23 research outputs found

    Gambaran Kejadian Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil

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    Anemia adalah salah satu masalah yang sering terjadi pada kesehatan ibu hamil. Anemia selama kehamilan jika tidak ditangani dapat menyebabkan dampak yang serius yaitu perdarahan. Anemia pada kehamilan saat ini masih menjadi masalah utama yang diderita oleh hampir separuh wanita hamil. Anemia pada ibu hamil sangat terkait dengan mortalitas dan morbiditas pada ibu dan bayi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya hubungan umur, paritas, pendidikan dan status gizi pada ibu hamil anemia. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode literature review. Literature review ini menggunakan jurnal yang berkaitan dengan Gambaran Kejadian Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil dengan maksimal Artikel yang dipublikasi 10 tahun terakhir. Hasil review 10 jurnal didapatkan bahwa berhubungan signifikan dengan kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil mayoritas yang mengalami anemia umur ibu 35 tahun kategori beresiko , paritas >3 beresiko, pendidikan rendah, status gizi dengan kategori LILA <23,5 cm. Dikeketahui bahwa ada hubungan umur,paritas, pendidikan dan status gizi ibu hamil anemia. Hal ini dibuktikan dari P value setiap penelitian kurang dari 0,05. Untuk itu diharapkan kepada petugas kesehatan untuk meningkatkan edukasi dan promosi serta melakukan kunjungan rumah pada setiap ibu hamil yang menderita anemia

    The Age of the 20 Meter Solo River Terrace, Java, Indonesia and the Survival of Homo erectus in Asia

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    Homo erectus was the first human lineage to disperse widely throughout the Old World, the only hominin in Asia through much of the Pleistocene, and was likely ancestral to H. sapiens. The demise of this taxon remains obscure because of uncertainties regarding the geological age of its youngest populations. In 1996, some of us co-published electron spin resonance (ESR) and uranium series (U-series) results indicating an age as young as 35–50 ka for the late H. erectus sites of Ngandong and Sambungmacan and the faunal site of Jigar (Indonesia). If correct, these ages favor an African origin for recent humans who would overlap with H. erectus in time and space. Here, we report 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating analyses and new ESR/U-series age estimates from the “20 m terrace" at Ngandong and Jigar. Both data sets are internally consistent and provide no evidence for reworking, yet they are inconsistent with one another. The 40Ar/39Ar analyses give an average age of 546±12 ka (sd±5 se) for both sites, the first reliable radiometric indications of a middle Pleistocene component for the terrace. Given the technical accuracy and consistency of the analyses, the argon ages represent either the actual age or the maximum age for the terrace and are significantly older than previous estimates. Most of the ESR/U-series results are older as well, but the oldest that meets all modeling criteria is 143 ka+20/−17. Most samples indicated leaching of uranium and likely represent either the actual or the minimum age of the terrace. Given known sources of error, the U-series results could be consistent with a middle Pleistocene age. However, the ESR and 40Ar/39Ar ages preclude one another. Regardless, the age of the sites and hominins is at least bracketed between these estimates and is older than currently accepted

    Meat and Nicotinamide:A Causal Role in Human Evolution, History, and Demographics

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    Hunting for meat was a critical step in all animal and human evolution. A key brain-trophic element in meat is vitamin B 3 /nicotinamide. The supply of meat and nicotinamide steadily increased from the Cambrian origin of animal predators ratcheting ever larger brains. This culminated in the 3-million-year evolution of Homo sapiens and our overall demographic success. We view human evolution, recent history, and agricultural and demographic transitions in the light of meat and nicotinamide intake. A biochemical and immunological switch is highlighted that affects fertility in the ‘de novo’ tryptophan-to-kynurenine-nicotinamide ‘immune tolerance’ pathway. Longevity relates to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide consumer pathways. High meat intake correlates with moderate fertility, high intelligence, good health, and longevity with consequent population stability, whereas low meat/high cereal intake (short of starvation) correlates with high fertility, disease, and population booms and busts. Too high a meat intake and fertility falls below replacement levels. Reducing variances in meat consumption might help stabilise population growth and improve human capital

    Role of Histone Deacetylase Complexes in the Regulation of Chromatin Metabolism

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    The pattern of acetylation of conserved lysines at the N-termini of four nucleosomal histone proteins plays an important role in chromatin metabolism, in particular, chromatin assembly, establishment of silenced heterochromatin regions, and local repression of active euchromatin promoters. In this review, we describe from a biochemical and genetic point of view, recent progress in the characterization of enzymes that carry out histone deacetylation. We show that histone deacetylase enzymes display several features that are common among enzymes involved in chromatin metabolism, particularly, apparent redundancy, an essential multisubunit composition, and evolutionary conservation and diversity. We emphasize the role of histone deacetylases in chromatin metabolism and their importance for cell proliferation