49 research outputs found

    The investigate of effect welding parameter aisi 304 type stainless steel with tig welding

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    Paslanmaz çeliklerin günümüzde geniş bir kullanım alanları vardır. Özellikle korozyon oluşabilecek yerlerdeki kararlılıkları nedeniyle tercih sebebi olmaktadırlar. Başlıca kullanım alanları mutfak eşyaları, endüstriyel mutfaklar, gıda endüstrisi, kimya endüstrisi, süt ürünleri ve soğuk içecek endüstrisinde, fırın ve buhar kazanı yapımında, petrol tesislerinde, beyaz eşya ve iç mimari, aks, mil, pompa gibi otomotiv endüstrisinde, kesici takım yapımında, yüksek korozyon dayanımlı otomobil ve motor parçalarında kullanılmaktadır. Kullanım esnasında kaynaklı birleştirmelere maruz kaldıklarından kaynak paslanmaz çelikler için önemli bir uygulama olmaktadır. Kaynak parametreleri ve ortam şartlarında oluşan farklılıklar kaynaklı parça için hayati önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında AISI 304 paslanmaz çeliği TIG kaynağı ile kaynatılarak, farklı akım ve farklı gaz debisi altında mekanik ve metalurjik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Kaynaklı birleştirmeler sonrası elde edilen numunelere çekme testi uygulanmış ayrıca mikroyapı ve mikro sertlik incelemeleri yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, numunelere uygulanan kaynak akımı ve gaz debisi arttıkça çekme ve çentik dayanımları artmıştır. Sertlik testleri sonucunda en yüksek sertlik değeri kaynak metalinde ölçülmüş ve sırasıyla ITAB ve ana malzeme takip etmiştir. Mikroyapı testlerinde değer olarak yükselen parametreler ile daha derin bir kaynak dikişi olduğu görülmüştür.Stainless steels are widely used today. They are preferred because of their stability in places where corrosion can occur. Main application areas are kitchenware, industrial kitchens, food industry, chemical industry, dairy products and cold drink industry, oven and steam boiler construction, petroleum plants, white goods and interior design, automotive industry such as axle, shaft, pump, cutting tool construction, It is used in automobile and engine parts with high corrosion resistance. Welding is an important application for stainless steels as they are subjected to welded joints during use. Differences in welding parameters and ambient conditions are vital for the welded part. In this study, AISI 304 stainless steel is welded with TIG welding and its mechanical and metallurgical properties are investigated under different current and different gas flow rates. Tensile test was applied to the samples obtained after welded joints and microstructure and micro hardness investigations were performed. As a result, tensile and notch strengths increased as welding current and gas flow applied to samples increased. As a result of the hardness tests, the highest hardness value was measured in the weld metal, followed by ITAB and base material, respectively. Microstructure tests showed a deeper weld seam with increasing parameters

    Hastalıkta ve Sağlıkta Hücre Ölümü- Mekanizmaları ve Deneysel araştırma Modelleri

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    Kanser Araştırmalarında Üç Boyutlu (3B) HücreKültürü Modelleri ve Kullanımları</p

    RNA-Sequencing Technologies for Gaining New Insights About Pediatric Cancers

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    RNA-SequencingTechnologies for Gaining New Insights About Pediatric Cancers</p

    ST sequence miner: visualization and mining of spatio-temporal event sequences

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    As a promising field of research, event sequence analysis seems to assist in facilitating clear reasoning behind human decisions by mining reality behind the sequential actions. Mining frequent patterns from event sequences has proved to be promising in extracting actionable insights, which plays an important role in many application domains. Much of the related work challenges the problem solely from the temporal perspective omitting the information that could be gained from the spatial part. This could be in part due to the fact that analysis of event sequences with references to both time and space is attributed as a challenging task due to the additional variance in the data introduced by the spatial aspect. We propose a visual analytics approach that incorporates spatio-temporal pattern extraction leveraging an extended sequential pattern mining algorithm and a pattern discovery guidance mechanism operating on geographic query and selection capabilities. As an implementation of our approach, we introduce a visual analytics tool, namely ST Sequence Miner, enabling event pattern exploration in time-location space. We evaluate our approach over a credit card transaction dataset by adopting case study methodology. Our study unveils that patterns mined from event sequences can better explain possible relationships with proper visualization of time-location data

    Yumuşak Çeliğin Asidik Ort. KorozyonuÜzerine 2-Amino-6-Metil Piridinin İnhibisyon Etkisi

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    Ett barn kräver mer stöd och förståelse för vad som kommer att ske. En interhospital överföring innebär ett byte av miljö vilket kan upplevas hotfullt för barnet. Miljön är oförutsägbar och vårdpersonal kan uppleva ensamhet om känslan av gemenskap uteblir. Här finns ett behov av trygghet som kan uppnås genom samverkan med kollegor, planering och kunskap. Syftet var att undersöka anestesisjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda barn under interhospital överföring. Studien är gjord med kvalitativ forskningsmetod och data är analyserat med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Sex anestesisjuksköterskor med erfarenhet av interhospital överföring av barn har intervjuats i öppna intervjuer. Semistrukturerade frågeställningar har använts. Det upplevs att en extra skärpa krävs vid vård av barn under interhospital överföring då barn inte har lika mycket reserver som vuxna och läkemedelsdoser samt vitala parametrar varierar med barnets vikt och ålder. Vikten av att vara förberedd på det oförberedda samt att noga planera inför resan framkommer. Erfarenhet påverkar vårdarens förmåga att delegera arbete och speglar hur vårdaren löser olika situationer som upp kommer.Det påverkar även anestesisjuksköterskan syn på ambulanspersonalen. Erfarenhet av att vårda barn ger deltagarna en stark känsla av trygghet. Vårdpersonalen har ett behov av trygghet för att kunna ge en godvård. Det skiljer sig mellan deltagarna beroende på om de upplever en gemenskap med den andra vårdpersonalen under transporten. Gemenskap bildar en trygghet i vårdandet men anestesisjuksköterskan kan fortfarande uppleva en känsla av utsatthet eller ensamhet i vårdandet av ett barn. Föräldrar är barnens trygghet

    Whole Exome Sequencing Analysis of Good and Bad Prognostic Neuroblastoma Patients (on the Behalf of Turkish Pediatric Oncology Group)

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    Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common extracranial solid tumor in children with incidence rate 10.2 per 1 million children under 15 years old. NB has great diversity in clinical behavior while some tumors are easily curable and spontaneously regressed, the others are resistant to chemotherapies and exhibiting high relapse rates. Despite intensive usage of chemotherapies, still 5-year survival rate is about 40% for advanced stage bad prognostic patient group. Hence, there is need for more effective therapeutics and novel biomarkers for early detection of high-risk patients. In the present study we aimed to study molecular mutation profile of both good and bad prognostic NB patients with whole exome sequencing (WES). The NB patients whose risk group previously was confirmed according to TPOG-2009 protocol. 5 patients with good prognosis (low risk &amp; intermediate with good histology) and 5 patients with bad prognosis (intermediate poor histology &amp; high risk) were chosen. As a result, 23 common mutations were found in both prognostic group. While 7 mutations were found to be specific to bad prognostic group, 2 mutations were only observed in good prognostic group patients. The commonly mutated genes were located commonly in cell membrane and extracellular space and mostly interfering with cell signaling and cell communication pathways

    Stemness Related Genes Cause Resistance to SMAC mimetics in Neuroblastoma Cells.

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    Stemness Related Genes Cause Resistance to SMAC mimetics in NeuroblastomaCells</p

    Pan-cancer Analysis of the Oncogenic Role of Sox2 in Human Tumors

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    &nbsp;Pan-cancer Analysis of the Oncogenic Role of Sox2 in Human Tumors.</p