33 research outputs found

    Propagation pathways of classical Labrador Sea water from its source region to 26°N

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    More than two decades of hydrography on the Abaco line east of the Bahamas at 26 degrees N reveals decadal variability in the salinity of classical Labrador Sea Water (cLSW), despite the long distance from its source region in the North Atlantic Ocean. Hydrographic time series from the Labrador Sea and from the Abaco line show a pronounced step-like decrease in salinity between 1985 and 1995 in the Labrador Sea and between 1995 and 2010 at the Abaco line, suggesting a time lag between the two locations of approximately 9 years. The amplitude of the anomaly at the Abaco line is 50% of the amplitude in the Labrador Sea. A similar time lag and reduction of amplitude is found in the high-resolution OFES model, in which salinity anomalies can be observed propagating through the Deep Western Boundary Current as well as through a broad interior pathway. On its way south to the Abaco line, the cLSW becomes 8 standard deviations saltier due to isopycnal mixing with Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW). Climatological data in the North Atlantic suggests that the mixing ratio of MOW to cLSW at the Abaco line is 1:4 and that no variability in MOW is required to explain the observed variability at the Abaco line. The data studied here suggest that decadal cLSW anomalies stay relatively coherent while getting advected, despite the important role of interior pathways

    Effects of dietary energy on reproductive function and production in suckled beef cows

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    Twenty-eight Hereford x Angus cows were utilized to determine the effects of dietary energy level before and after calving on reproductive function and production in suckled beef cows. Low levels of dietary energy before calving resulted in losses of body composition prior to calving, reduced calf birth weight, lengthened intervals from calving to ovulation, and decreased milk production and calf weight at 70 d of age (P\u3c.05). Low levels of dietary energy after calving decreased measures of body composition after calving, reduced the percentage of cows that ovulated following calving, and decreased cow milk production and calf weight at 70 d of age (P\u3c .05). We conclude that dietary energy before and after calving impacts the reproductive function and production of suckled beef cows

    Conception rates of beef heifers treated with GnRH analog at the time of estrus or at the time of artificial insemination.

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    Injecting a GnRH-analog at the time of estrus or at insemination did not generally improve conception rates in heifers inseminated following a synchronized estrus. However, within some herds. a significant positive response was noted

    Follicular development and reproductive hormone changes during postpartum anestrus in suckled beef cows

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    Twenty-six, Hereford × Angus, suckled cows were utilized to determine patterns of follicular development and associated changes in reproductive hormones during postpartum anestrus and first estrous cycles. Ultrasonography per rectum was used to monitor follicular size and detect ovulation. Dietary energy and(or) body condition influenced patterns of follicular development during postpartum anestrus. Follicular growth occurred in waves during this period in cows that were in adequate body condition and adequately fed, and follicular development appeared to be related to serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone and estradiol. Two distinct characteristics were associated with follicular development before the first postpartum ovulation. First, diameter of dominant follicles increased with successive follicular waves. Second, a large dominant follicle was present for an extended time before development of the first ovulatory follicle and appeared to be involved in the mechanism that initiates the first ovulation after calving