961 research outputs found

    Assessment of Cardiorespiratory Interactions During Spontaneous and Controlled Breathing: Linear Parametric Analysis

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    In this work, we perform a linear parametric analysis of cardiorespiratory interactions in bivariate time series of heart period (HP) and respiration (RESP) measured in 19 healthy subjects during spontaneous breathing and controlled breathing at varying breathing frequency. The analysis is carried out computing measures of the total and causal interaction between HP and RESP variability in both time and frequency domains (low- and high-frequency, LF and HF). Results highlight strong cardiorespiratory interactions in the time domain and within the HF band that are not affected by the paced breathing condition. Interactions in the LF band are weaker and prevalent along the direction from HP to RESP, but result more influenced by the shift from spontaneous to controlled respiration

    Glycoconjugate secretion in human airways in vitro: effects of epithelium removal.

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    The aim of this study was to examine glycoconjugate secretion in human airways with and without an epithelium. Glycoconjugate release in supernatants derived from human airways in vitro was determined using an ELISA assay with an anti-human mucin monoclonal antibody (MAb 3D3). This monoclonal antibody reacted strongly with Le(b) antigen but also recognized in vitro Le(a) and Le(y) determinants. In 11 of the 34 different lung samples (32%) studied the glycoconjugate levels were below the threshhold of detection for this assay. The mean basal secretion of glycoconjugates in human airways in vitro was 100+/-28 microg/g tissue (Period I; n = 23 different lung samples). The amount of glycoconjugate measured in the medium derived from human isolated bronchial ring preparations did not change under control conditions during the course of the experimental procedure (Period I; 128+/-46 microg/g tissue and Period II; 159 +/-48 microg/g tissue; n = 13 paired lung samples). In the supernatants of airway preparations with an intact epithelium the amount of glycoconjugates detected was 90+/-38 microg/g tissue (Period I; n = 12 different lung samples) and removal of the epithelium did not alter this basal glycoconjugate release (94+/-60 microg/g tissue: Period I, n = 8 different lung samples). The absence of the epithelial layer was confirmed by histological evaluation. Methacholine (100 microM) induced a 10- and four-fold increase in glycoconjugate release from airways with and without an epithelium, respectively. In contrast, in preparations with an epithelium, LTD4 (10 microM) and anti-IgE (dilution: 1/1000) did not cause an increase of glycoconjugate release. The methacholine difference between airways with and without an epithelium was not significantly different (P > 0.10). However, a treatment with atropine (100 microM) prevented the increase of glycoconjugate release in preparations with an epithelium. These data derived from a limited number of experiments suggest that the epithelium may not regulate the basal or stimulated release of glycoconjugates from isolated human airways

    MUC5AC mucin release from human airways in vitro: effects of indomethacin and Bay X1005.

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    BACKGROUND: Increased secretion of mucus is a hallmark of many respiratory diseases and contributes significantly to the airflow limitation experienced by many patients. While the current pharmacological approach to reducing mucus and sputum production in patients is limited, clinical studies have suggested that drugs which inhibit the cyclooxygenase and/or 5-lipoxygenase enzymatic pathways may reduce secretory activity in patients with airway disease. AIM: This study was performed to investigate the effects of indomethacin (cyclooxygenase inhibitor) and Bay x 1005 (5-lipoxygenase inhibitor) on MUC5AC release from human airways in vitro. METHODS: An immunoradiometric assay was used to determine the quantities of MUC5AC present in the biological fluids derived from human airways in vitro. The measurements were made with a mixture of eight monoclonal antibodies (MAbs; PM8) of which the 21 M1 MAb recognized a recombinant M1 mucin partially encoded by the MUC5AC gene. RESULTS: The quantities of MUC5AC detected in the biological fluids derived from human bronchial preparations were not modified after treatment with indomethacin (cyclooxygenase inhibitor) and/or an inhibitor of the 5-lipoxygenase metabolic pathway (BAY x 1005). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase metabolic pathways play little or no role in the release of MUC5AC from human airways

    Feasibility of Ultra-short Term Complexity Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in Resting State and During Orthostatic Stress

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    In this work, we study ultra-short term (UST) complexity of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and its agreement with analysis of standard short-term (ST) HRV recordings obtained at rest and during orthostatic stress. Conditional Entropy (CE) measures have been computed using both a linear Gaussian approximation and a more accurate model-free approach based on nearest neighbors. The agreement between UST and ST indices has been compared via statistical tests and correlation analysis, suggesting the feasibility of exploiting faster algorithms and shorter time series for detecting changes in cardiovascular control during various states

    Downs, Stokes and the Dynamics of Electoral Choice

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    A six-wave 2005–09 national panel survey conducted in conjunction with the British Election Study provided data for an investigation of sources of stability and change in voters’ party preferences. The authors test competing spatial and valence theories of party choice and investigate the hypothesis that spatial calculations provide cues for making valence judgements. Analyses reveal that valence mechanisms – heuristics based on party leader images, party performance evaluations and mutable partisan attachments – outperform a spatial model in terms of strength of direct effects on party choice. However, spatial effects still have sizeable indirect effects on the vote via their influence on valence judgements. The results of exogeneity tests bolster claims about the flow of influence from spatial calculations to valence judgments to electoral choice.</jats:p

    ATP induced MUC5AC release from human airways in vitro.

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic airway diseases are often associated with marked mucus production, however, little is known about the regulation of secretory activity by locally released endogenous mediators. AIM: This investigation was performed to determine the release of MUC5AC mucin from human bronchial preparations using the purinergic agonists adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) and uridine 5'-triphosphate (UTP). METHODS: Immunohistochemical and immunoradiometric assays (IRMA) were used to detect the MUC5AC mucin. Immunohistochemical analysis were performed using individual 1-13 M1 and 21 M1 MAbs recognizing a recombinant M1 mucin partially encoded by the MUC5AC gene. IRMA measurments were performed using a mixture of eight anti-M1 mucin MAbs (PM8), which included both 1-13 M1 and 21 M1 MAbs. Lysozyme and protein were also measured in the biological fluids derived from human bronchial preparations obtained from patients who had undergone surgery for lung carcinoma. RESULTS: The anti-M1 monoclonal antibodies labelled epithelial goblet cells. After challenge of human bronchial preparations with ATP, the goblet cells exhibited less staining. In contrast, UTP did not alter the immunolabelling of goblet cells. MUC5AC mucin in the bronchial fluids derived from ATP-challenged preparations was increased while UTP had no effect on release. ATP did not alter either the quantities of lysozyme or protein detected in the biological fluids. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that ATP may regulate epithelial goblet cell secretion of MUC5AC mucin from human airways in vitro

    Assessment of Cardiorespiratory Interactions During Spontaneous and Controlled Breathing: Non-linear Model-free Analysis

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    In this work, nonlinear model-free methods for bivariate time series analysis have been applied to study cardiorespiratory interactions. Specifically, entropy-based (i.e. Transfer Entropy and Cross Entropy) and Convergent Cross Mapping asymmetric coupling measures have been computed on heart rate and breathing time series extracted from electrocardiographic (ECG) and respiratory signals acquired on 19 young healthy subjects during an experimental protocol including spontaneous and controlled breathing conditions. Results evidence a bidirectional nature of cardiorespiratory interactions, and highlight clear similarities and differences among the three considered measures

    Kinetic Control of Interpenetration in Fe-Biphenyl-4,4 '-dicarboxylate Metal-Organic Frameworks by Coordination and Oxidation Modulation

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    Phase control in the self-assembly of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) is often a case of trial and error; judicious control over a number of synthetic variables is required to select the desired topology and control features such as interpenetration and defectivity. Herein, we present a comprehensive investigation of self-assembly in the Fe–biphenyl-4,4′-dicarboxylate system, demonstrating that coordination modulation can reliably tune between the kinetic product, noninterpenetrated MIL-88D(Fe), and the thermodynamic product, two-fold interpenetrated MIL-126(Fe). Density functional theory simulations reveal that correlated disorder of the terminal anions on the metal clusters results in hydrogen bonding between adjacent nets in the interpenetrated phase and this is the thermodynamic driving force for its formation. Coordination modulation slows self-assembly and therefore selects the thermodynamic product MIL-126(Fe), while offering fine control over defectivity, inducing mesoporosity, but electron microscopy shows MIL-88D(Fe) persists in many samples despite not being evident by diffraction. Interpenetration control is also demonstrated using the 2,2′-bipyridine-5,5′-dicarboxylate linker; it is energetically prohibitive for it to adopt the twisted conformation required to form the interpenetrated phase, although multiple alternative phases are identified due to additional coordination of Fe cations to its N donors. Finally, we introduce oxidation modulation—the use of metal precursors in different oxidation states from that found in the final MOF—to kinetically control self-assembly. Combining coordination and oxidation modulation allows the synthesis of pristine MIL-126(Fe) with BET surface areas close to the predicted maximum for the first time, suggesting that combining the two may be a powerful methodology for the controlled self-assembly of high-valent MOFs

    Tailored CO2-philic Anionic Poly(ionic liquid) Composite Membranes: Synthesis, Characterization and Gas Transport Properties

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    Unformatted post printPolymeric membranes either containing, or built from, ionic liquids (ILs) are of great interest for enhanced CO2/light gas separation due to the stronger affinity of ILs toward quadrupolar CO2 molecules, and hence, high CO2 solubility selectivity. Herein, we report the development of a series of four novel anionic poly(IL)-IL composite membranes via a photopolymerization method for effective CO2 separation. Interestingly, these are the first examples of anionic poly(IL)-IL composite systems, in which the poly(IL) component has delocalized sulfonimide anions pendant from the polymer backbone with imidazolium cations as “free” counterions. Two types of photopolymerizable methacryloxy-based IL monomers (MILs) with highly delocalized anions (–SO2–N(-)–SO2–CF3 and –SO2–N(-)–SO2–C7H7) and mobile imidazolium ([C2mim]+) counter cations were successfully synthesized and photopolymerized with two distinct amounts of free IL containing the same structural cation ([C2mim][Tf2N]) and 20 wt% PEGDA crosslinker, to serve as a composite matrix. The structure-property relationships of the four newly developed anionic poly(IL)-IL composite membranes were extensively characterized by TGA, DSC, and XRD analysis. All of the newly developed anionic poly(IL)-IL composite membranes exhibited superior CO2/CH4 and CO2/N2 selectivities together with moderate CO2/H2 selectivity and reasonable CO2 permeabilities. The membrane with an optimal composition and polymer architecture (MIL-C7H7/PEGDA(20%)/IL(1eq.)) reaches the 2008 Robeson upper bound limit of CO2/CH4, due to the simultaneous improvement in permeability and selectivity (CO2 permeability ~ 20 barrer and αCO2/CH4 ~119). This study provides a promising strategy to explore the benefits of anionic poly(IL)-IL composites to separate CO2 from flue gas, natural gas, and syngas streams and open up new possibilities in the polymer membrane design with strong candidate materials for practical applications.Partial support for this work provided by the United States Department of Energy (DE-SC0020282) and NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (80NSSC19K1314), is gratefully acknowledged. Liliana C. Tomé has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 745734
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