463 research outputs found

    Combined effects of potassium and wastewater application on the yield and quality of Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) in the Mediterranean regions

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    The reuse of treated wastewater is considered as an alternative disposable to potable water in the mediterranean agriculture and landscape, namely in golf courses. Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon, Peers) is used very often on the fairways, roughs and tees of golf courses of the Mediterranean Basin due to its tolerance to drought, salinity, high temperatures and damages. The objective of this work is to study the response of this cultivar to the combined effects of municipal wastewater and two levels of potassium fertilization, during Spring and Summer. The experimental design known as sprinkle point source was used to simulate the various levels of wastewater application, expressed by the crop coefficient kc. This procedure is characterized by the assumption that a point creates a linear irrigation gradient from the water point source, producing a gradual change in water application, and a high degree of irrigation uniformity must be obtained in parallel isohyets. Chemical analysis of wastewater irrigation water was monitored through all the experimental period (from April to September). Climatic data was also recorded. Yield (aboveground biomass) and the good visual appearance (GVA) of the lawn were assessed in two sampling dates, May and July. Municipal wastewater can be used to irrigate Bermuda grass, without an apparent decrease on grass quality. As concluding remarks, it may be seen that the irrigation water amount is the most pronounced limiting production factor of bermuda grass (Cynodon dactilon, Peers), when compared with potassium fertilization, but it is possible that there is a positive interaction between water and irrigation. This response is modulated by evaporative air conditions since lower yields were obtained in summer. On the other hand, if the potassium fertilization is increased, two situations may occur: 1) with high amounts of water application, leaching problems may occur, mainly on sandy soils, and production may decrease; 2) if potassium fertilization increases, and irrigation water decreases, yield decreases due to the increase of salinity (potassium fertilizers are salts), mainly on salt affected soils

    A semente do algodoeiro I. Uso in natura na alimentação animal.

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    Comportamento da cultivar 7MH no Estado do Espírito Santo, safra 2000/2001.

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    Acorn flour and sourdough: an innovative combination to improve gluten free bread characteristics

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    Nowadays, challenges in gluten free breads (GFB) are focused on improving the nutritional and health benefits. Acorn flour is an underexploited sustainable ingredient, naturally gluten free, with many nutritional and technological advantages. The aim of this study was to explore the interaction of acorn flour supplementation (up to 35%) to rice flour and sourdough process to obtain rice based GFB. Different levels of rice flour replacement with acorn flour (0%, 23% and 35%), and sourdough (20%) were tested in a basic GFB recipe, and technological, nutritional, and functional GFB characteristics evaluated. The combination of acorn flour and sourdough was responsible for acidifying dough and bread. Breads containing 35:65 acorn flour: rice flour led to harder breads with lower crumb luminosity and with reddish and brownish tones, besides improved structural features when adding sourdough. That combination of sourdough and acorn flour reduced the rate and the extent of starch hydrolysis, as well as increase the minerals content, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. Therefore, the combination of acorn flour and sourdough process allows obtaining rice based GFB with better nutritional patterninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consórcio algodão herbáceo + gergelim: fatores, época relativa de plantio e configurações, efeitos no gergelim.

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    Impact of acorn flour on gluten-free dough rheology properties

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    Gluten is a fundamental ingredient in breadmaking, since is responsible for the viscoelastic behaviour of the dough. The lack of gluten has a critical e ect on gluten-free dough, leading to less cohesive and less elastic doughs, and its replacement represents a challenge for bakery industry. However, dough rheology can be improved combining di erent ingredients with structural capacity and taking advantage from their interactions. Although acorn flour was used to bake bread even before Romans, nowadays is an underexploited resource. It presents good nutritional characteristics, particularly high fibre content and is naturally gluten free. The aim of this study was to use acorn flour as a gluten-free ingredient to improve dough rheology, following also market trends of sustainability and fibre-rich ingredients. Doughs were prepared with buckwheat and rice flours, potato starch and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Two levels of acorn flour (23% and 35% w/w) were tested and compared with control formulation. Micro-doughLAB was used to study mixing and pasting properties. Doughs were characterised using small amplitude oscillatory measurements (SAOS), with a controlled stress rheometer, and regarding Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) by a texturometer. Dietary fibre content and its soluble and insoluble fractions were also evaluated on the developed breads. Acorn flour showed promising technological properties as food ingredient for gluten-free baking (improved firmness, cohesiveness and viscoelasticity of the fermented dough), being an important fibre sourceinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Contaminação de algodão em caroço, e em especial de sementes de algodão por fungos produtores de aflatoxina e como evitá-la.

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    Origem dos contaminantes (aflatoxinas e outros) na sementes e no caroço do algodão no campo e no armazenamento; Recomendações para se evitar ou controlar a contaminação e a detectação da aflatoxina; Conclusões;Referencias bibliográficas.bitstream/CNPA-2009-09/14608/1/CIRTEC38.pd

    Avaliação de mudas de pinhão manso em recipientes de diferentes volumes.

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    O pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas) é uma oleaginosa promissora para regiões semi-áridas, cuja propagação pode ser feita por sementes ou mudas, sendo a segunda opção adotada com maior frequência. Conduziu-se um experimento com objetivo de avaliar o efeito do volume do recipiente sobre o crescimento inicial de mudas de pinhão manso. Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 4 tratamentos e 4 repetições, sendo a parcela experimental constituída por um saco de polietileno com uma planta. Os tratamentos consistiram em recipientes com volume de 0,4, 0,5, 1,0 e 2,0 L. O substrato foi composto por uma mistura de terra e casca de amendoim na proporção 1:1 (v:v). Todos os recipientes receberam a mesma dose de 0,42 Ò 0,36 Ò 1,2 g/pl de N, P e K, respectivamente. Aos 35 dias após a emergência, tomaram-se valores de altura da planta, diâmetro caulinar, área foliar, número de folhas e matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes. Recipientes com 2L de volume permitiram maior crescimento de mudas de pinhão manso em todas as características estudadas, exceto o diâmetro caulinar, em comparação ao recipiente de 0,4L. O crescimento das plantas de pinhão manso foi mais influenciado pelo volume do recipiente que pela disponibilidade de nutrientes no substrato.bitstream/CNPA/19897/1/BOLETIM81.pd