296 research outputs found

    Ethanol Distribution, Dispensing, and Use: Analysis of a Portion of the Biomass-to-Biofuels Supply Chain Using System Dynamics

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    The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 targets use of 36 billion gallons of biofuels per year by 2022. Achieving this may require substantial changes to current transportation fuel systems for distribution, dispensing, and use in vehicles. The U.S. Department of Energy and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory designed a system dynamics approach to help focus government action by determining what supply chain changes would have the greatest potential to accelerate biofuels deployment. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory developed the Biomass Scenario Model, a system dynamics model which represents the primary system effects and dependencies in the biomass-to-biofuels supply chain. The model provides a framework for developing scenarios and conducting biofuels policy analysis. This paper focuses on the downstream portion of the supply chain–represented in the distribution logistics, dispensing station, and fuel utilization, and vehicle modules of the Biomass Scenario Model. This model initially focused on ethanol, but has since been expanded to include other biofuels. Some portions of this system are represented dynamically with major interactions and feedbacks, especially those related to a dispensing station owner’s decision whether to offer ethanol fuel and a consumer’s choice whether to purchase that fuel. Other portions of the system are modeled with little or no dynamics; the vehicle choices of consumers are represented as discrete scenarios. This paper explores conditions needed to sustain an ethanol fuel market and identifies implications of these findings for program and policy goals. A large, economically sustainable ethanol fuel market (or other biofuel market) requires low end-user fuel price relative to gasoline and sufficient producer payment, which are difficult to achieve simultaneously. Other requirements (different for ethanol vs. other biofuel markets) include the need for infrastructure for distribution and dispensing and widespread use of high ethanol blends in flexible-fuel vehicles

    Trail Marking by Caterpillars of the Silverspot Butterfly Dione Juno Huascuma

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    A pheromone is implicated in the trail marking behavior of caterpillars of the nymphalid silverspot butterfly, Dione juno huascuma (Reakirt) (Lepidoptera: Heliconiinae) that feed gregariously on Passiflora (Malpighiales: Passifloraceae) vines in Mexico. Although they mark pathways leading from one feeding site to another with silk, this study shows that the silk was neither adequate nor necessary to elicit trail following behavior. Caterpillars marked trails with a long-lived pheromone that was deposited when they brushed the ventral surfaces of the tips of their abdomens along branch pathways. The caterpillars distinguished between pathways deposited by different numbers of siblings and between trails of different ages. Caterpillars also preferentially followed the trails of conspecifics over those of another nymphalid, Nymphalis antiopa L., the mourning cloak butterfly

    Dietary zinc supplementation of 3xTg-AD mice increases BDNF levels and prevents cognitive deficits as well as mitochondrial dysfunction

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    The overall effect of brain zinc (Zn2+) in the progression and development of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is still not completely understood. Although an excess of Zn2+ can exacerbate the pathological features of AD, a deficit of Zn2+ intake has also been shown to increase the volume of amyloid plaques in AD transgenic mice. In this study, we investigated the effect of dietary Zn2+ supplementation (30 p.p.m.) in a transgenic mouse model of AD, the 3xTg-AD, that expresses both β amyloid (Aβ)- and tau-dependent pathology. We found that Zn2+ supplementation greatly delays hippocampal-dependent memory deficits and strongly reduces both Aβ and tau pathology in the hippocampus. We also evaluated signs of mitochondrial dysfunction and found that Zn2+ supplementation prevents the age-dependent respiratory deficits we observed in untreated 3xTg-AD mice. Finally, we found that Zn2+ supplementation greatly increases the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) of treated 3xTg-AD mice. In summary, our data support the idea that controlling the brain Zn2+ homeostasis may be beneficial in the treatment of AD

    P5A-Type ATPase Cta4p Is Essential for Ca2+ Transport in the Endoplasmic Reticulum of Schizosaccharomyces pombe

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    This study establishes the role of P5A-type Cta4 ATPase in Ca2+ sequestration in the endoplasmic reticulum by detecting an ATP-dependent, vanadate-sensitive and FCCP insensitive 45Ca2+-transport in fission yeast membranes isolated by cellular fractionation. Specifically, the Ca2+-ATPase transport activity was decreased in ER membranes isolated from cells lacking a cta4+ gene. Furthermore, a disruption of cta4+ resulted in 6-fold increase of intracellular Ca2+ levels, sensitivity towards accumulation of misfolded proteins in ER and ER stress, stimulation of the calcineurin phosphatase activity and vacuolar Ca2+ pumping. These data provide compelling biochemical evidence for a P5A-type Cta4 ATPase as an essential component of Ca2+ transport system and signaling network which regulate, in conjunction with calcineurin, the ER functionality in fission yeast

    Large-Scale Phylogenetic Analysis of Emerging Infectious Diseases

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    Microorganisms that cause infectious diseases present critical issues of national security, public health, and economic welfare.  For example, in recent years, highly pathogenic strains of avian influenza have emerged in Asia, spread through Eastern Europe and threaten to become pandemic. As demonstrated by the coordinated response to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and influenza, agents of infectious disease are being addressed via large-scale genomic sequencing.  The goal of genomic sequencing projects are to rapidly put large amounts of data in the public domain to accelerate research on disease surveillance, treatment, and prevention. However, our ability to derive information from large comparative genomic datasets lags far behind acquisition.  Here we review the computational challenges of comparative genomic analyses, specifically sequence alignment and reconstruction of phylogenetic trees.  We present novel analytical results on from two important infectious diseases, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and influenza.SARS and influenza have similarities and important differences both as biological and comparative genomic analysis problems.  Influenza viruses (Orthymxyoviridae) are RNA based.  Current evidence indicates that influenza viruses originate in aquatic birds from wild populations. Influenza has been studied for decades via well-coordinated international efforts.  These efforts center on surveillance via antibody characterization of the hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (N) proteins of the circulating strains to inform vaccine design. However we still do not have a clear understanding of: 1) various transmission pathways such as the role of intermediate hosts such as swine and domestic birds and 2) the key mutation and genomic recombination events that underlie periodic pandemics of influenza.  In the past 30 years, sequence data from HA and N loci has become an important data type. In the past year, full genomic data has become prominent.  These data present exciting opportunities to address unanswered questions in influenza pandemics.SARS is caused by a previously unrecognized lineage of coronavirus, SARS-CoV, which like influenza has an RNA based genome.  Although SARS-CoV is widely believed to have originated in animals there remains disagreement over the candidate animal source that lead to the original outbreak of SARS.  In contrast to the long history of the study of influenza, SARS was only recognized in late 2002 and the virus that causes SARS has been documented primarily by genomic sequencing.In the past, most studies of influenza were performed on a limited number of isolates and genes suited to a particular problem.  Major goals in science today are to understand emerging diseases in broad geographic, environmental, societal, biological, and genomic contexts. Synthesizing diverse information brought together by various researchers is important to find out what can be done to prevent future outbreaks {JON03}.  Thus comprehensive means to organize and analyze large amounts of diverse information are critical.  For example, the relationships of isolates and patterns of genomic change observed in large datasets might not be consistent with hypotheses formed on partial data.  Moreover when researchers rely on partial datasets, they restrict the range of possible discoveries.Phylogenetics is well suited to the complex task of understanding emerging infectious disease. Phylogenetic analyses can test many hypotheses by comparing diverse isolates collected from various hosts, environments, and points in time and organizing these data into various evolutionary scenarios.  The products of a phylogenetic analysis are a graphical tree of ancestor-descendent relationships and an inferred summary of mutations, recombination events, host shifts, geographic, and temporal spread of the viruses.  However, this synthesis comes at a price.  The cost of computation of phylogenetic analysis expands combinatorially as the number of isolates considered increases. Thus, large datasets like those currently produced are commonly considered intractable.  We address this problem with synergistic development of heuristics tree search strategies and parallel computing.Fil: Janies, D.. Ohio State University; Estados UnidosFil: Pol, Diego. Ohio State University; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Saccharothrix sp. PAL54, a new chloramphenicol-producing strain isolated from a Saharan soil

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    An actinomycete strain designated PAL54, producing an antibacterial substance, was isolated from a Saharan soil in Ghardaïa, Algeria. Morphological and chemical studies indicated that this strain belonged to the genus Saccharothrix. Analysis of the 16S rDNA sequence showed a similarity level ranging between 96.9 and 99.2% within Saccharothrix species, with S. longispora DSM 43749T, the most closely related. DNA–DNA hybridization confirmed that strain PAL54 belonged to Saccharothrix longispora. It showed very strong activity against pathogenic Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria responsible for nosocomial infections and resistant to multiple antibiotics. Strain PAL54 secreted the antibiotic optimally during mid-stationary and decline phases of growth. One antibacterial compound was isolated from the culture broth and purified by HPLC. The active compound was elucidated by uv-visible and NMR spectroscopy and by mass spectrometry. The results showed that this compound was a D(-)-threo chloramphenicol. This is the first report of chloramphenicol production by a Saccharothrix species

    Ancient Nursery Area for the Extinct Giant Shark Megalodon from the Miocene of Panama

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    BACKGROUND: As we know from modern species, nursery areas are essential shark habitats for vulnerable young. Nurseries are typically highly productive, shallow-water habitats that are characterized by the presence of juveniles and neonates. It has been suggested that in these areas, sharks can find ample food resources and protection from predators. Based on the fossil record, we know that the extinct Carcharocles megalodon was the biggest shark that ever lived. Previous proposed paleo-nursery areas for this species were based on the anecdotal presence of juvenile fossil teeth accompanied by fossil marine mammals. We now present the first definitive evidence of ancient nurseries for C. megalodon from the late Miocene of Panama, about 10 million years ago. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We collected and measured fossil shark teeth of C. megalodon, within the highly productive, shallow marine Gatun Formation from the Miocene of Panama. Surprisingly, and in contrast to other fossil accumulations, the majority of the teeth from Gatun are very small. Here we compare the tooth sizes from the Gatun with specimens from different, but analogous localities. In addition we calculate the total length of the individuals found in Gatun. These comparisons and estimates suggest that the small size of Gatun's C. megalodon is neither related to a small population of this species nor the tooth position within the jaw. Thus, the individuals from Gatun were mostly juveniles and neonates, with estimated body lengths between 2 and 10.5 meters. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We propose that the Miocene Gatun Formation represents the first documented paleo-nursery area for C. megalodon from the Neotropics, and one of the few recorded in the fossil record for an extinct selachian. We therefore show that sharks have used nursery areas at least for 10 millions of years as an adaptive strategy during their life histories

    A retrospective cohort study on lifestyle habits of cardiovascular patients: how informative are medical records?

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    Contains fulltext : 79771.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: To evaluate the vigilance of medical specialists as to the lifestyle of their cardiovascular outpatients by comparing lifestyle screening as registered in medical records versus a lifestyle questionnaire (LSQ), a study was carried out at the cardiovascular outpatient clinic of the university hospital of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, between June 2004 and June 2005. METHODS: For 209 patients information from medical records on lifestyle habits, physician feedback, and interventions in the past year was compared to data gathered in the last month by a self-report LSQ. RESULTS: Doctors register smoking habits most consistently (90.4%), followed by alcohol use (81.8%), physical activity (50.2%), and eating habits (27.3%). Compared to the LSQ, smoking, unhealthy alcohol use, physical activity, and unhealthy eating habits are underreported in medical records by 31, 83, 54 and 97%, respectively. Feedback, advice or referral was documented in 8% for smoking, 3% for alcohol use, 12% for physical activity, and 26% for eating habits. CONCLUSION: Lifestyle is insufficiently registered or recognized by doctors providing routine care in a cardiovascular outpatient setting. Of the unhealthy lifestyle habits that are registered, few are accompanied by notes on advice or intervention. A lifestyle questionnaire facilitates screening and interventions in target patients and should therefore be incorporated in the cardiovascular setting as a routine patient intake procedure