12 research outputs found

    Early stages of trench-slope basin development: Insights from mass-transport deposits and their interactions with turbidite systems (southern Hikurangi margin, New Zealand)

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    Geological complexity, progressive tectonic overprint and prevailing submarine location of subduction margins generally hinder investigating the early stages of development of their oldest trench-slope basins, witnesses of subduction initiation and early history. Along the eastern North Island of New Zealand, the inner portion of the Hikurangi subduction wedge is emerged, thereby offering a unique opportunity to examine, at outcrop-scale, the tectonostratigraphic evolution of a trench-slope basin (Castlepoint trench-slope basin) that was linked to the onset of subduction. We present new occurrences of lowermost Miocene gravity-driven systems, suggesting a more intricate depositional framework to the ones previously inferred during this key period. Results show that the early stages of development of a trench-slope basin coeval with the birth of a subduction margin may deviate from traditional models either comprising (1) sustainable sediment sources connected to the basin very early in the history of the margin and (2) a sedimentation-deformation feedback mechanism promoting the long-term development of an aggradational turbidite system downslope. Analysis of the mass-transport deposits (MTDs) also revealed that the outboard migration of deformation was discontinuous and uneven along the margin during the earliest Miocene. Two major tectonic events, separated by a period of reduced tectonic activity, were recorded at the inboard border of the Castlepoint trench-slope basin, each resulting in seaward motion, oversteepening and frontal denudation of a thrust sheet. Each thrust sheet provided contrasting failed material and morphometric characteristics to the associated deposits, thereby allowing us to discriminate the nature of the nappe and related controls responsible for shedding each MTD as well as refine the timing of nappe emplacement along this part of the margin. Overall, this study draws new insights on the early structural evolution and stratigraphic infill during the birth of subduction zones, insights which may, in turn, help improve understandings of active margin settings

    Contrasting mixed siliciclastic-carbonate shelf-derived gravity-driven systems in compressional intra-slope basins (southern Hikurangi margin, New Zealand)

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    Along active margins, the combination of predominant tectonic activity and shallow-marine mixed siliciclastic-carbonate source systems developing upon and around actively growing structures challenges traditional source-to-sink models. This study aims to investigate the implications of mixed siliciclastic-carbonate shelfal domains located in contrasting geotectonic settings (thrust forelimb and backlimb) for the development of the concomitant gravity-driven systems beyond the shelf edges. Here, we document the vertical and lateral stratigraphic variabilities of the shelf-derived turbidites and mass-transport deposits (MTDs) at outcrop-scale through the integrated interpretation of photogrammetry, field and taphonomic data from the emerged southern portion of the Hikurangi subduction margin. Results highlight the role and importance of varying structural setting of the sediment source, whereby the different morphologies of the source regions (continent-attached forelimb, continent-detached backlimb) control the development of highly varied shelf-derived gravity-driven depositional systems that interact with the structures across the same confined intra-slope basin. The deposits are tens to a few hundred of meters in thickness and have a lateral extent of several kilometers. The depositional systems are characterized by durations of 1–2 Ma and were primarily controlled by the geometries and tectonic motion of the underlying structures at the shelf edges. Shelf-derived mass-wasting systems occurred on both sides of the actively growing thrust structures and were sourced from both shelfal domains that were attached or detached from the continental domain. When sourced from the backlimbs however, the subsequent MTDs exhibit more complex internal architectures, ultimately recording the dynamic changes in slope gradient, and can therefore be used as proxies for unraveling the tectonic activity of an individual structure. Our study provides new insights to better predict mixed siliciclastic-carbonate depositional settings along active margins, sourced from thrust forelimb and backlimb. These results may be important for deep-marine exploration and tectonostratigraphic reconstruction of fold-and-thrust belts

    Shelf-derived mass-transport deposits: origin and significance in the stratigraphic development of trench-slope basins

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    Continental shelves generally supply large-scale mass-wasting events. Yet, the origin and significance of shelf-derived mass-transport deposits (MTDs) for the tectonostratigraphic evolution of subduction complexes and their trench-slope basins have not been extensively studied. Here, we present high-resolution, outcrop-scale insights on both the nature of the reworked sediments, and their mechanisms of development and emplacement along tectonically active margins, by examining the Middle Miocene shelf-derived MTDs outcropping in the exhumed southern portion of the Hikurangi subduction margin. Results show that periods of repeated tectonic activity (thrust propagation, uplift) in such compressional settings not only affect and control the development of shelfal environments but also drive the recurrent generation and destruction of oversteepened slopes, which in turn, favour the destabilisation and collapses of the shelves and their substratum. Here, these events produced both large-scale, shelf-derived sediment mass-failures and local debris flows, which eventually broke down into a series of coalescing, erosive, genetically linked surging flows downslope. The associated MTDs have a regional footprint, being deposited across several trench-slope basins. Recognition of tectonic activity as another causal mechanism for large-scale shelf failure (in addition to sea-level changes, high-sedimentation fluxes) has implications for both stratigraphic predictions and understanding the tectonostratigraphic evolution of deep-marine fold-and-thrust belts

    Matrix Stiffness Affects Endocytic Uptake of MK2-Inhibitor Peptides

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    In this study, the role of substrate stiffness on the endocytic uptake of a cell-penetrating peptide was investigated. The cell-penetrating peptide, an inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein kinase activated protein kinase II (MK2), enters a primary mesothelial cell line predominantly through caveolae. Using tissue culture polystyrene and polyacrylamide gels of varying stiffness for cell culture, and flow cytometry quantification and enzyme-linked immunoassays (ELISA) for uptake assays, we showed that the amount of uptake of the peptide is increased on soft substrates. Further, peptide uptake per cell increased at lower cell density. The improved uptake seen on soft substrates in vitro better correlates with in vivo functional studies where 10–100 µM concentrations of the MK2 inhibitor cell penetrating peptide demonstrated functional activity in several disease models. Additional characterization showed actin polymerization did not affect uptake, while microtubule polymerization had a profound effect on uptake. This work demonstrates that cell culture substrate stiffness can play a role in endocytic uptake, and may be an important consideration to improve correlations between in vitro and in vivo drug efficacy