148 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Performa Implementasi SAP ERP Di Industri Retail

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    This study aims to examine the factors that affect the performance of the ERP implementation. These factors are: the data migration, system documentation, knowledge transfer, system testing, and integration interfaces. These factors can increase the performance of the implementation of ERP software applications that are on retail industry. The case study method in this research is using interviews and direct observation, the object of the interview in this study is Functional modules of SAP ERP. Sources of data derived from primary data and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that factors influence on the performance of retail industry. Therefore, the factors to be considered in order to improve the success of SAP ERP project in the future. The theoretical implications and suggestions for future research are also discussed in the final part of this study. (SB

    Evaluasi Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Performa Implementasi SAP ERP Di Industri Retail

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    This study aims to examine the factors that affect the performance of the ERP implementation. These factors are: the data migration, system documentation, knowledge transfer, system testing, and integration interfaces. These factors can increase the performance of the implementation of ERP software applications that are on retail industry. The case study method in this research is using interviews and direct observation, the object of the interview in this study is Functional modules of SAP ERP. Sources of data derived from primary data and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that factors influence on the performance of retail industry. Therefore, the factors to be considered in order to improve the success of SAP ERP project in the future. The theoretical implications and suggestions for future research are also discussed in the final part of this study. (SB

    Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Kualitas Sistem, Kualitas Informasi, dan Kualitas Layanan Elearning UIN Walisongo (Studi Kasus Mata Kuliah Manajemen Sistem Informasi)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kualitas sistem, kualitas informasi, dan kualitas layanan pada elearning UIN Walisongo Semarang. Studi kasus penelitian ini pada matakuliah manajemen sistem informasi jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam (MPI) di Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan (FITK) UIN Walisongo Semarang. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi di lapangan secara langsung dan wawancara dengan mahasiswa MPI. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kualitas sistem pada elearning UIN Walisongo, memudahkan mahasiswa dalam proses pembelajaran. kualitas informasi pada elearning UIN Walisongo memberikan informasi tentang materi dan tugas perkuliahan, sedangkan kualitas layanan pada elearning UIN Walisongo sudah disediakan media tutorial dalam bentuk video dan PDF, serta tersedianya layanan helpdesk untuk membantu mahasiswa dalam menggunakan elearning UIN Walisongo.

    Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Kualitas Sistem, Kualitas Informasi, dan Kualitas Layanan Elearning UIN Walisongo (Studi Kasus Mata Kuliah Manajemen Sistem Informasi)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kualitas sistem, kualitas informasi, dan kualitas layanan pada elearning UIN Walisongo Semarang. Studi kasus penelitian ini pada matakuliah manajemen sistem informasi jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam (MPI) di Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan (FITK) UIN Walisongo Semarang. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi di lapangan secara langsung dan wawancara dengan mahasiswa MPI. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kualitas sistem pada elearning UIN Walisongo, memudahkan mahasiswa dalam proses pembelajaran. kualitas informasi pada elearning UIN Walisongo memberikan informasi tentang materi dan tugas perkuliahan, sedangkan kualitas layanan pada elearning UIN Walisongo sudah disediakan media tutorial dalam bentuk video dan PDF, serta tersedianya layanan helpdesk untuk membantu mahasiswa dalam menggunakan elearning UIN Walisongo.

    Pengaruh Aliran-Aliran Falsafat Pemidanaan Dalam Pembentukan Hukum Pidana Nasional

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    This research discusses the development of criminal sanction philosophy from time to time. This research is a normative research which has juridical philosophic character. The approach applied in this research is conceptual approach, because of its relation with criminal sanction philosophy which could be the basis of criminal law. The research was performed by using literary study. The legal matters is qualitatively analyzed. Using that method, the conclusions obtained are school of criminal law which developed in its era had influenced the Indonesian criminal legal scholar in formulating and connecting the theoretical framework and the criminal sanction philosophy inside the currently discussed reformation of criminal law either legislation or formal criminal law and material criminal law. School and philosophy of criminal law sanction has the role of reflection of Indonesian criminal law reformation

    Penggunaan Pidana Denda dalam Perundang- Undangan

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    The application of fine on the national criminal law perspective have got significant progress. It is indicated by the acceptance of philosophy of conmdemnation about fine anda progress from the way of realization forits, conmdemnation by using the variouskinds of models introduced, but the glowof this application for fine have not been satisfied entirely because the trend is that sentence law forcn'minalis stiil applied sentence law as acommon law. That is why it need to launch the new thoughts as the break through inorder that the functionalization of conceptof fine is acceptable as the preventive alternatives for crime prospectivel


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    Metode electrical signature analysis dewasa ini menjadi alternatif dalam pemantauan kondisi di pembangkit daya reaktor nuklir tidak hanya bagi komponen stationer seperti sensor, untai instrumentasi dan komponen-komponennya, tetapi juga untuk perangkat dinamis seperti motor, pompa, generator dan berbagai jenis aktuator. Untuk menjamin akurasi hasilnya, kalibrasi sistim pemantauan adalah sebuah keharusan yang pada prakteknya biasanya dilakukan secara offline, sangat dibatasi dengan jadwal waktu tertentu dan prosedur keselamatan tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan teknik kalibrasi secara online pada pemantauan kondisi berbasis electrical signature analisis agar perangkat pengukuran dan instrumentasi bisa dijamin akurasinya secara kontinu yang akhirnya juga akan berimplikasi pada keselamatan reaktor secara keseluruhan. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara detil dan bertahap, mulai dari menganalisis teknik kalibrasi secara konvensional, kalibrasi online berdasarkan informasi baseline dan teknik kalibrasi berdasarkan pengaturan perbedaan gain. Teknik kalibrasi secara online berdasarkan pengaturan differential gain dibanding dengan teknik kalibrasi lainnya memberikan hasil terbaik meskipun diberi perbedaan gain yang ekstrim dan kemungkinan pengganggu eksternal seperti catu daya.Kata kunci : pemantauan kondisi, kalibrasi online, electrical signature analysis Electrical signature analysis currently becomes an alternative in condition monitoring in nuclear power plants not only for stationary components such as sensors, measurement and instrumentation channels, and other components but also for dynamic componentssuch as electric motors, pumps, generator or actuators. In order to guarantee the accuracy, the calibration of monitoring systemis anecessary which practically is performed offline, under limited schedules and certain tight procedures. This research aims to introduce online calibration technique for electrical signature condition monitoring in order that the accuracy can be maintained continuously which in turn increases the reactor safety as a whole. The research was performed step by stepin detail from the conventional technique, online calibration using baseline information and online calibration using differential gain adjustment. Online calibration based on differential gain adjustment provides better results than other techniques even tough under extreme gain insertion as well as external disturbances such as supply voltages. Key words : condition monitoring, online calibration, electrical signature analysi


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    Sistem kendali level air di pressurizer sangat dibutuhkan bagi keselamatan pengoperasian PWR dengan menyelaraskan perubahan volume sekaligus mempertahankan tekanan yang ada di kalang primer pada set point tertentu. Beberapa riset telah mengusulkan sistem cerdas baik neural network maupun fuzzy logic untuk meningkatkan kemampuan sistem kendali konvensional level yang umum dipakai di PWR yaitu Proportional-Integral (PI) atau Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID). Namun sangat disayangkan penelitian-penelitian ini kurang mengkaji secara komprehensif potensi kendali konvensional ini. Padahal jika parameternya ditentukan dengan lebih seksama akan memberikan hasil yang setara bahkan lebih baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab tantangan ini dengan meneliti lebih seksama sekaligus menguji parameter-parameter kendali ini agar diperoleh konfigurasi terbaik untuk sistem kendali level air pressurizer. Dibanding dengan dengan hasil simulasi sistem cerdas jaringan saraf tiruan yang pernah dibuat sebelumnya, ternyata kendali PI hasil penelitian ini memberikan peningkatan waktu naik yang lebih baik sekitar 280 kali, peningkatan waktu penetapan sekitar 293 kali, penurunan lewatan maksimum sekitar 1,1 kali, dan penurunan puncak sekitar 0,2 %. Hasil validasi dari konfigurasi ini juga terbukti stabil, mampu mengatasi gangguan selama 10 detik dengan puncak maksimum level 0,005%, dan mampu mengikuti perubahan set point dengan baik.  ABSTRACT The control system in the pressurizer water level is necessary for the safety of the operation of pressurizer water reactors (PWRs). It will compensate t the primary loop volume changes while keeping the existing pressure of the primary loop at a certain set point. Some researchers have proposed both an intelligent system of neural network and a fuzzy logic to improve the capability of the common conventional control systems used in PWR, i.e. Proportional-Integral (PI) or Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID). However, those studies did not comprehensively assess the potential of the conventional control systems. It has been confirmed that if the parameters of the Pibased control system are determined more carefully, its results will be equivalent to the results of other control systems or even better. This study aims to address this challenging topic by examining and testing control parameters more closely to obtain the best configuration of the PI-based control system. Compared to the results of the artificial neural network-based control system, the PI results of this study provide an increase of rise time around 280 times, better settling time for approximately 293 times, a decrease of overshoot about 1.1 times, and a reduction of the peak around 0.2%. The configuration has also been validated to be stable and able to overcome disturbances for about 10 seconds with a maximum peak level of 0.005%. Moreoever, it can track the set point changes very well


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    The Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia assesses that there are still many Islamic boarding schools that have not yet been established, so they need to strive for their independence. For this reason, the Ministry of Religion has launched the “Pesantren Independence Road Map” (2021). This study examines the independence of Islamic boarding schools based on kopontren at the Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School (PPS). The aim is to prove the independence of PPS. The research method used is qualitative research which analyzes data in the form of statements and documentation. From the research conducted, it was found evidence that PPS is an independent Islamic boarding school both in terms of institutional, management, curriculum, manpower and funding aspects. This independence is achieved through the implementation of management principles such as planning, organizing, acting and controlling in managing the pesantren. In addition, the study also found that there are seven characteristics of PPS independence, namely having a business charity that is able to finance the financial needs of the pesantren, being able to manage its finances from the time the students register to completing their studies at the pesantren, being able to meet the basic needs of the students, being able to manage and determine the educational curriculum for the students. santri independently, not asking for help from other parties or the government to build pesantren. In addition, it has educational institutions, da'wah, social, economic and alumni networks that support the independence of pesantren


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    INVESTIGASI PEMANTAUAN VIBRASI UNTUK KESELAMATAN OPERASI POMPAPENDINGIN PWR. Pompa pendingin reaktor adalah salah satu komponen penting dalam sistemkeselamatan di PWR yang pemeliharaannya membutuhkan pemantauan secara online seperti melaluianalisis vibrasi. Penelitian ini mendemonstrasikan investigasi berbagai kerusakan baik mekanik,elektromekanik maupun munculnya fenomena hidrolika dengan membandingkan hasil pengukurandengan berbagai model spektrum frekuensi kerusakan berbasis vibrasi yang ada.Untuk pengujiannya,mengingat tidak tersedianya pompa pendingin PWR, maka motor pendingin sekunder reaktor risetGA Siwabessy dengan prinsip motor induksi dan pompa yang sama dengan di PWR digunakan.Diperoleh hasil awal kondisi motor pendingin yang relatif baik dengan nilai RMS sinyalternormalisasi adalah 0.5187, nilai kurtosisnya 2.08, dan crest factor 2.60, masih relatif berada dibawah batas-batas level tanda-tanda kerusakan. Selain itu, penelitian ini berhasil mengidentifikasidugaan munculnya fenomena kavitasi dengan puncak frekuensi random antara 1000-1250 Hz danfrekuensi BPF sekitar 125 Hz, walaupun hasil ini perlu konfirmasi yang lebih lanjut dengan analisisyang lebih detil pada pengukuran disisi pompa.Kata Kunci : keselamatan, pompa pendingin, analisis vibrasi, PW
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