951 research outputs found

    Radioactive metals disposal and recycling impact modelling

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    Screening life cycle assessment models developed to investigate hypothetical disposal and recycling options for the Windscale Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor heat exchangers were used to generate more complex models addressing the main UK radioactive metals inventory. Both studies show there are significant environmental advantages in the metals recycling promoted by the current low level waste disposal policies, strategies and plans. Financial benefits from current metals treatment options are supported and offer even greater benefits when applied to the UK radioactive metals inventory as a whole

    Delphi with feedback of rationales: how large can a Delphi group be such that participants are not overloaded, de-motivated, or disengaged?

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    In this paper, we investigate the effect of Delphi group size and opinion diversity on group members’ information load as well as on their overall experience of the Delphi process - in terms of task involvement (enjoyment and interest) and in terms of group sway (the influence and helpfulness of others’ rationales). For Delphi applications involving the exchange of rationales between participants, we found no evidence that group sizes of up to 19 participants cause information overload or de-motivation and disengagement of participants

    Exploring young people's and youth workers' experiences of spaces for ‘youth development’: creating cultures of participation

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    The paper focuses on the emergence of ‘positive youth development’ and its impact on older, more established practices of working with young people, such as youth work. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in England between 2004 and 2006, in particular young people's and youth workers' accounts of participating in youth work, the analysis engages with the social spaces in which youth work takes place and asks key questions about why young people might participate in youth spaces, what they get out of participating and how such spaces can promote cultures of participation. The analysis shows that such spaces provide young people and their communities with biographical continuity and time becomes a key component for sustaining such spaces. The argument is made for a more nuanced understanding of what young people get out of their participation in youth spaces, and for an epistemological approach to youth praxis that embraces the messiness and inequalities of lived experience

    Supporting multiattribute decisions in scenario planning using a simple method based on ranks

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    A neglected area of scenario planning is the provision of support for strategic decisions that involve multiple attributes. When the number of scenarios and attributes is large, conventional multiattribute decision analysis methods require the elicitation of a large number of values and weights, which can be demanding and time consuming for decision makers. This paper examines the effectiveness of using a simple approximation to the simple multiattribute rating method (SMART) that is based purely on the ranking of options and attributes. The method was tested on 250,000 simulated decision problems and was found to perform well when assessed on the basis of its hit rate (the percentage of times it identified the same best option as SMART) and the utility loss resulting from the approximation. In large problems, where simplifications are likely to be most useful, it outperformed an alternative approximation method, SMARTER, which is more complex to apply, and it was almost as effective as SMARTER on smaller problems

    Influence of supramolecular forces on the linear viscoelasticity of gluten

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    Stress relaxation behavior of hydrated gluten networks was investigated by means of rheometry combined with μ-computed tomography (μ-CT) imaging. Stress relaxation behavior was followed over a wide temperature range (0–70 °C). Modulation of intermolecular bonds was achieved with urea or ascorbic acid in an effort to elucidate the presiding intermolecular interactions over gluten network relaxation. Master curves of viscoelasticity were constructed, and relaxation spectra were computed revealing three relaxation regimes for all samples. Relaxation commences with a well-defined short-time regime where Rouse-like modes dominate, followed by a power law region displaying continuous relaxation concluding in a terminal zone. In the latter zone, poroelastic relaxation due to water migration in the nanoporous structure of the network also contributes to the stress relief in the material. Hydrogen bonding between adjacent protein chains was identified as the determinant force that influences the relaxation of the networks. Changes in intermolecular interactions also resulted in changes in microstructure of the material that was also linked to the relaxation behavior of the networks

    Improving Aboriginal maternal and infant health services in the \u27Top End\u27 of Australia; synthesis of the findings of a health services research program aimed at engaging stakeholders, developing research capacity and embedding change

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    BackgroundHealth services research is a well-articulated research methodology and can be a powerful vehicle to implement sustainable health service reform. This paper presents a summary of a five-year collaborative program between stakeholders and researchers that led to sustainable improvements in the maternity services for remote-dwelling Aboriginal women and their infants in the Top End (TE) of Australia. MethodsA mixed-methods health services research program of work was designed, using a participatory approach. The study area consisted of two large remote Aboriginal communities in the Top End of Australia and the hospital in the regional centre (RC) that provided birth and tertiary care for these communities. The stakeholders included consumers, midwives, doctors, nurses, Aboriginal Health Workers (AHW), managers, policy makers and support staff. Data were sourced from: hospital and health centre records; perinatal data sets and costing data sets; observations of maternal and infant health service delivery and parenting styles; formal and informal interviews with providers and women and focus groups. Studies examined: indicator sets that identify best care, the impact of quality of care and remoteness on health outcomes,  discrepancies in the birth counts in a range of different data sets and ethnographic studies of ‘out of hospital’ or health centre birth and parenting. A new model of maternity care was introduced by the health service aiming to improve care following the findings of our research. Some of these improvements introduced during the five-year research program of research were evaluated. ResultsCost effective improvements were made to the acceptability, quality and outcomes of maternity care. However, our synthesis identified system-wide problems that still account for poor quality of infant services, specifically, unacceptable standards of infant care and parent support, no apparent relationship between volume and acuity of presentations and staff numbers with the required skills for providing care for infants, and an ‘outpatient’ model of care. Services were also characterised by absent Aboriginal leadership and inadequate coordination between remote and tertiary services that is essential to improve quality of care and reduce ‘system-introduced’ risk. ConclusionEvidence-informed redesign of maternity services and delivery of care has improved clinical effectiveness and quality for women. However, more work is needed to address substandard care provided for infants and their parents

    Morphology and time variability of Io's visible aurora

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    Clear-filter imaging of Io during the Galileo nominal and extended missions recorded diffuse auroral emissions in 16 distinct observations taken during 14 separate eclipses over a two year period. These images show that the morphology and time variability of the visible aurora have several similarities to Io's far ultraviolet emissions. The orbital leading hemisphere of Io is consistently brighter than the trailing hemisphere, probably due to a greater concentration of torus electrons in the wake region of the satellite. The locations of the polar limb glow and the bright equatorial glows appear to correlate with Io's System III longitude. Unlike the far ultraviolet emissions, the visible aurorae are enhanced near actively venting volcanic plumes, probably because of molecular emission by SO_2

    Precession of a Freely Rotating Rigid Body. Inelastic Relaxation in the Vicinity of Poles

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    When a solid body is freely rotating at an angular velocity Ω{\bf \Omega}, the ellipsoid of constant angular momentum, in the space Ω1,Ω2,Ω3\Omega_1, \Omega_2, \Omega_3, has poles corresponding to spinning about the minimal-inertia and maximal-inertia axes. The first pole may be considered stable if we neglect the inner dissipation, but becomes unstable if the dissipation is taken into account. This happens because the bodies dissipate energy when they rotate about any axis different from principal. In the case of an oblate symmetrical body, the angular velocity describes a circular cone about the vector of (conserved) angular momentum. In the course of relaxation, the angle of this cone decreases, so that both the angular velocity and the maximal-inertia axis of the body align along the angular momentum. The generic case of an asymmetric body is far more involved. Even the symmetrical prolate body exhibits a sophisticated behaviour, because an infinitesimally small deviation of the body's shape from a rotational symmetry (i.e., a small difference between the largest and second largest moments of inertia) yields libration: the precession trajectory is not a circle but an ellipse. In this article we show that often the most effective internal dissipation takes place at twice the frequency of the body's precession. Applications to precessing asteroids, cosmic-dust alignment, and rotating satellites are discussed.Comment: 47 pages, 1 figur

    Apparent Fractality Emerging from Models of Random Distributions

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    The fractal properties of models of randomly placed nn-dimensional spheres (nn=1,2,3) are studied using standard techniques for calculating fractal dimensions in empirical data (the box counting and Minkowski-sausage techniques). Using analytical and numerical calculations it is shown that in the regime of low volume fraction occupied by the spheres, apparent fractal behavior is observed for a range of scales between physically relevant cut-offs. The width of this range, typically spanning between one and two orders of magnitude, is in very good agreement with the typical range observed in experimental measurements of fractals. The dimensions are not universal and depend on density. These observations are applicable to spatial, temporal and spectral random structures. Polydispersivity in sphere radii and impenetrability of the spheres (resulting in short range correlations) are also introduced and are found to have little effect on the scaling properties. We thus propose that apparent fractal behavior observed experimentally over a limited range may often have its origin in underlying randomness.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures. More info available at http://www.fh.huji.ac.il/~dani

    Television observations of Mercury by Mariner 10

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    The morphology and optical properties of the surface of Mercury resemble that of the moon in remarkable detail, recording a very similar sequence of events; chemical and mineralogical similarity of the outer layers is implied. Mercury is probably a differentiated planet with an iron-rich core. Differentiation is inferred to have occurred very early. No evidence of atmospheric modification of any landform is found. Large-scale scarps and ridges unlike lunar or Martian features may reflect a unique period of planetary compression near the end of heavy bombardment, perhaps related to contraction of the core