3,196 research outputs found

    Decomposition in bunches of the critical locus of a quasi-ordinary map

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    A polar hypersurface P of a complex analytic hypersurface germ, f=0, can be investigated by analyzing the invariance of certain Newton polyhedra associated to the image of P, with respect to suitable coordinates, by certain morphisms appropriately associated to f. We develop this general principle of Teissier (see Varietes polaires. I. Invariants polaires des singularites d'hypersurfaces, Invent. Math. 40 (1977), 3, 267-292) when f=0 is a quasi-ordinary hypersurface germ and P is the polar hypersurface associated to any quasi-ordinary projection of f=0. We build a decomposition of P in bunches of branches which characterizes the embedded topological type of the irreducible components of f=0. This decomposition is characterized also by some properties of the strict transform of P by the toric embedded resolution of f=0 given by the second author in a paper which will appear in Annal. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble). In the plane curve case this result provides a simple algebraic proof of the main theorem of Le, Michel and Weber in "Sur le comportement des polaires associees aux germes de courbes planes", Compositio Math, 72, (1989), 1, 87-113

    Trajectory based map quality evaluation

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    In this Thesis we approach a problem related with map generation. Automatically generated maps still have some room to improve in terms of precision or consistency. This is why we decided to study a method that could evaluate how good a map is in relation to the trajectories that were used in its generation. We will be using concepts based on topological persistence to study how well does a map represent those tracks. We will establish that a part of the map and a track are related if they are closer than a certain radius whose value we will be modifying. We will research how the map and the trajectories interact as we vary that radius, and use that information to assign a score to local parts of the map. We will also offer a tool that implements the suggested method, and that also shows its results graphically, making it possible to easily estimate the results of our approach and facilitating us new possible ideas to consider in order to deepen in this investigation

    Contextualização da licenciatura em design de jogos digitais no panorama português

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    O Design de Jogos Digitais em Portugal é um fenómeno recente, tanto a nível empresarial como a nível académico, mas tem já alguns casos de sucesso a registar. Para além disso, existe um interesse crescente desde a perspectiva que considera os jogos como artefactos culturais, que têm implicações para além do produto de entretenimento em si. Foram criadas associações com o intuito de ligar entre si profissionais e académicos que partilham este interesse sobre os jogos digitais. No ano lectivo de 2009/2010, dois Institutos Politécnicos vêem aprovadas, pelo Ministério da Ciência e do Ensino Superior, as primeiras licenciaturas na área dos jogos digitais: Design de Jogos Digitais, no Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, e Engenharia de Desenvolvimento de Jogos Digitais, no Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave. É também colocada em funcionamento uma pós-graduação em Design de VideoJogos, na Escola Superior de Arte e Design

    The long-term investment perspective: assessing Volkswagen AG intrinsic value

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    This master project focuses on the equity valuation of Volkswagen AG, one of the major automotive companies in the world. Volkswagen AG was the chosen company due to a variety of factors. Firstly, it is interesting to analyze how automotive companies should adjust their business models to accommodate the ongoing changes and innovations within the industry. Additionally, it is intriguing how the company overcame the Dieselgate scandal and is still one of the biggest players in the industry. The main objective of this research is to provide an investment recommendation based on certain investment valuation techniques. The decision will be based on an intrinsic valuation approach, the DCF using FCFF, and on a relative valuation approach, through market multiples. Alongside with the valuation techniques used, the Three-Statement Model, the Multiple Linear Regression Model and the Option Pricing Method were also applied. In order to assess the accuracy of the assumptions made, other analysts’ estimates were taken into consideration. An intrinsic price of 194.04 EUR was deduced for both shares, which implies that the stock market was overvaluing ordinary shares and undervaluing preferred shares on 31st December 2021. As a result, a sell recommendation for ordinary shares and a buy recommendation for preferred shares were gathered, since it is expected that the market will amend both margins, by naturally decreasing or increasing the price of share, respectively.O âmbito desta dissertação comtempla a avaliação dos capitais próprios da Volkswagen AG, uma das maiores empresas de produção automóvel do mundo. Foram vários os motivos que levaram à escolha desta empresa. Em primeiro lugar, analisar como as empresas automóveis ajustam os seus modelos de negócio de modo a acomodar as constantes mudanças e inovações da indústria é bastante interessante. Do mesmo modo, é também interessante perceber como a empresa ultrapassou o recente escândalo do Dieselgate e ainda assim consegue continuar como uma das maiores empresas na indústria. Sendo assim, o principal objetivo foi a obtenção de uma recomendação de investimento baseada em certas metodologias de avaliação de empresas. Esta recomendação baseou-se num modelo de avaliação intrínseca, através do método DCF, e numa metodologia de avaliação relativa, através dos múltiplos do mercado. Para além das metodologias acima descritas, o Three-Statement Model, o Modelo de Regressão Linear Múltipla e o Option Pricing Method foram também abordados. Para averiguar a precisão dos pressupostos levados a cabo na avaliação, foram também analisadas estimativas de preço de outros analistas. Foi deduzido um valor intrínseco de 194.04 EUR para ambas as ações da empresa, ações ordinárias e ações preferenciais, o que implica que o mercado estava sobreavaliando as ações ordinárias e a subavaliando as ações preferenciais a 31 de Dezembro de 2021. Como resultado, é recomendada a venda das ações ordinárias e a compra das ações preferenciais da empresa

    Configuração de uma licenciatura em design de jogos digitais

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    O presente artigo pretende dar a conhecer o trabalho de estruturação da licenciatura em Design de Jogos Digitais, plano autorizado a funcionar no ano lectivo de 2009/2010, focando tanto aspectos técnico-científicos como pedagógicos. Para tal,analisa a pertinência deste 1º ciclo na actualidade, enquadra-o no espaço europeu de ensino superior, fundamenta a estrutura curricular e metodologias de ensino e refere os blocos de competências que desembocam no plano de estudos, que, por sua vez, dá resposta a um perfil profissional específico. This paper describes the work of defining the programme in Game Design, offered by EsACT from 2009/2010 onwards, in regard to its technical, scientific and pedagogical characteristics. It analyses the relevance of this 1st cycle in today’s world, sets it in the European space of higher education, justifies the curricular structure and teaching methodologies, presents competencies’ blocs that translate into the study plan, which answers a specific professional profile

    First report of the fireworm Hermodice carunculata (Annelida: Amphinomidae) preying on a Sea Cucumber

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    The annelid ‘fireworm’ Hermodice carunculata is widely recorded in clear shallow waters of the tropical Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas, where it inhabits hard substrata. It is an omnivore and opportunistic scavenger, feeding strategies considered central to the maintenance of its broad geographic distribution. Hermodice carunculata also preys on various cnidarians, and starfish. This study represents the first report of active predation by H. carunculata on living specimen of the holothurian Isostichopus badionotus, from the southwestern Atlantic, Brazilian coast. The fact that parts of living holothurians were consumed, excluded the possibility of scavenging behavior. Such predatory behavior is described here for the first time, corroborates that H. carunculata feeds on Echinoderms other than starfish. However, we cannot presently answer the question whether H. carunculata actively preys on healthy holothurians or opportunistically feeds on injured sea cucumbers