29 research outputs found


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    A Universidade traz intrínseca à sua missão a premissa de fornecer formação integral aos seus alunos, inserindo a Educação em todo o processo de desenvolvimento humano, agregando para tal a formação em suas diferentes formas, entre elas a qualidade de vida. Nesse contexto amplo, a Saúde Coletiva emerge como temática inerente à Educação Superior. O estudo de cunho bibliográfico aqui apresentado tem o objetivo de demonstrar a relevância da Promoção em Saúde à juventude, ao demonstrar a morbimortalidade dos jovens brasileiros e situá-los no contexto da Educação Superior. Algumas estratégias teórico-metodológicas são apresentadas no âmbito da educação em saúde e a Biblioteca é situada como espaço inovador e fecundo para as diferentes abordagens e práticas da Saúde Coletiva. Almeja-se legitimar a promoção em saúde de jovens universitários como um campo de estudos e atuação legítima e de relevância dentro da Universidade Pública. Apresenta-se o ambiente de Biblioteca como espaço integral do sistema educacional e participante dos objetivos da Universidade, inclusive no desenvolvimento de promoção em saúde, que deve estar presente nos vários espaços educacionais e inerentes às condições de vida do jovem no ambiente acadêmico

    Desensitizing Agent Previously Applied During In-Office Bleaching: A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Objective: To compare the clinical effect of two desensitizing agents used before the application of a bleaching gel based on 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP). Material and Methods: 30 patients were selected, and two desensitizing agents with different mechanisms of action were applied: Fluorine Neutral 2% (FN), which acts by blocking dentinal canaliculi while Potassium Nitrate 5% with 2% Sodium Fluoride (PN/SF) that acts in nerve transmission and blockade. Desensitizers were used before the application of 35% HP. For whitening, three clinical sessions were performed, with an interval of seven days, with three applications of the bleaching gel for 15 minutes, totaling 45 minutes/session. Tooth sensitivity (TS) was assessed with the numerical analog scale, and a spectrophotometer was used to obtain the color variation (ΔE).ΔE were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test (p<0.05), and TS data were submitted to a two-way ANOVA analysis. Results: For sensitivity experience, the Tukey test indicated differences between PN/SF and the placebo I, but there was no statistically significant difference between FN and the placebo II. The TS was lower when the desensitizing gel was used during the bleaching procedure compared to after treatment, regardless of the desensitizing agents. Conclusion: PN/SF before in-office tooth bleaching can reduce TS intensity, and the use of desensitizing gel before bleaching did not affect the bleaching efficacy

    Analysis of self-etch adhesives behavior in class I composite restorations with different treatment of enamel margins and light-activation sources/ Análise do comportamento de adesivos autocondicionantes em restaurações de resina composta classe I com diferentes tratamentos das margens de esmalte e fontes de ativação de luz

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    Objective: To evaluate the microtensile bond strength (MTBS), knoop microhardness (KHN) and gap formation of class I restorations restored with self-etching adhesives and resin composites light-activated by either halogen or LED light curing units. Materials and Methods: Class I cavities were prepared in one hundred and forty-four human third molars. Three self-etching adhesives (Clearfil S3 Bond - S3, Clearfil Protect Bond – ProtectB and One-Up Bond F Plus - OneUp) were applied to the cavities, which had the enamel margins either etched with 35% phosphoric acid or left unecthed. The cavities were incrementally restored with TPH3 restorative composite, which was light-activated using Light Emitted by Diode (Hadii-Cal) or Halogen Lamp (Optilux 501). Epoxy resin replicas were obtained from the restored teeth, which were then submitted to thermal cycling. Afterwards, new replicas were obtained and the gaps at the resin composite/enamel margin interface were analyzed by Scanning Electronic Microscopy. Half sample was randomly tested for microtensile bond strength test (n=6) while the other half had the composite tested for KHN (n=6). Results: The etched enamel contributed to avoid gap formation only when OneUp adhesive system was used. No significant difference in MTBS values was found among groups. For KHN analysis, all restorations light-activated with LED showed higher KHN values than those light-activated with halogen lamps. In addition, the resin composites used to restore cavities with acid etched enamel margins showed higher KHN means than those used in cavities having unteched enamel margins. Conclusion: The resin composite bonded to cavities with S3 showed the lowest KHN values at the intermediate and bottom. ProtectB showed no significant differences for the different surface depths

    Influence of the volume of restorative material on the concentration of stresses in the restorative interface

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    To evaluate the microtensile strength in the adhesive interface depending on the volume of the composite resin used to restore class I cavities. Forty-eight human third molars received a standardized class I cavity preparation and they were separated i

    Comparison between dmf/DMF and ICDAS in Brazilian schoolchildren: a cross-sectional study / Comparação entre ceo/CPO e ICDAS em escolares brasileiros: um estudo transversal

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    The objective was to compare the use of the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS-II) and the dmft/DMFT (WHO) indexes in epidemiological surveys in schools. Two calibrated examiners analyzed 402 public school children aged 5-12 years, in the city of Mesquita, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, using ICDAS-II and WHO criteria. The schools are located in areas covered by the Family Health Strategy. The DMF-DMF-S, dmf-t, dmf-s, the prevalence of decayed teeth, and examination time were calculated using both systems. The research subjects participated in health education and prevention activities and oral hygiene training. Data were statistically analyzed and the mean dmf-t / DMF-T was 2.35 (sd ± 2.15) and 3.18 (sd ± 2.31), respectively, using the WHO criteria. When considering the score of the three-ICDASII the average was 2.64 (sd ± 1.89) and 3.45 (sd ± 2.48). With the score-2 ICDASII, 4386 surfaces with lesions were identified, 2795 (63.7%) were not considered when we used the dmf-t / DMF-T. The average examination time was almost twice as long to ICDAS-II (3.2 ± 1.9 min) and WHO (1.8 ± 0.9 min). Conclusion: The ICDAS-II, and provide information on non-cavitated lesions of caries, shows significant experience of dental caries in schoolchildren from the city, and can generate data comparable with previous research that used the WHO criteria

    Evaluation of therapeutic drug protocol used for control of pain after dental extractions / Avaliação do protocolo terapêutico medicamentoso utilizado para o controle da dor após exodontias

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    Pain control after surgery is one of the factors concern of surgical specialties. Aim of this study is to evaluate and compare the efficacy of nimesulide 100 mg and dipyrone monohydrate 500 mg used after extractions performed by a maxillofacial surgery UFPI services in order to support the drug choice appropriately, prioritizing the analgesic effect needed to patients undergoing interventions. Forty patients underwent extractions in the clinic of the UFPI, in the Health Center Poty Velho and Emergency Hospital of Promorar. Patients were divided into groups: undergoing intervention with and without ostectomy. Dipyrone monohydrate 500 mg or nimesulide 100 mg produced by compounding pharmacy, were prescribed for patients randomly, featuring a blind study. The intensity of pain after the extraction was assessed by patients using a visual analogue scale, in a postoperative period of 72 hours at 24 hour intervals. There was no statistical variation between the analgesics studied during the 3 days postoperatively evaluated, considering the presence or absence of ostectomy as a modifier of the search. Analgesia effect of nimesulide was similar to dipyrone according to the present study

    Physical evaluation of the luting systems for veneer ceramic after aging / Avaliação física dos sistemas de cimentação para faceta cerâmica após envelhecimento

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    The aim of this in vitro study was evaluated the amount of color change and degree of conversion of the luting systems for ceramic veneer cementation. Forty-eight human incisors were randomly divided into six groups (n=8) according to the bonding procedure: RelyX Veneer/Single Bond 2; RelyX ARC/Single Bond 2; Filtek Z350 XT Flowable /Single Bond 2; Variolink Veneer/Tetric N-Bond; Variolink II/Tetric N-Bond; Tetric N-Flow/Tetric N-Bond. Ceramic veneers (IPS Empress Esthetic) were cemented using the different bonding procedures. Color differences of the ceramic surface after cementation and 300 h(150kJ/m2) of UV aging test, were examined with a colorimeter. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) was used to evaluate the degree of conversion for each luting system. Data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). All the luting systems demonstrated significant changes in color stability. The ΔE of the systems ranged from 6,11 to 9,33. Tetric N-Flow and RelyX Veneer showed the highest degree of conversion, while lowest values were found for RelyX ARC. All luting systems demonstrated clinically unacceptable (ΔE≥ 3.3) color changes. Despite to the dual cure of the RelyX ARC luting cement, it showed the lowest degree of conversion values, while Tetric N-Flow and RelyX Veneer presented the highest and similar degree of conversion

    Effects of residual contamination on mechanical properties and real-time conversion of etch-and-rinse adhesive / Efeitos da contaminação residual nas propriedades mecânicas e na cinética de conversão de adesivos convencionais

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    Introduction: An ideal hybrid layer should have water and solvents completely replaced by resin monomers, thus creating an interdiffusion zone with collagen and resin, and guaranteeing resistance and adequate mechanical properties to resist the challenges incurred in restoration. Objective: To evaluate the influence of residual contamination by different concentrations of water, ethanol and chlorexidine on mechanical properties and conversion of two etch-and-rinse adhesives. Method: Bar specimens of a model adhesive (M1) and a commercial Scotchbond MP adhesive (SBMP) were prepared and submitted to flexural strength (FS), elastic modulus (E), conversion degree (DC) and the kinetics of cure (K) evaluation. The real-time polymerization (RP) was monitored for 120 seconds. The data were statistically analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey ?s test (?=0.05). Results: All solutions showed a decrease in FS and E values. For M1 adhesive, this decrease could be noted with increase of all dilutions tested. A decrease in DC values also was noted as dilutions increased, independent of solution tested. For SBMP adhesive, the mechanical properties were affected more by water and chlorexidine solutions and, it was noted an increase in DC with the increase of solution, especially for ethanol. For K test, adding water to adhesives, a progressive decrease could be noted on graphics. Conclusions: So a reduction in mechanical properties of adhesive solutions could be noted when extreme amounts of residual solutions. Nevertheless, at lowest concentrations, ethanol and chlorexidine seems not interfere on K and RP of adhesives. 

    Avaliação dos fatores determinantes à perda dentária em usuários de um posto de saúde em Teresina, Piauí / Evaluation of the determinants of tooth loss in users of a health center in Teresina, Piauí

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    Introdução: A perda dentária é considerada um problema de saúde pública que gera impactos negativos na qualidade de vida do indivíduo. Objetivo: Avaliar os fatores determinantes da perda dentária em usuários de um posto de saúde em Teresina - Piauí. Método: Foram entrevistados 384 usuários, de ambos os gêneros, com faixa etária de 15 a 60 anos de idade, através de um questionário. A amostra foi constituída por pessoas que haviam perdido pelo menos um elemento dentário. Resultados: Segundo o grau de escolaridade, predominaram os usuários com nível fundamental incompleto (47,92%), a faixa salarial mais prevalente foi entre 1 e 3 salários mínimos (68,23%) e aqueles que ganham menos de 1 salário mínimo (21,61%). Perguntou-se sobre a função dos dentes, a maioria (88,81%) respondeu triturar, mastigar, comer e morder alimentos. Em relação à forma de higienização bucal, 99,48% responderam que utilizavam escova e dentifrício, 45,31% responderam que utilizavam o fio dental, 69,53 % relataram uso de soluções para enxágue bucal e 60,16% responderam que utilizam o palito. Conclusão: Predomínio de usuários com nível fundamental incompleto e renda familiar de 1 a 3 salários mínimos. Percebe-se a necessidade de incentivo para propostas de promoção e autocuidado em saúde bucal

    Avaliação da condição de saúde oral de pacientes com transtornos psiquiátricos / Patients of oral health condition evaluation with phychiatric disorders

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    Introdução: A perda dentária é um dos problemas de saúde bucal mais prevalentes população mundial, que acomete principalmente adultos e idosos. Objetivo: Determinar o estado de saúde oral e investigar a associação da condição de saúde bucal com variáveis sóciodemográficas de indivíduos com transtornos psiquiátricos. Método: Os pacientes eram assistidos em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (GE) e assinaram um termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. A amostra do estudo foi de 78 pacientes psiquiátricos de idades entre 20 e 50 anos. Experiência com cárie, condições de higiene oral e periodontal foram avaliadas pelos índices CPOD, IPV (Índice de placa visível), ISG (sangramento gengival), respectivamente. Aplicou-se os testes qui-quadrado de Pearson, teste de Mann-Whitney e regressão logística na análise estatística. Como grupo controle (GC), foram recrutados pacientes que procuravam tratamento odontológico numa Unidade Básica de Saúde de Teresina-PI, os quais foram pareados segundo gênero e renda. Resultados: GC apresentou menos dentes hígidos (p=0,002). A diferença entre os grupos com relação ao CPOD foi significativa (p=0,004), especialmente no componente perdidos (p=0,004). A condição periodontal não foi significativa entre os grupos. Conclusão: Os pacientes psiquiátricos avaliados tem uma condição de saúde oral mais comprometida (número maior de dentes perdidos)