62 research outputs found

    Wilson line correlators in two-dimensional noncommutative Yang-Mills theory

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    We study the correlator of two parallel Wilson lines in two-dimensional noncommutative Yang-Mills theory, following two different approaches. We first consider a perturbative expansion in the large-N limit and resum all planar diagrams. The second approach is non-perturbative: we exploit the Morita equivalence, mapping the two open lines on the noncommutative torus (which eventually gets decompacted) in two closed Wilson loops winding around the dual commutative torus. Planarity allows us to single out a suitable region of the variables involved, where a saddle-point approximation of the general Morita expression for the correlator can be performed. In this region the correlator nicely compares with the perturbative result, exhibiting an exponential increase with respect to the momentum p.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, typeset in JHEP style; some formulas corrected in Sect.3, one reference added, results unchange

    Next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic corrections at small transverse momentum in hadronic collisions

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    We study the region of small transverse momenta in qqbar- and gg-initiated processes with no colored particle detected in the final state. We present the universal expression of the O(alpha_s^2) logarithmically enhanced contributions up to next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. From there we extract the coefficients that allow the resummation of the large logarithmic contributions. We find that the coefficient known in the literature as B^{(2)} is process dependent, since it receives a hard contamination from the one loop correction to the leading order subprocess. We present the general result of B^{(2)} for both quark and gluon channels. In particular, in the case of Higgs production, this result will be relevant to improve the matching between resummed predictions and fixed order calculations.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages. Few typos corrected, particularly Eq.(25). Two references added, to be published in PR

    Maxwell-Chern-Simons Theory With Boundary

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    The Maxwell-Chern-Simons (MCS) theory with planar boundary is considered. The boundary is introduced according to Symanzik's basic principles of locality and separability. A method of investigation is proposed, which, avoiding the straight computation of correlators, is appealing for situations where the computation of propagators, modified by the boundary, becomes quite complex. For MCS theory, the outcome is that a unique solution exists, in the form of chiral conserved currents, satisfying a Kac-Moody algebra, whose central charge does not depend on the Maxwell term.Comment: 30 page

    Colour reconnection and Bose-Einstein effects

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    Final-state interactions and interference phenomena that could affect the value of the W mass reconstructed from hadronic WW decays at LEP2 are reviewed, and possible areas for future investigation are identified.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX, uses epsfig. Talk at Phenomenology Workshop on LEP2 Physics, Oxford, April 199

    From correlation functions to scattering amplitudes

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    We study the correlators of half-BPS protected operators in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory, in the limit where the positions of the adjacent operators become light-like separated. We compute the loop corrections by means of Lagrangian insertions. The divergences resulting from the light-cone limit are regularized by changing the dimension of the integration measure over the insertion points. Switching from coordinates to dual momenta, we show that the logarithm of the correlator is identical with twice the logarithm of the matching MHV gluon scattering amplitude. We present a number of examples of this new relation, at one and two loops.Comment: typos corrected, references adde

    The generalized cusp in ABJ(M) N = 6 Super Chern-Simons theories

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    We construct a generalized cusped Wilson loop operator in N = 6 super Chern-Simons-matter theories which is locally invariant under half of the supercharges. It depends on two parameters and interpolates smoothly between the 1/2 BPS line or circle and a pair of antiparallel lines, representing a natural generalization of the quark-antiquark potential in ABJ(M) theories. For particular choices of the parameters we obtain 1/6 BPS configurations that, mapped on S^2 by a conformal transformation, realize a three-dimensional analogue of the wedge DGRT Wilson loop of N = 4. The cusp couples, in addition to the gauge and scalar fields of the theory, also to the fermions in the bifundamental representation of the U(N)xU(M) gauge group and its expectation value is expressed as the holonomy of a suitable superconnection. We discuss the definition of these observables in terms of traces and the role of the boundary conditions of fermions along the loop. We perform a complete two-loop analysis, obtaining an explicit result for the generalized cusp at the second non-trivial order, from which we read off the interaction potential between heavy 1/2 BPS particles in the ABJ(M) model. Our results open the possibility to explore in the three-dimensional case the connection between localization properties and integrability, recently advocated in D = 4.Comment: 53 pages, 10 figures, added references, this is the version appeared on JHE

    Space-like (vs. time-like) collinear limits in QCD: is factorization violated?

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    We consider the singular behaviour of QCD scattering amplitudes in kinematical configurations where two or more momenta of the external partons become collinear. At the tree level, this behaviour is known to be controlled by factorization formulae in which the singular collinear factor is universal (process independent). We show that this strict (process-independent) factorization is not valid at one-loop and higher-loop orders in the case of the collinear limit in space-like regions (e.g., collinear radiation from initial-state partons). We introduce a generalized version of all-order collinear factorization, in which the space-like singular factors retain some dependence on the momentum and colour charge of the non-collinear partons. We present explicit results on one-loop and two-loop amplitudes for both the two-parton and multiparton collinear limits. At the level of square amplitudes and, more generally, cross sections in hadron--hadron collisions, the violation of strict collinear factorization has implications on the non-abelian structure of logarithmically-enhanced terms in perturbative calculations (starting from the next-to-next-to-leading order) and on various factorization issues of mass singularities (starting from the next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order).Comment: 81 pages, 5 figures, typos corrected in the text, few comments added and inclusion of NOTE ADDED on recent development

    A non-perturbative study of 4d U(1) non-commutative gauge theory -- the fate of one-loop instability

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    Recent perturbative studies show that in 4d non-commutative spaces, the trivial (classically stable) vacuum of gauge theories becomes unstable at the quantum level, unless one introduces sufficiently many fermionic degrees of freedom. This is due to a negative IR-singular term in the one-loop effective potential, which appears as a result of the UV/IR mixing. We study such a system non-perturbatively in the case of pure U(1) gauge theory in four dimensions, where two directions are non-commutative. Monte Carlo simulations are performed after mapping the regularized theory onto a U(N) lattice gauge theory in d=2. At intermediate coupling strength, we find a phase in which open Wilson lines acquire non-zero vacuum expectation values, which implies the spontaneous breakdown of translational invariance. In this phase, various physical quantities obey clear scaling behaviors in the continuum limit with a fixed non-commutativity parameter θ\theta, which provides evidence for a possible continuum theory. The extent of the dynamically generated space in the non-commutative directions becomes finite in the above limit, and its dependence on θ\theta is evaluated explicitly. We also study the dispersion relation. In the weak coupling symmetric phase, it involves a negative IR-singular term, which is responsible for the observed phase transition. In the broken phase, it reveals the existence of the Nambu-Goldstone mode associated with the spontaneous symmetry breaking.Comment: 29 pages, 23 figures, references adde

    Coherent Parton Showers with Local Recoils

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    We outline a new formalism for dipole-type parton showers which maintain exact energy-momentum conservation at each step of the evolution. Particular emphasis is put on the coherence properties, the level at which recoil effects do enter and the role of transverse momentum generation from initial state radiation. The formulated algorithm is shown to correctly incorporate coherence for soft gluon radiation. Furthermore, it is well suited for easing matching to next-to-leading order calculations.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Electroweak jet cascading in the decay of superheavy particles

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    We study decays of superheavy particles XX into leptons. We show that they initiate cascades similar to QCD parton jets, if m_X\gsim 10^6 GeV. Electroweak cascading is studied and the energy spectra of the produced leptons are calculated in the framework of a broken SU(2) model of weak interactions. As application, important for the Z-burst model for ultrahigh energy cosmic rays, we consider decays of superheavy particles coupled on tree-level only to neutrinos and derive stringent limit for these decays from the observed diffuse extragalactic Îł\gamma-ray flux.Comment: 4 pages, 1 eps figur
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