9 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Oil Price and the Algerian Exchange Rate

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    The goal of this study is to investigate the relationship between oil price and the nominal US Dollar/Algerian Dinar exchange rate through an empirical analysis using a VAR Model (Vector Autoregressive Model) upon monthly data for the period 2003-2013. Results show that a cointegration relationship is not detected between the oil and exchange rate in Algeria. However, the estimation of a VAR model indicates that a 1% increase in oil price would tend to depreciate Algerian Dinar against US Dollar by nearly 0.35%. This negative impact emphasizes how the Algerian dinar is a non-oil currency and explains how the foreign exchange receipts from hydrocarbon exports help swell Algerian public spending that would cater for public budget deficit curtailment

    Les déterminants d’un achat impulsif

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    The object of this paper is to analyze the impact of the situational variables used in points of sale on the triggering of buying impulses and their transformations into impulsive buying.It was to understand the different stimuli in the business environment that encourage purchase impulses from our consumers.Our investigation will touch a new type of trade is that of non-food supermarkets, a shopping sector called popular store and more specifically the store "Family clothing" (Alias BOUHSSINA). The results emphasize that the variables selected in this study have better predictive power on the achievement of functional impulse buying.L’objet de ce papier est d’analyser l’impact des variables situationnelles utilisées dans les points de ventes sur le déclenchement des impulsions d’achat et leurs transformations en achat impulsif. Il s’agissait de comprendre les différents stimuli de l’environnement commercial qui permettent d’inciter les impulsions d’achat auprès de nos consommateurs. Notre investigation touchera un type de commerce nouveau est celui des grandes surface non alimentaire, un secteur commerçant dit magasin populaire et plus précisément le magasin « Habillement familial », (Alias BOUHSSINA). Les résultats soulignent que les variables retenues dans cette étude ont un meilleur pouvoir prédictif sur la réalisation d’achat impulsif fonctionnel

    A Service of zbw Working Papers on Global Financial Markets Capital Account Liberalization and Economic Growth in Developing Economies: An Empirical Investigation Capital Account Liberalization and Economic Growth in Developing Economies: An Empirical Inv

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    Standard-Nutzungsbedingungen: Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in GLOBAL FINANCIAL MARKETS November 2012 Working Papers on Global Financial Markets No. 40 Page 2 Capital Account Liberalization and Economic Growth in Developing Economies: An Empirical Investigation Abstract: The objective of this paper is to investigate the empirical relationship between capital account liberalization and economic growth in three Maghreb countries (Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia) using the GMM technique. The study of this relationship has always been of particular interest (Alesina and al 1994; De Gregorio 1996

    La croissance économique maghrébine à l’heure de la crise financière internationale

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    L’étude de la relation entre les crises financières internationales et la croissance des économies émergentes et en développement ont été largement analysés dans la littérature (Hernández et Schmidt-Hebbel 2001 ; Ayhan Kose et al 2003 ; Galindo et al 2009 ; Albulescu 2011 ; Rose 2012). L'objectif principal de ce travail est d'étudier l’impact des chocs financiers internationaux sur la croissance de l’économie des pays du Maghreb, qui ont mis en œuvre des politiques structurelles de libéralisation et ont modernisé la règlementation bancaire et financière en vue de renforcer leurs économies. L’analyse empirique de cette étude se base sur l’estimation des données de panel durant la période 1990-2010. Les résultats des estimations montrent que les crises financières externes influent négativement sur la croissance économique et, par là, entravent la mise en œuvre des différentes réformes visant l’amélioration de la situation économique. Mots clés : Crises financières internationales, croissance économique, pays du Maghreb, données de panel.Codes JEL : O40, F43, G01, C33

    Nostalgia and Culture: The Relationship Between Indicators of Acculturation and Nostalgia

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    In this article we test the relationship between indicators of acculturation (language, media, selfidentification, religion, food and clothing) and nostalgia. It checks empirically, on a sample of 201, the existence of a significant effect between our independent variables and our dependent variable. The results of analysis of variance, One-Way Anova, reveal that the home language, the food of home country, the media, self-identification with the origin country and the religion of the origin country have a signifi cant impact on nostalgia. This article contributes to new theoretical elements in the field of nostalgia and culture as a complement of several previous studies. The managerial contributions of this study focus on positioning of nostalgic brands and developing marketing strategies for this kind of products

    Removal of organic matter from wastewater using M/Al-pillared clays (M = Fe or Mn) as coagulants

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    International audienceThis work is about organic matter removal from Sidi Bel Abbes wastewater plant (Algeria) by coagulation on pillared clays (PILCs) under pH and PZC (point of zero charge), conditions. Two pillared clays, M/Al-PILCs (M = Fe or Mn), were synthesized, characterized, and studied as coagulants. Results showed that Fe/Al-pillared clay exhibits superior efficiency, with 18% higher removal rate than the common coagulants alum (AS) and ferric chloride (FCI), and that sedimentation time has positive effect on turbidity removal, with 95.85% removal rate during 30 min. Moreover PILCs will not cause pH go down too low, which is an advantage for achieving the best overall treatment. The IR and UV bands' reduction reveals the breakdown fragmentation of high molecular weight organic substances into smaller units. The highest total organic carbon (supercritical water oxidation analysis) and chemical oxygen demand adsorption capacities (48.52% and 61.85% respectively) obtained for Fe/Al-PILC can be related to increased basal spacing between adjacent layers, creating favorable adsorption sites in the microporous system. The suggested adsorption mechanism involves strong interactions between pollutants and PILCs leading to PILC-pollutant complex formation