4,718 research outputs found

    Produtividade de grãos e eficiência de uso da água de feijão-caupi de portes ereto, semi-ereto e semi-prostrado em relação à densidade de plantas.

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    O arranjo de plantas é uma prática de manejo importante para potencializar a produtividade de grãos (PG) do feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho produtivo do feijão-caupi de portes ereto (E), semi-ereto (SE) e semi-prostrado (SP), em diferentes densidades de plantas (DP) (8,0, 12,0, 16,0, 20,0, 24,0 e 28,0 plantas m-2 ? portes E e SE; e 2,0; 6,0; 10,0; 14,0; 18,0 e 22,0 plantas m-2 ? porte SP).CONBEA 2013

    Densidade de plantas e eficiência de uso da água em cultivares comerciais de feijão-caupi em ambiente do centro norte piauiense.

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    A produtividade de grãos (PG) ótima de uma cultura depende do manejo e do equilíbrio entre os fatores de produção. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a performance e a eficiência de uso da água (EUA) de cultivares comerciais (BR Gurguéia, BRS Aracê e BRS Juruá) de feijão-caupi de porte semi-prostado, em diferentes densidades de plantas (DP) (2; 6; 10; 14; 18 e 22 plantas m-2). Três ensaios foram conduzidos, sob irrigação por aspersão, em solo Neossolo Flúvico, textura média, no período de agosto a outubro de 2011, campo experimental da Embrapa Meio-Norte, município de Teresina, PI.CONAC 2012. Disponível em: http://www.conac2012.org/resumos/pdf/026a.pdf. Acesso em: 25 jun. 2013

    Boletim agrometeorológico de 2009 para Tomé-Açu, PA.

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    Boletim de agrometeorológico de 2009 para Belém, PA.

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    Boletim Agrometeorológico de 2009 para Belém, PA; Introdução; Metodologia; Aspectos Gerais do Clima; Informações Meteorológicas.bitstream/item/44214/1/Doc-371.pd

    ESTAÇÕES agrometeorológicas automáticas.

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    As estações agrometeorologicas automaticas tem por finalidade monitorar as condições climáticas, permitindo quantificar a evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) e a precipitação pluviométrica, elementos climáticos indispensáveis para o manejo da irrigação das culturas. Equipe técnica: Aderson Soares de Andrade Júnior, Edson Alves Bastos, Valber Mendes Ferreira e Antonio Guaraná Mendes.bitstream/CPAMN-2009-09/22247/1/estacoes_agromet_automatic.pd

    Granger causality revisited

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    This technical paper offers a critical re-evaluation of (spectral) Granger causality measures in the analysis of biological timeseries. Using realistic (neural mass) models of coupled neuronal dynamics, we evaluate the robustness of parametric and nonparametric Granger causality. Starting from a broad class of generative (state-space) models of neuronal dynamics, we show how their Volterra kernels prescribe the second-order statistics of their response to random fluctuations; characterised in terms of cross-spectral density, cross-covariance, autoregressive coefficients and directed transfer functions. These quantities in turn specify Granger causality - providing a direct (analytic) link between the parameters of a generative model and the expected Granger causality. We use this link to show that Granger causality measures based upon autoregressive models can become unreliable when the underlying dynamics is dominated by slow (unstable) modes - as quantified by the principal Lyapunov exponent. However, nonparametric measures based on causal spectral factors are robust to dynamical instability. We then demonstrate how both parametric and nonparametric spectral causality measures can become unreliable in the presence of measurement noise. Finally, we show that this problem can be finessed by deriving spectral causality measures from Volterra kernels, estimated using dynamic causal modelling

    Basin structure in the two-dimensional dissipative circle map

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    Fractal basin structure in the two-dimensional dissipative circle map is examined in detail. Numerically obtained basin appears to be riddling in the parameter region where two periodic orbits co-exist near a boundary crisis, but it is shown to consist of layers of thin bands.Comment: published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 72, 1943-1947 (2003

    Produtividade de espigas verdes e eficiência do uso da água do milho BRS Vivi sob espaçamento reduzido.

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    Entre os sistemas de produção utilizados para aumento da produtividade de espiga verde em milho, a escolha da densidade ideal de semeadura e do melhor espaçamento entre linhas estão entre os fatores mais importantes. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade de espiga verde (PEV) e a eficiência de uso da água (EUA) do híbrido BRS Vivi, submetido a diferentes densidades de plantas (DP) (3,0; 5,0; 7,0; 9,0 e 11,0 plantas m-2), em espaçamento reduzido entre linhas (0,50 m). O experimento foi conduzido sob irrigação por aspersão convencional, no município de Teresina, PI, no ano de 2013. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Foi considerado como espiga verde despalhada comercial as com comprimento superior a 18,0 cm e diâmetro superior a 40,0 mm. Houve efeito quadrático para a PEV em relação à DP com um máximo de 11.171 kg ha-1 (6,32 plantas m-2) sendo o limite para espiga verde comercial de 5,0 plantas m-2 (11.057 kg ha-1). Nessa condição a EUA foi de 24, 13 kg ha-1 mm-1. O número de espigas verdes por área cresce linearmente com o acréscimo da DP e com decréscimo lineares no comprimento e no peso enquadrando-as como não comercial.CONBEA 2014

    Active learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic: a triple experiment

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    In recent times, the debate on active methodologies has been intensified with the emergence of strategies that can favor students' autonomy. The active, dynamic and constructive environment can positively influence the perception of teachers and students. One of the ways to achieve this is through the use of technologies that enhance learning. Due to the pandemic situation, the use of technologies was imperative and essential. Three higher education institutions were involved in an active learning project, involving diversified technologies and methodologies to enhance the learning of mathematics. In the University of Aveiro, the experiment involved all the 1st-year students enrolled in the course “Complementary Mathematics II” during the second semester of the academic year 2020-21. These are students of a master’s program for pre-service teachers, preparing to become primary school teachers and mathematics and science teachers, grades 5 and 6. At the Institute of Engineering in Coimbra, the students who attended this experiment were students of Mathematical Analysis I, from the undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering. In the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, the students involved in this experiment were students from the Preparation Course in Mathematics (which aims to prepare candidates over 23 who wish to apply to an undergraduate degree in Business). The methodologies used were applied during three distinct phases and according to the students’ profile, related to each course. The methodologies used were very diverse: team-based learning; flipped classroom; peer teaching; think-pair-share and exposition followed by exercise practice; problem-based learning and inquiry-based learning. The technologies were also very diversified: Desmos, Kahoot!, Quizizz, GeoGebra, Excel, OneNote, Google Docs, Zoom, Miro, Wolfram alpha, PowerPoint, calculators and videos. The use of a wide range of methodologies and technologies made it possible to teach during the lockdown imposed by the pandemic situation, and simultaneously motivated the students. In addition, they provided opportunities to adapt the learning process to the diverse knowledge and learning styles of students and increased their involvement.publishe