158 research outputs found

    Review on the acute Daphnia magna

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    Executive summary : One of the most internationally used bioassays for toxicity screening of chemicals and for toxicity monitoring of effluents and contaminated waters is the acute toxicity test with daphnid crustaceans, and in particular that performed with Daphnia magna. Standard methods have been developed for this assay that were gradually endorsed by national and international organisations dealing with toxicity testing procedures, in view of its application within a regulatory framework. As for all toxicity tests, the organisms used for the acute D. magna assay have to be obtained from live stocks which are cultured in the laboratory on live food (micro-algae). Unsurprisingly the various standard protocols of this particular assay differ – at least to a certain extent – with regard to the test organism culturing conditions. In addition, some technical aspects of the toxicity test such as the effect criterion (mortality of immobility), the exposure time, the type of dilution water, etc., also vary from one standard to another. Although this particular assay is currently used in many countries, the technical and biological problems inherent in year-round culturing and availability of the biological material and the culturing/maintenance costs of live stocks restrict its application to a limited number of highly specialised laboratories. This fundamental bottleneck in toxicity testing triggered investigations which brought forward the concept of “microbiotests” or “small-scale” toxicity tests. “Culture/maintenance free” aquatic microbiotests with species of different phylogenetic groups were developed in the early 1990s at the Laboratory for Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology at the Ghent University in Belgium. These assays which were given the generic name “Toxkits”, are unique in that they employ dormant stages (“cryptobiotic eggs”) of the test species, which can be stored for long periods of time and “hatched” at the time of performance of the assays. One of these microbiotests is the Daphtoxkit F magna, which is currently used in many laboratories worldwide for research as well as for toxicity monitoring purposes. The microbiotest technology has several advantages in comparison to the “traditional” tests based on laboratory cultures, especially its independence of the stock culturing burden. However, the acceptance (or possible non-acceptance) of performing assays with test organisms obtained from “dormant eggs” should be clearly dictated by the “sensitivity” and “precision” criteria of the former assays in comparison to the latter. The first part of this review therefore thoroughly reviews the scientific literature and of data obtained from various laboratories for assays performed with either D. magna test organisms obtained from lab cultures or hatched from dormant eggs. Attention has focused on data of quality control tests performed on reference chemicals, and in particular on potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) for which an acceptability range of 0.6–2.1 mg·L–1 has been set in ISO standard 6341 for the 24 h EC50 of the acute D. magna assay. Mean EC50s, standard deviations and variation coefficients were calculated from the collected data, all of which are presented in tables and figures and discussed in detail. The major conclusions drawn from the analysis of the large number of quality control (QC) data on the acute D. magna toxicity test are that : (1) Virtually all results from assays performed with Daphnias taken from lab cultures or with Daphnia microbiotests are within the acceptability range set by ISO standard 6341 for the reference chemical potassium dichromate. (2) The mean 24 h EC50s of the Daphnia microbiotests performed in different laboratories are within the range of the mean EC50s of the assays based on lab cultures, and the variation coefficients (20 to 30%) are similar. (3) The precision – in terms of the long term in house variability – of the quality control Daphnia microbiotests is as good as that of the QC tests based on lab cultures. The review further reports on intra-laboratory sensitivity comparison studies performed during the last 15 years on pure chemicals and on natural samples, with both laboratory cultured organisms and Daphnias hatched from dormant eggs. These studies carried out in different laboratories showed EC50 correlation coefficients of 0.86 to 0.98, corroborating a similar sensitivity of the two types of test organisms. The third part of the review reports and analyses data on proficiency ringtests on the acute D. magna assay which have been organised in different countries since 2002 with either reference chemicals or with natural samples, and in which part of the laboratories performed their assays with Daphnia microbiotests and others with lab cultured Daphnias. The conclusions drawn from all the ringtests indicate that the sensitivity of Daphnia neonates hatched from dormant eggs is similar to that of test organisms taken from lab cultures and that in most cases the precision of the Daphnia microbiotest is superior to that of the assays based on lab cultures. The review finally addresses the issue of possible sensitivity differences of Daphnias hatched from dormant eggs which are produced by different D. magna strains. From these investigations it appeared that the EC50s from assays performed with Daphnias hatched from dormant eggs of different strains did not differ significantly from those from assays undertaken with daphnids from lab cultures. The obvious advantages of Daphnia microbiotests over tests with Daphnias stemming from lab cultures have led to the worldwide use of these culture/maintenance free and low cost small-scale assays in both research and toxicity monitoring. The Daphnia microbiotest is in current use in several countries for toxicity testing in a regulatory framework, and recent calculations indicate that about 10 000 acute D. magna assays are now performed annually with neonates hatched from dormant eggs. The use of dormant eggs to obtain test organisms independently of stock culturing has recently also been accepted in international standards for toxicity testing. ISO standard 20665 (2008) related to the determination of chronic toxicity with Ceriodaphnia dubia, and ISO standard 20666 (2008) for the determination of the chronic toxicity with Brachionus calyciflorus in 48 h, both indicate that the assays can be conducted with organisms hatched from dormant eggs. On the basis of the extensive scientific evidence provided in this review that is justifiably supported by the two ISO methods mentioned above, the authors therefore recommend that the use of Daphnias hatched from dormant eggs should also be incorporated in national and international standards, as an alternative to the use of Daphnias taken from laboratory cultures

    Quantifying uncertainty in the measurement of arsenic in suspended particulate matter by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with hydride generator

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    Arsenic is the toxic element, which creates several problems in human being specially when inhaled through air. So the accurate and precise measurement of arsenic in suspended particulate matter (SPM) is of prime importance as it gives information about the level of toxicity in the environment, and preventive measures could be taken in the effective areas. Quality assurance is equally important in the measurement of arsenic in SPM samples before making any decision. The quality and reliability of the data of such volatile elements depends upon the measurement of uncertainty of each step involved from sampling to analysis. The analytical results quantifying uncertainty gives a measure of the confidence level of the concerned laboratory. So the main objective of this study was to determine arsenic content in SPM samples with uncertainty budget and to find out various potential sources of uncertainty, which affects the results. Keeping these facts, we have selected seven diverse sites of Delhi (National Capital of India) for quantification of arsenic content in SPM samples with uncertainty budget following sampling by HVS to analysis by Atomic Absorption Spectrometer-Hydride Generator (AAS-HG). In the measurement of arsenic in SPM samples so many steps are involved from sampling to final result and we have considered various potential sources of uncertainties. The calculation of uncertainty is based on ISO/IEC17025: 2005 document and EURACHEM guideline. It has been found that the final results mostly depend on the uncertainty in measurement mainly due to repeatability, final volume prepared for analysis, weighing balance and sampling by HVS. After the analysis of data of seven diverse sites of Delhi, it has been concluded that during the period from 31st Jan. 2008 to 7th Feb. 2008 the arsenic concentration varies from 1.44 ± 0.25 to 5.58 ± 0.55 ng/m3 with 95% confidence level (k = 2)

    Systems responses to progressive water stress in durum wheat

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    Durum wheat is susceptible to terminal drought which can greatly decrease grain yield. Breeding to improve crop yield is hampered by inadequate knowledge of how the physiological and metabolic changes caused by drought are related to gene expression. To gain better insight into mechanisms defining resistance to water stress we studied the physiological and transcriptome responses of three durum breeding lines varying for yield stability under drought. Parents of a mapping population (Lahn x Cham1) and a recombinant inbred line (RIL2219) showed lowered flag leaf relative water content, water potential and photosynthesis when subjected to controlled water stress time transient experiments over a six-day period. RIL2219 lost less water and showed constitutively higher stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, transpiration, abscisic acid content and enhanced osmotic adjustment at equivalent leaf water compared to parents, thus defining a physiological strategy for high yield stability under water stress. Parallel analysis of the flag leaf transcriptome under stress uncovered global trends of early changes in regulatory pathways, reconfiguration of primary and secondary metabolism and lowered expression of transcripts in photosynthesis in all three lines. Differences in the number of genes, magnitude and profile of their expression response were also established amongst the lines with a high number belonging to regulatory pathways. In addition, we documented a large number of genes showing constitutive differences in leaf transcript expression between the genotypes at control non-stress conditions. Principal Coordinates Analysis uncovered a high level of structure in the transcriptome response to water stress in each wheat line suggesting genome-wide co-ordination of transcription. Utilising a systems-based approach of analysing the integrated wheat's response to water stress, in terms of biological robustness theory, the findings suggest that each durum line transcriptome responded to water stress in a genome-specific manner which contributes to an overall different strategy of resistance to water stress


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    Celebrations in Percussion : 05 October 2006 @ Conservatory Concert Hall

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    Conservatory Concert HallConservatory Chamber Serie