the way the incinerators are operated

    Automated text generation and summarization for academic writing

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    In this chapter, we discuss the implications of automatic text generation for academic writing. We first review the current state of the technology and how it is being used. We then discuss the implications of using automatic text generators for academic writing, including the need for users to be aware of the limitations of the technology and how to use it effectively. We also discuss how the use of automatic text generation can change the traditional stages of writing, and how the content generated by these systems is not justified by semantic or extra-linguistic criteria. We finally argue that notions that have been useful for explaining, analyzing, and teaching academic writing will need to be re-examined in the light of human–machine-interaction. (This abstract has been automatically generated using OpenAI and slightly post-edited; see this article’s Appendix for an explanation.

    Aplicação foliar de fertilizante organo mineral e soluções de ácido húmico em soja sob plantio direto.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação foliar de produto à base de ácido húmico e da fração isolada sobre a produtividade de soja (Glycine max) em sistema de plantio direto no Cerrado.bitstream/CNPS-2010/14934/1/circtec35-2006-fertilizante.pd

    Comparative Genetic Screens in Human Cells Reveal New Regulatory Mechanisms in WNT Signaling

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    The comprehensive understanding of cellular signaling pathways remains a challenge due to multiple layers of regulation that may become evident only when the pathway is probed at different levels or critical nodes are eliminated. To discover regulatory mechanisms in canonical WNT signaling, we conducted a systematic forward genetic analysis through reporter-based screens in haploid human cells. Comparison of screens for negative, attenuating and positive regulators of WNT signaling, mediators of R-spondin-dependent signaling and suppressors of constitutive signaling induced by loss of the tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli or casein kinase 1α uncovered new regulatory features at most levels of the pathway. These include a requirement for the transcription factor AP-4, a role for the DAX domain of AXIN2 in controlling β-catenin transcriptional activity, a contribution of glycophosphatidylinositol anchor biosynthesis and glypicans to R-spondin-potentiated WNT signaling, and two different mechanisms that regulate signaling when distinct components of the β-catenin destruction complex are lost. The conceptual and methodological framework we describe should enable the comprehensive understanding of other signaling systems

    Utilização de carvão e subprodutos da carbonização vegetal na agricultura: aprendendo com as Terras Pretas de Índio.

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    A Carbonização Vegetal. Físico química da carbonização vegetal. Características e propriedades do carvão e de subprodutos da carbonização vegetal. Carvão. Alcatrão vegetal. Ácido pirolenhoso. A produção de carvão vegetal e subprodutos da carbonização vegetal no Brasil. Potencial produção de fertilizantes e condicionadores de solos a partir de carvão e subprodutos da carbonização vegetal. Síntese de ácidos húmicos a partir de carvão vegetal. Utilização de carvão na produção de fertilizantes orgânicos e substratos. Produção de condicionadores orgânicos. Utilização de fino de carvão como substrato para mudas. Próximos passos para a pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação

    Otimização do uso de fertilizantes na região dos cerrados.

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    Os fertilizantes são os insumos de maior peso no custo variável na produção de grãos como soja e milho. Com a recente elevação da demanda mundial por esses insumos, seu impacto sobre os custos de produção foi ainda maior. Mesmo considerando esse cenário, observa-se com frequência o uso inadequado de fertilizantes pelos produtores da região de Rio Verde, GO. Os principais observados na utilização de fertilizantes estão relacionados a uma avaliação incorreta ou inexistente da fertilidade do solo, ao uso de fórmulas inadequadas, e à forma de aplicação dos fertilizantes

    African star grass response to postemergence herbicides.

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    ABSTRACT Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst, commonly called African star grass, is excellent forage in pasture formation and herd feeding. However, little information is available regarding weed management in areas of star grasses. Two field experiments were carried out in 2017 and 2018 to evaluate the response of African star grass to postemergence herbicides. The treatments applied were as follows: 2,4-D (1,340.0 g ae ha-1); 2,4-D + picloram (720.0 +192.0 g ae ha-1 + 0.3% v/v nonionic surfactant); fluroxypyr + picloram (80.0 + 80.0 g ae ha-1 + 0.3% v/v mineral oil); fluroxypyr + aminopyralid (160.0 + 80.0 g ae ha-1 + 0.3% v/v mineral oil); fluroxypyr + triclopyr (320.0 + 960.0 g ae ha-1 + 0.3% v/v mineral oil); bentazon (720.0 g ai ha-1 + 0.5% v/v mineral oil); imazapyr (25.0 g ai ha-1); monosodium methyl arsenate (MSMA) (1,440.0 g ai ha-1 + 0.1% v/v nonionic surfactant); atrazine + S-metolachlor (1,480.0 + 1,160.0 g ai ha-1); atrazine + tembotrione (1,000.0 + 100.8 g ai ha-1 + 0.3% v/v mineral oil) and a control without herbicide application. The most phytotoxic treatments for the African star grass plants were fluroxypyr + amininopyralid, fluroxypyr + triclopyr and atrazine + tembotrione. The dry matter yield of star grass plants was not reduced by the applications of 2,4-D, 2,4-D + picloram, bentazon, imazapyr, MSMA and atrazine + S-metolachlor. These herbicides can be considered potential practices in African star grass crop management

    Introduced species in the Pantanal : implications for conservation

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    O uso da terra e a ocupação humana nos hábitats naturais do Pantanal têm facilitado a introdução de espécies invasivas de plantas e animais, incluindo espécies domésticas. As espécies exóticas ameaçam a biodiversidade regional porque modificam a estrutura das comunidades ecológicas, alteram hábitats e afetam a biodiversidade. A organização internacional União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza (IUCN) e o Governo brasileiro identificam as espécies invasoras como a terceira maior ameaça para a biodiversidade, seguida da perda de hábitat e do efeito direto sobre espécies. Além disso, espécies exóticas são portadoras de patógenos ou podem funcionar como vetores ou reservatórios de doenças que afetam a biota. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTLand use and human occupation within the natural habitats of the Pantanal have facilitated introduction of invasive species of plants and animals, including domestic species. Exotic species threaten regional biodiversity because they modify ecological community structure, alter natural habitats and affect local biodiversity. An international organisation, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the Brazilian government, identify invasive species as the third most important threat to biodiversity, following habitat loss and direct effect on species. In addition, exotic species carry pathogens or may function as vectors or reservoirs for diseases that affect regional biota