18 research outputs found

    The effect of long-term nutri̇ti̇onal status on quality of alimention after bariatric surgery

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    Obezite; birçok hastalık için yüksek risk taşımaktadır. Obezitenin tedavisinde diğer yöntemler yetersiz kaldığında ve gerekli koşullar sağlandığında bariyatrik cerrahiye başvurulmaktadır. Bariyatrik cerrahi sonrası beslenme kalitesinde değişiklikler olabilmekte ve bu değişimler beslenme durumunu etkileyebilmektedir. Bu çalışma; bariyatrik cerrahi geçirmiş 89 hastanın beslenme kalitesini ve beslenme durumunu belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bariyatrik cerrahi geçirmiş 18-65 yaş aralığındaki 53 kadın 36 erkek hastanın demografik bilgileri, klinik bulguları hastanenin kayıt sisteminden retrospektif olarak alınmıştır. Hastaların "Beslenme Kaliteleri'' ve "Yiyecek Tüketim Sıklığı'' ise prospektif olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Hastalar postoperatif (postop) 1. yıl, 2. yıl ve 3. yıl olarak gruplara ayrılarak SPSS 22 paket programı ile istatiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Tüm hasta gruplarının günlük ortalama 1400,46 ± 602,47 kkal enerji ve 56,19 ± 25,15 gram protein aldıkları saptanmıştır. Hastaların beslenme kalitesi puanları; postop 1. yıl 20,97 ± 4,12, 2. yıl 20,93 ± 4,03 ve 3. yıl 22,24 ± 3,42 bulunmuştur, gruplar arası anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır (p> 0,05). Postop 1. yılda enerji, protein, su ve lif alımı ile beslenme kalitesi puanları arasında pozitif yönde bir ilişki olduğu bulunmuştur (p 0,05). At the end of the first postoperative year, a positive correlation was found between the consumption of the energy, protein, water, fiber and nutritional quality scores (p< 0,05). It was observed that patients had difficulty when they consumed rice and bread the most, but they consumed the most comfortable fish and vegetables. In this study, it was found that the significantly weight loss (43,82 ± 25,14 kg) was achieved through bariatric surgery, also there was a relationship between nutrition quality and nutrition at the early period

    Adolesan Amatör Futbolcuların Beslenme Durumunun Değerlendirilmesi

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    Bu çalışma; amatör olarak futbol oynayan, 14-18 yaş arası erkek adölesanların beslenme durumlarını değerlendirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya çeşitli futbol kulüplerinin alt yapı takımlarında oynayan 113 adölesan dahil edilmiştir. Bireylere ait demografik bilgiler ile beslenme alışkanlıkları, yüz yüze görüşme yöntemiyle uygulanan anket formu aracılığıyla elde edilmiştir. Ağırlık ve boy ölçümleri yapılmış, BKİ ve Z skoru hesaplanmıştır. Geriye dönük bir günlük besin tüketim kaydı alınarak, enerji ve besin öğesi alımları BeBiS programı ile hesaplanmış ve veriler istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bireylerin ortalama yaşı 15,7 ± 1,3 yıl ve BKİ’si 20,56 ± 1,87 kg/m2 ’dir. Antrenman öncesinde adölesanların %90,3’ü beslenmesine, %93,8’i sıvı alımına dikkat ettiğini bildirmesine rağmen, %39,8’i antrenman öncesi 0,5 L veya daha az miktarda sıvı tüketmektedir. Adölesanların %53,1’i ara öğün yapmamakta, %24,8’i ise kahvaltıyı atlamaktadır. Günlük enerji alımları ortalama 2081,94 ± 668,51 kkal olup, gereksinimlerinin sadece %63,1’ini karşılamaktadır. Enerjinin günlük ortalama %44,5’inin karbonhidrattan, %16,2’sinin proteinden sağlandığı; lifin yeterli (%101,00); kalsiyum, potasyum ve çinkonun ise yetersiz (%77,17; %52,13; %83,41) tüketildiği belirlenmiştir. Adölesanların BKİ’lerinin normal olduğu, ancak bazı önemli besin öğeleri yönünden yetersiz beslendikleri sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu yaş grubundaki sporcuların hem büyüme gelişme hem de yaptıkları spor dalına uygun beslenmeleri için erken yaşta sağlıklı beslenme bilinci geliştirilmesi, ilerleyen yaşlardaki yaralanma riskinin azaltılması ve spor performansının artırılması için önemlidir.This study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional status of male adolescents aged 14-18 years playing football as amateurs. A hundred and thirteen adolescents who played in the youth setups of various football clubs were included in the study. The demographic information and eating habits of the individuals were obtained through a questionnaire applied by face to face interview method. Weight and height measurements were taken and BMI and Z scores were calculated. A retrospective daily food consumption record was obtained, and energy and nutrient consumption were calculated with the BeBiS program and the data were evaluated statistically. The mean age of the subjects was 15.7 ± 1.3 years and their BMI was 20.56 ± 1.87 kg / m2 . Although 90.3% of the adolescents reported that they were paying attention to nutrition and 93.8% paying attention to fluid intake before the training, 39.8% consumed 0.5 L or less before the training. 53.1% of adolescents do not eat snacks and 24.8% skip breakfast. The average daily energy intake is 2081.94 ± 668.51 kcal and only 63.1% of its requirements are met. On average 44.5% of the daily carbohydrate energy, 16.2% of the protein is provided; fiber intake is sufficient (101.00%); it was determined that the levels of calcium, potassium and zinc were consumed inadequate (77.17%; 52.13%; 83.41%). It was concluded that the BMI of adolescents was normal but they were undernourished in terms of some important nutrients. Developing healthy nutrition awareness at an early age is important for athletes in this age group for both growth and development, as well as for proper nutrition for the sport they play. It will also reduce the risk of injury at later ages and to increase sports performance

    Neuronavigated rTMS inhibition of right pars triangularis anterior in stuttering: Differential effects on reading and speaking

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    Functional neuroimaging studies show an overactivation of speech and language related homologous areas of the right hemisphere in persons who stutter. In this study, we inhibited Broca's homologues using 1 Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and assessed its effects on stuttering severity. The investigated cortical areas included pars opercularis (BA44), anterior and posterior pars triangularis (BA45), mouth area on the primary motor cortex (BA4). We collected reading and speaking samples before and after rTMS sessions and calculated the percentage of syllables stuttered. Only right anterior pars triangularis stimulation induced significant changes in speech fluency. Notably, the effects were differential for reading and speaking conditions. Overall, our results provide supportive evidence that right anterior BA45 may be a critical region for stuttering. The observed differential effects following the inhibition of right anterior BA45 merits further study of contributions of this region on different language domains in persons who stutter.Istanbul Universit

    Geotechnical characteristics of residual soils in rainfall-triggered landslides in Rize, Turkey

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V.Every year, hundreds of landslides are triggered by rainfall in the city of Rize, northern Turkey, resulting in casualties and devastating social and economic consequences. Although these landslides have been observed every year, for a long time in Rize, there is limited data on characteristics of these soils in the literature. Characterizing these soils is of paramount importance for numerical modeling of the landslide mechanisms, for stabilization works, for landslide susceptibility mapping and for establishing rainfall intensity-duration thresholds. This study seeks to investigate the properties of residual soils decomposed from volcanic rocks that are involved in rainfall-triggered, shallow (< 5 m thick) and rapid landslides of the flow type. Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples are taken from a total of 12 landslide sites to evaluate index properties, physical and mechanical properties and the mineralogy. Also, in-situ unit weights are determined on undisturbed samples, and portable hand vane tests are conducted to evaluate the in-situ undrained shear strength. Investigations reveal that soils at the shear surfaces, at the main and side scarps, and within the landslide mass are similar materials, i.e. there is no material difference above and below the shear surface. Results indicate that these materials are relatively loose, medium-stiff, mostly fine-grained soils (low and high plasticity silts and high plasticity organic soils), with liquid limits in the range of 35–87%, with some organic content (1.8–12.1% by dry mass) and have relatively low pH (3.5–5.3). As for the mechanical properties, a total of 72 direct shear tests are conducted on undisturbed samples (which sometimes included a plant root or a stone) in the normal stress range of 10–65 kPa, in unsaturated and in saturated condition. The average internal friction angle is 36.3° (range 31.1–38.0°) in the saturated condition. The undrained shear strengths are 10 to 52 kPa and 42 to 103 kPa from unconfined compression tests and hand vane tests, respectively. The results of this study can be used for future research on rainfall triggered landslides


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    The aim of this study is to examine the communication skills and team workability of students educated in sports education in universities according to a range of variables. In the study, a personal information form was used to identify the university, department, class and sports branches of participants. The communication skills scale developed by Ersanlı and Balcı in 1998 was used to determine communication skills. For the determination of team workability, the Team Workability Scale developed by Tuncer in 2008 was used. 165 Students from Atatürk and Kafkas University participated in the study. Frequency analysis and parametric statistical analyses were used in the study. As a result of the study, it was determined that the participants had moderate levels (X=3,56±,861) of communication skills and the majority of the participants have responsibility (n=105 %64). According to the variables of the communication skills and team workability of the students who studied sports education in universities, the communication skills levels did not change statistically according to the universities and departments variables of the participants. The highest average of communication skills amongst the participants are mental skills. (X=3,86±,414). The lowest average of the communication skills of the participants are behavioral. (X=2,44±,616). On the other hand, it has been determined that the team sports athletes among the participants have high averages on Collaboration and Teamwork in team workability. (n=98 %59,39)

    The role of positive relationship events in romantic attachment avoidance

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    Motivated by the Attachment Security Enhancement Model (Arriaga et al., 2018), the present research investigated the associations between positive relationship experiences and romantic attachment avoidance in three dyadic studies that combined multiple methods including daily diaries, laboratory observations, and longitudinal follow-ups. Frequency of daily positive relationship events (but not external positive events) during a 21-day diary period predicted declines in romantic attachment avoidance (but not anxiety) from pre- to post-diary in fledgling couples (Study 1) and newlyweds (Study 2). Video-recorded discussions of fledgling couples’ shared positive experiences revealed that behaviors validating the relationship (but not simply showing conversational interest) predicted lagged declines in romantic attachment avoidance (but not anxiety) over one month (Study 3). The associations were mediated by positive affect during the diary period in Studies 1 and 2, and by changes in positive affect from pre- to post-discussion in Study 3. Positive relationship experiences did not significantly interact with time in predicting romantic avoidance over a one-year follow-up with quarterly assessments of attachment orientations in Study 1, over an eight-month follow-up with monthly assessments in Study 2, or over a two-month follow-up with monthly assessments in Study 3. Altogether, these studies provide one of the most comprehensive tests of how positive relationship experiences in non-distressing contexts are linked to romantic attachment

    Türkiye’de tabiat tarihi müzeleri

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2014.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Yiğit, Aslı