105 research outputs found

    The discursive construction of archival science: Conceptual foundations

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    This work outlines a theoretical background established in Archival Science based mainly on discourse analysis as a key discipline to understand which the differences are and points of conceptual commonality in the area. Uses the French Discourse Analysis as a principle with a theoretical and methodological framework to typify the archive as a discursive practice defined by their historical aspects of its institutional junctures. The study of discourse helps to understand how certain linguistic formations construct the discourse, concerned mainly with the context in which the text was produced. This analysis take place from manuals and treatises of Archival Science produced during the development of discipline and regarded as grounds for discipline. We analyzed the Manual of an Archival Arrangement and Description (vor Handleiding van het ordenen in bescheijven archieven) of Muller, Feith, and Fruin (Ed.1 1898). Another work considered is the Manual of Archive Administration Including the Problems of War Archives and Archive a Making (1 Ed. 1922) and some of late works of Sir Hillary Jenkinson and finally analyzed the work of Theodore R. Schellenberg some aspects of his vast bibliography. With this analyzes we established a radiography of the Archival Science basis

    The functional classification in Archival Science: an analysis of the scientific collaboration in the Journals Archivaria and American Archivist

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    [Resumo] A classificação é uma das atividades principais da organização de arquivos sua importância enquanto atividade na arquivística, foi modificando-se no decorrer do tempo, de simples e aplicada unicamente em arquivos históricos para o atual status de atividade gerencial e analítica. Busca-se com este artigo num primeiro momento, evidenciar alguns aspectos do desenvolvimento deste conceito no passado e na atualidade, por meio de um breve histórico, em um segundo momento faz-se a análise da colaboração científica em dois importantes periódicos da área a Archivaria e American Archivist nos últimos 20 anos buscando os autores mais representativos no âmbito da teoria arquivística e em especial da classificação. Foi possível evidenciar como se comporta a colaboração científica na área e a relação existente entre teóricos dos Estados Unidos, Austrália e Canadá, países responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento de uma série de noções fundamentais para a Arquivística de hoje.[Abstract] Classification is one of the main activities of the archive organization its importance as an archival activity, has been modified over time, simple and applied only in the historical archives to the current status of managerial and analytic activity. We seek with this article at first, highlight certain aspects of the development of this concept in the past and at present, through a brief history, in a second time makes an analysis of scientific collaboration in the important journals Archivaria and American Archivist in past 20 years seeking the most representative authors in the context of archival theory and especially the classification. Was possible to show how behaves the scientific collaboration in the area and the theoretical relationship between the United States, Australia and Canada, countries responsible for developing a series of fundamental concepts to the Archival Science today

    Sin gestión no hay difusión y acceso: aspectos históricos y conceptuales de la archivología canadiense y brasileña

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    Trabalha-se histórico-conceitualmente com o desenvolvimento de práticas relacionadas à difusão e ao acesso aos arquivos, construindo um comparativo entre as realidades canaden-se e brasileira do ponto de vista teórico, sis-tematizando as possíveis relações entre esses países. Conclui-se que o acesso e a difusão es-tão ligados a políticas de Estado e seus disposi-tivos legais.We work historically and conceptually with the development of practices related to dif-fusion and access to archives, building a comparison between Canadian and Brazilian reality from a theoretical point of view, sys-tematizing the possible relations between these countries. It is concluded that access and diffusion are linked to State policies and their legal provisions.Trabajamos histórica y conceptualmente con el desarrollo de prácticas relacionadas con la difusión y el acceso a los archivos, constru-yendo una comparación entre las realidades canadiense y brasileña desde un punto de vis-ta teórico, sistematizando las posibles relacio-nes entre estos países. Se concluye que la difu-sión y el acceso están vinculados a las políticas estatales y sus disposiciones legales

    The discursive construction of archival science: Conceptual foundations

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    This work outlines a theoretical background established in Archival Science based mainly on discourse analysis as a key discipline to understand which the differences are and points of conceptual commonality in the area. Uses the French Discourse Analysis as a principle with a theoretical and methodological framework to typify the archive as a discursive practice defined by their historical aspects of its institutional junctures. The study of discourse helps to understand how certain linguistic formations construct the discourse, concerned mainly with the context in which the text was produced. This analysis take place from manuals and treatises of Archival Science produced during the development of discipline and regarded as grounds for discipline. We analyzed the Manual of an Archival Arrangement and Description (vor Handleiding van het ordenen in bescheijven archieven) of Muller, Feith, and Fruin (Ed.1 1898). Another work considered is the Manual of Archive Administration Including the Problems of War Archives and Archive a Making (1 Ed. 1922) and some of late works of Sir Hillary Jenkinson and finally analyzed the work of Theodore R. Schellenberg some aspects of his vast bibliography. With this analyzes we established a radiography of the Archival Science basis

    A Lei de Arquivos do Brasil : apontamentos sobre seu impacto 30 anos depois

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    Discute-se a respeito dos antecedes da lei de arquivos brasileira e faz-se uma relação entre a lei de arquivos e a comunidade arquivística nacional, escabele-se uma relação entre a comunidade arquivística e os avanços do ponto de vista de regulamentador e institucionalização da área no Brasil. Ao final, comenta-se sobre o PL 2789/2021 sinalizando que é fundamental um diálogo com a área, já que mais do que mudanças legislativas, os arquivos precisam de sensibilidade e financiamento


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    Este artigo busca compreender como se constituem os arquivos pessoais e quais são suas características primordiais baseando-se em uma instituição coletora desse tipo de acervo, o IEB-USP (Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros da Universidade de São Paulo). Através desta instituição e da teoria arquivística são discutidos, aqui, divergências e semelhanças entre os arquivos orgânicos e os arquivos pessoais percebendo o valor intrínseco estabelecido nos documentos pessoais e como é estabelecida sua institucionalização, uma vez que esta perpassa diretamente a atribuição de um valor atribuído e determinado, relacionando-se com a obra e a vida de determinada figura pública ou artística. Este valor também está relacionado à memória coletiva e ao legado deixado por essas figuras esteticamente, historicamente ou socialmente compreendia pela sociedade como importante. Como conclusão, destaca-se a aproximação da Arquivística às outras áreas como a Ciência da Informação e Biblioteconomia, por meio dos princípios e das metodologias de organização aplicados aos arquivos pessoais

    As ontologias sob a perspectiva da teoria do conceito

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    We sought to demonstrate the relationship between ontologies, Knowledge Organization Systems (KOSs) formed by hierarchically organized entities and named in order to reflect a certain domain of knowledge, and the concept theory (CT) proposed by Ingetraut Dahlberg, who seeks to understand how the concepts are formed, what types of concepts exist and how they relate. Based on the fact that the classes and instances that compose the ontologies can be treated as concepts and also considering that the CT is applied to other KOSs, such as thesauri, a qualitative bibliographical research was carried out in order to investigate how Dahlberg's theory can be applied to a broader understanding of these systems of organization. It was verified that ontologies - taking into account all the elements that compose them (classes, instances, properties and facets) - may be understood through theoretical framework of CT, such as the formation of concepts and the different relationships that can be established among these. To demonstrate how this occurs, a simplified ontology was developed and each of the elements of its structure were discussed from the CT approach. It was concluded, in the end, that the approach of the ontologies through CT could provide a more efficient construction of these systems, since it allows a greater understanding of the domain to be described. However, it is important to emphasize that, although this approach provides greater completeness to the domains described in the ontologies, it is necessary to clearify that each ontology has a specific motivation for its development, that will limit how complete the definitions of the concepts can be. Therefore, even though the CT approach to ontologies may provide greater completeness, it is not always desirable, so it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the ontology and how it will be used

    As ontologias sob a perspectiva da teoria do conceito

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    We sought to demonstrate the relationship between ontologies, Knowledge Organization Systems (KOSs) formed by hierarchically organized entities and named in order to reflect a certain domain of knowledge, and the concept theory (CT) proposed by Ingetraut Dahlberg, who seeks to understand how the concepts are formed, what types of concepts exist and how they relate. Based on the fact that the classes and instances that compose the ontologies can be treated as concepts and also considering that the CT is applied to other KOSs, such as thesauri, a qualitative bibliographical research was carried out in order to investigate how Dahlberg's theory can be applied to a broader understanding of these systems of organization. It was verified that ontologies - taking into account all the elements that compose them (classes, instances, properties and facets) - may be understood through theoretical framework of CT, such as the formation of concepts and the different relationships that can be established among these. To demonstrate how this occurs, a simplified ontology was developed and each of the elements of its structure were discussed from the CT approach. It was concluded, in the end, that the approach of the ontologies through CT could provide a more efficient construction of these systems, since it allows a greater understanding of the domain to be described. However, it is important to emphasize that, although this approach provides greater completeness to the domains described in the ontologies, it is necessary to clearify that each ontology has a specific motivation for its development, that will limit how complete the definitions of the concepts can be. Therefore, even though the CT approach to ontologies may provide greater completeness, it is not always desirable, so it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the ontology and how it will be used