2,179 research outputs found

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    Federal Courts - Diversity of Citizenship Jurisdiction - Limited Partnerships

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    The United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit has held that in a limited partnership the citizenship of both the general and limited partners shall be counted for federal diversity jurisdiction, precluding such federal jurisdiction when complete diversity is absent between all members of the limited partnership and the opposing party. Carlsberg Resources Corp. v. Cambria Savings and Loan Association, 554 F.2d 1254 (3d Cir. 1977)

    Cooperation for capacity building of project management offices

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    Predstavitev delovanja projektnih pisarn na srečanju "Drive Impactful Collaboration: Bridging BESTPRAC & EARMAimpact" v organizaciji EARMA - European Association of Research Managers and Administratiors, ki je potekala med 18. in 20. septembrom 2023 na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko v Ljubljani

    Patients with ALS show highly correlated progression rates in left and right limb muscles.

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    ObjectiveAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) progresses at different rates between patients, making clinical trial design difficult and dependent on large cohorts of patients. Currently, there are few data showing whether the left and right limbs progress at the same or different rates. This study addresses rates of decline in specific muscle groups of patients with ALS and assesses whether there is a relationship between left and right muscles in the same patient, regardless of overall progression.MethodsA large cohort of patients was used to assess decline in muscle strength in right and left limbs over time using 2 different methods: The Tufts Quantitative Neuromuscular Exam and Accurate Test of Limb Isometric Strength protocol. Then advanced linear regression statistical methods were applied to assess progression rates in each limb.ResultsThis report shows that linearized progression models can predict general slopes of decline with good accuracy. Critically, the data demonstrate that while overall decline is variable, there is a high degree of correlation between left and right muscle decline in ALS. This implies that irrespective of which muscle starts declining soonest or latest, their rates of decline following onset are more consistent.ConclusionsFirst, this study demonstrates a high degree of power when using unilateral treatment approaches to detect a slowing in disease progression in smaller groups of patients, thus allowing for paired statistical tests. These findings will be useful in transplantation trials that use muscle decline to track disease progression in ALS. Second, these findings discuss methods, such as tactical selection of muscle groups, which can improve the power efficiency of all ALS clinical trials

    The Development of a Template for Structuring Case Studies about Blended Learning, and an Associated Evaluation Check Sheet

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    The Blended Learning International Train the Train Project is focused on the development of a training programme to equip teachers to become proficient in the training others in Blended Learning, which is an approach to teaching that combines online teaching with face-to-face teaching; and aims to leverage the benefits of both. The programme will be developed in two phases, in the first phase a series of case studies relevant to Blended Learning will be developed, followed by a second phase where the training programme with be designed and developed. In developing the blended learning case studies, two key documents were identified as being essential, first, a template to indicate the main headings for the case studies, and, second, a checksheet tool with a number of questions to help undertake reflection on the case studies. These two documents provide a coherent and organized way to structure the case studies

    All Things Merge into One, and a River Runs Through It: Exploring the Dimensions of Blended Learning by Developing a Case Study Template for Blended Activities

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    The BLITT (Blended Learning International Train the Trainer) Project is focused on developing a training programme to equip teachers to become proficient in championing the use of Blended Learning in the classroom. The training programme will be developed in two phases, in the first phase involves the development of a series of case studies relevant to Blended Learning, followed by a second phase where the BLITT training programme will be designed and developed, using input from these cases. In developing the blended learning case studies, two key documents were identified as being essential, first, a case study tracking template to idenitfiying the main reporting headings for the case studies (including looking at Blended Learning from the points-of-view of Security, Accessibility, and Costs), and second, a case study checksheet tool with a number of questions to help undertake reflection on the case studies to assist in completing the template. These two documents provide a coherent and organized way to structure the case studies, and their development is described in this work

    A Business Process Oriented Method of KM Solution Design: The Case of Samsung Electronics Anycall Gumi

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    Building a knowledge management (KM) solution based on a business process oriented methodology requires a transition from the traditional whole company approach to an approach focusing on a certain knowledge intensive business process, which is the core importance for a company. We chose a process dependent method as it provides practically relevant advice for managers who are striving to inject knowledge-leveraging activities inside everyday work activities of their employees. Knowledge only has organizational value when applied in better decision making or improved behavior of employees, thus, KM-related interventions need to have impact directly in value-adding business process. We present how KM projects can be more successful if they are treated as business process oriented organizational change projects. The goal of this article is: 1) to provide a six step method for design of knowledge management solutions, and 2) to show its practical application in the case of Samsung Electronics Anycall Gumi

    Odrasli in e-izobraževanje povzetek - motivi odraslih za vključitev v e-izobraževanje

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    V članku so predstavljeni motivi odraslih za vkljucitev v e-izobrazevanje. Raziskava se nanasa na udeležence II. letnika studija na daljavo na Dobi, v Visji strokovni soli v solskem letu 2003/2004. Rezultati so bili zhrani na podlagi anketnega vprasalnika. v zacetnem delu so opredelitve dopisnega izobrazevanja, izobrazevanje na daljavo in e-izobrazevanja. Opisan je model e-izobrazevanja v okviru studija na daljavo na Visji strokovni soli na Dobi v Mariboru. Večina članka temelji na rezultatih raziskave, ki kazejo na to, da se je najvec udeležencev v e-izobrazevanje vključilo zaradi pridobitve visje izobrazbe in novega znanja. Kat največjo prednost so udeleženci navedli samostojnost in casovno fleksibilnost izobrazevanja, saj jim je vseč, da lahko sami izbirajo cas izobrazevanja in ga prilagajajo svojim sposobnostim in trenutnemu razpoloženju

    Die Internierung von japanisch- und deutschstämmigen Amerikanern in den USA im Zuge des Zweiten Weltkriegs

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    Die zentrale Zielsetzung der Arbeit ist es, sowohl Vorgeschichte als auch Verlauf der Internierungen beider Volksgruppen durch die US-Regierung im Zuge des Zweiten Weltkriegs sowie die Versuche einer gesetzlichen Legitimierung seitens der US-Regierung zu untersuchen. In einer vergleichenden Analyse sollen die Gemeinsamkeiten sowie Unterschiede und die möglichen Motive für die Internierung beider Volksgruppe erforscht werden. Der erste Teil der Arbeit setzt sich mit der unterschiedlichen Einwanderungsgeschichte beider Volksgruppen und der sozialen Stellung und den beruflichen Haupttätigkeiten in den USA auseinander. Der zweite Teil analysiert die unterschiedlichen staatlichen Stellen, die (vor)Geschichte der Erfassung „verdächtiger Alien Enemies“ und die gesetzliche(n) Legitimierungsversuche anhand der Erlässe der US-Regierung sowie den Verlauf der Internierung bei beiden Volksgruppen. Da die US-Regierung aufgrund der strategischen Bedeutung auch in Lateinamerika hinsichtlich der dort ansässigen japanischen und deutschen Einwanderer intervenierte und sich für eine Internierung bzw. Auslieferung einsetzte, wird im Zuge der Arbeit auch auf den Umgang lateinamerikanischer Länder mit den dort ansässigen deutsch- und japanischstämmigen Einwanderern eingegangen. Der dritte Teil der Arbeit ist den unterschiedlichen Internierungsarten und Lagertypen gewidmet, auch hier liegt der Fokus auf der Herausarbeitung von Unterschieden und Gemeinsamkeiten in der Internierung beider Volksgruppen sowie der Zuordnung der verschiedenen Lagertypen. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass sowohl im Verlauf der Internierung als auch bei den Lagertypen viele Parallelen zwischen den beiden Volksgruppen gab, einen besonderen Fall stellt indes aber die flächendeckende Internierung der japanischstämmigen Amerikaner an der Westküste dar