102 research outputs found

    A comparative in vivo ultrasonometric evaluation of normal and delayed fracture healing in sheep tibiae

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare normal and delayed bone healing by measuring ultrasound conduction velocity across the bone callus. METHODS: A model of transverse linear and 5 mm resection osteotomies of sheep tibiae was used. Fourteen sheep were operated on and were divided into two groups of seven according to osteotomy type. The procedure was performed on the right tibiae and the intact left tibiae were used as controls. The transverse and axial ultrasound velocities were measured at 30-day intervals for 90 days, after which the animals were killed and both the right and left tibiae were resected for in vitro biomechanical analysis. RESULTS: Both the transverse and axial ultrasound velocities progressively increased, but the increase was smaller for the delayed union that resulted from the resection osteotomy. The mechanical resistance was higher for the normally healed tibiae that resulted from a linear osteotomy; this result closely correlated with the ultrasound velocity results. Significant differences were found for the comparisons between the intact and operated tibiae in both groups and between the groups for both the transverse and axial ultrasound velocities, but the differences were greater for the latter. CONCLUSION: We conclude that in vivo transverse and axial ultrasound velocities provide highly precise information about the healing state of both linear and resection diaphyseal osteotomies, but the axial ultrasound velocity most likely has greater discriminatory power. This method has the potential for clinical application in humans

    Correlation between ultrasound velocity and densitometry in fresh and demineralized cortical bone

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare ultrasound propagation velocity with densitometry in the diaphyseal compact cortical bone of whole sheep metatarsals. METHODS: The transverse ultrasound velocity and bone mineral density of 5-cm-long diaphyseal bone segments were first measured. The bone segments were then divided into four groups of 15 segments each and demineralized in an aqueous 0.5 N hydrochloric acid solution for 6, 12, 24 or 36 hours. All measurements were repeated after demineralization for each time duration and the values measured before and after demineralization were compared. RESULTS: Ultrasound velocity and bone mineral density decreased with demineralization time, and most differences in the pre- and post-demineralization values within each group and between groups were significant: A moderate correlation coefficient (r=0.75956) together with a moderate agreement was determined between both post-demineralization parameters, detected by the Bland-Altman method. CONCLUSION: We conclude that both ultrasound velocity and bone mineral density decrease as a result of demineralization, thus indicating that bone mineral content is of great importance for maintaining the acoustic parameters of cortical bone, as observed for cancellous bone. Ultrasound velocity can be used to evaluate both compact cortical bone quality and bone mineral density

    A comparative study of ultrasonic velocity and attenuation in the evaluation of bone healing

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    OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a velocidade e atenuação ultra-sônica, na avaliação in vitro da consolidação óssea. MÉTODO: Foram empregados no estudo 17 carneiros, com massa corporal média de 37 kg, divididos entre grupos controle e três experimentais, conforme o período de observação pós-operatória de 30, 60 e 90 dias. As osteotomias foram realizadas nas tíbias direitas dos animais, ficando as esquerdas como controle. O processo de consolidação foi acompanhado por meio de avaliação radiográfica a cada duas semanas. Ao fim do período de observação estipulado para cada grupo, os animais sofreram eutanásia e as tíbias foram removidas para a análise ultra-sonométrica in vitro. Foram medidos e correlacionados a velocidade de propagação transversal e longitudinal do ultra-som e a atenuação do ultra-som (BUA) transversal na região da osteotomia. RESULTADOS: A velocidade de propagação do ultra-som (transversal e longitudinal, in vitro) aumentou com o avançar da consolidação, sendo as diferenças significantes em relação ao grupo controle e entre a maioria dos grupos experimentais. Já a BUA diminuiu, sendo parte das diferenças significantes entre os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: O método de avaliação da consolidação pelos parâmetros da ultra-sonometria é factível, com resultados confiáveis e precisos para medir a consolidação óssea.OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to compare the in vitro ultrasonic velocity and attenuation in bone healing evaluation. METHODS: Seventeen sheep weighting 37 kg in average were used, being divided into two groups of five animals each and one group of seven animals, according to the postoperative follow-up time (30, 60 and 90 days, respectively). Osteotomies were performed on the right tibiae and the intact left tibiae of the 17 animals were used as control. The healing process was monitored with conventional conventional radiographs taken at two-week intervals. The animals were sacrificed at the end of the corresponding followup period and both right and left tibiae were removed for in vitro underwater and contact ultrasound evaluations. The transverse and longitudinal ultrasound propagation velocity (USPV) and the broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) were measured and correlated. RESULTS: USPV increased with the progression of the healing process, while BUA decreased, with significant differences between the experimental and control groups and between the experimental groups, for most of the comparisons. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the method using ultrasound as employed in this investigation is feasible and reliable for evaluating cortical bone healing

    Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Precision Tests with a Fifth Dimension

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    We perform a complete study of flavour and CP conserving electroweak observables in a slight refinement of a recently proposed five--dimensional model on R^4XS^1/Z_2, where the Higgs is the internal component of a gauge field and the Lorentz symmetry is broken in the fifth dimension. Interestingly enough, the relevant corrections to the electroweak observables turn out to be of universal type and essentially depend only on the value of the Higgs mass and on the scale of new physics, in our case the compactification scale 1/R. The model passes all constraints for 1/R > 4.7 TeV at 90% C.L., with a moderate fine--tuning in the parameters. The Higgs mass turns out to be always smaller than 200 GeV although higher values would be allowed, due to a large correction to the T parameter. The lightest non-SM states in the model are typically colored fermions with a mass of order 1-2 TeV.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures; v2, minor corrections, one reference added; v3, version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    A Comparative Analysis between Ultrasonometry and Computer-Aided Tomography to Evaluate Bone Healing

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    An ultrasonometric and computed-tomographic study of bone healing was undertaken using a model of a transverse mid-shaft osteotomy of sheep tibiae fixed with a semi-flexible external fixator. Fourteen sheep were operated and divided into two groups of seven according to osteotomy type, either regular or by segmental resection. The animals were killed on the 90th postoperative day and the tibiae resected for the in vitro direct contact transverse and axial measurement of ultrasound propagation velocity (UV) followed by quantitative computer-aided tomography (callus density and volume) through the osteotomy site. The intact left tibiae were used for control, being examined in a symmetrical diaphyseal segment. Regular osteotomies healed with a smaller and more mature callus than resection osteotomies. Axial UV was consistently and significantly higher (p?=?0.01) than transverse UV and both transverse and axial UV were significantly higher for the regular than for the segmental resection osteotomy. Transverse UV did not differ significantly between the intact and operated tibiae (p?=?0.20 for regular osteotomy; p?=?0.02 for resection osteotomy), but axial UV was significantly higher for the intact tibiae. Tomographic callus density was significantly higher for the regular than for the resection osteotomy and higher than both for the intact tibiae, presenting a strong positive correlation with UV. Callus volume presented an opposite behavior, with a negative correlation with UV. We conclude that UV is at least as precise as quantitative tomography for providing information about the healing state of both regular and resection osteotomy. (C) 2011 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 30:10761082, 2012Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (The State of Sao Paulo Research Foundation) [2007/56422-0, 2008/55342-5]Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (The State of Sao Paulo Research Foundation

    Simple and Realistic Composite Higgs Models in Flat Extra Dimensions

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    We construct new composite Higgs/gauge-Higgs unification (GHU) models in flat space that overcome all the difficulties found in the past in attempting to construct models of this sort. The key ingredient is the introduction of large boundary kinetic terms for gauge (and fermion) fields. We focus our analysis on the electroweak symmetry breaking pattern and the electroweak precision tests and show how both are compatible with each other. Our models can be seen as effective TeV descriptions of analogue warped models. We point out that, as far as electroweak TeV scale physics is concerned, one can rely on simple and more flexible flat space models rather than considering their unavoidably more complicated warped space counterparts. The generic collider signatures of our models are essentially undistinguishable from those expected from composite Higgs/warped GHU models, namely a light Higgs, colored fermion resonances below the TeV scale and sizable deviations to the Higgs and top coupling.Comment: 30 figures, 9 figures; v2: minor improvements, one reference added, version to appear in JHE

    The Discrete Composite Higgs Model

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    We describe a concrete, predictive incarnation of the general paradigm of a composite Higgs boson, which provides a valid alternative to the standard holographic models in five space-time dimensions. Differently from the latter, our model is four-dimensional and simple enough to be implemented in an event generator for collider studies. The model is inspired by dimensional deconstruction and hence it retains useful features of the five-dimensional scenario, in particular, the Higgs potential is finite and calculable. Therefore our setup, in spite of being simple, provides a complete description of the composite Higgs physics. After constructing the model we present a first analysis of its phenomenology, focusing on the structure of the Higgs potential, on the constraints from the EWPT and on the spectrum of the new particles.Comment: 42 pages, 10 figures; v2: minor changes and references added; v3: version published in JHE